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  1. EDO aire DG -SOLD vacuum pump - $50 Garmin glide slope GI106A - $SOLD Edo Aire attitude 52D67 - $215 Buyer pays shipping. venmo or Zelle
  2. I'd like to upgrade my King KAP 150 to a Garmin GFC 500 and I'd like to have it done semi-locally (I'm based at KCMA). Can anyone recommend an avionics shop in SoCal? TIA, DJ N201LX
  3. I have some used avionics that were removed working from a BN2A Islander in 2017. I ended up with them after the charter company closed doors in 2019. There is no paperwork on these. Shipping will be from Canada. Prices in USD: Garmin GNC250XL - $1500+ shipping Garmin GMA 340 - connector on rear of tray bent - $1000 + shipping King KX-155 no glideslope - note, I used this in an aircraft I ferried in Sept 2023 and it worked flawlessly - the display is perfect. $1000 + shipping typical disclaimer - no warranties express or implied, no holds, first come first serve, etc. I’m happy to entertain offers! Blaine
  4. It is becoming more and more likely I will need an avionics master relay for my 1988 "J". Mooney no longer supplies that part. Any suggestions on where to find one?
  5. Mooney save back at home ! M20J MSE 243164 (1990) The issue (description by local mechanic on site, at that time I'm 240nm away at home): Battery Master and Alternator ON: The fuel pump and the starter do not work, the lights are working. Battery is full charged, no issue. To make the boost pump and starter work, have to put the avionics switch ON, then everything works. The engine can be started. But, if avionics ON the boost pump can not switch OFF (beside pulling the CB). It’ just running, even the boost pump switch is off. Technically I could fly the plane home for further inspection and repair. I’m now afraid about a possible short circuit somewhere. Any Idea? __________________ Update 6/6/22 pls see below too _________________________ Thank you very much for all the support and good advice. The error description above came from the French mechanic in Colmar LFGA. I had tried, on the way to Colmar, sitting 10h in a train, to trigger Mooneyspace as additional support, typed on the iPhone. To me, the description seemed so strange, I had tried to have you as such a good source on my side. On site, I then had remote support from my avionics professional who did the avionics conversion (2xG5, GNS 530/430 WAAS+210, AT1, ADL) two years ago, as well as from another avionics examiner, both from Germany. On site, the situation turned out to be different than described by the French mechanic. The boost pump did not work. Navigation switch on or off did not matter. I did measured through the boost pump switch, which is also a CB - Mooney standard wiring. It works normally. A separate Boost Pump CB does not exist therefore also. the French mechanic has probably confused that with the fuel flow CB. Probably just the boost pump is defective or has/had a short circuit. We are now clarifying this at home. I was able to start the Mooney without the boost pump, normal procedure, but with the avionics switch off. So, at least for me, there is no longer any connection of the issue with the avionics bus, as far as can be seen at least now. I had wondered about an error that had already occurred 2 months ago. Therefore, I had a possible dependency with the avionik relay not seen as entirely impossible. The Alt Field CB jumped out once, but could be pushed in again. No further issue. This occurred again on the flight to Colmar. Not on the return flight. I can't see any connection with the boost pump. Maybe it's just "lause and fleas" at the same time. We are now looking into this at home. Again thank you all. Any advice on both problems is of course highly appreciated by me.
  6. My GMX200 display is intermittently distorted. It was present during a flight yesterday but by the time I shut down 30 minutes later the resolution had returned to normal. I reseated the connections today and cycled on/off several times but the distortion remained. Temps here in the Washington state have dropped recently and I am wondering if this may be related. Anyone else see this? Also, it seems to resolve from the left side of the screen to the right.
  7. I don't know about you folks, but I think that there is a conspiracy to ensure that there is no head-to-head comparison available on the internet between these two uniTS. I already have a GTN 750, JPI engine monitor, Century 41 autopilot and am thinking of moving to just about full glass for primary instruments and full time traffic, terrain, and weather awareness but looking for the most economical way to do that. Any informed opinions wood be super welcome.
  8. After loss of pitot input the IAS "red-x'd" on my dual GI 275 installation. I had the opportunity to test various failure considerations I had been thinking about to evaluate how the AHRS (attitude indicator) would perform. Would it "red-x", tumble or drift? The failures were equivalent of having lost alternator and battery and therefore shutting down the panel as well as causing the pitot tube to freeze in IMC. Would the GI 275 AI survive? Chris
  9. Hi all! Garmin will have our recently upgraded Ovation 2 on display at the Garmin exhibit during AirVenture Oshkosh featuring the G500 TXi flight display, dual GTN Xi navigators, dual GI 275 electronic flight instruments, and the GFC 500 autopilot. Stop by, say hi, and take a look at how we upgraded the company Ovation! For more info on new products, seminars, and other Garmin news during Oshkosh, visit www.garmin.com/Oshkosh. Kyle
  10. GI 275 software 2.32. upgrade installed and showing very easy access to the GPSS vs HDG toggle function for the Autopilot. It is now in the first menu level rather than three levels deep. I did not install the alternative option which is a physical panel switch since I wanted to try the software option first. Since the software option works quite well I do not think I will be installing the switch. Need to make more flights in IMC and busy ATC with interspersed deviations to make final assessment. However, based on this flight it appears I will stay with the software option. There were no glitches whatsoever. Easy to toggle even in busy ATC airspace. GI 275 performed excellently as in the past including an RNAV approach. Very happy with the change!!!
  11. I was asked in a PM whether the active leg of a hold was displayed in the GI 275 while also displaying it on the GNS 530W and if it was flown correctly by the autopilot.My setup is a GI 275 ADAHRS+AP as primary ADI and a GI 275 ADAHRS configured as MFD/Standby ADI. They are connected to the GNS 530W and the ADAHRS+AP unit drives the KFC 150 autopilot. They work perfectly together and will fly a hold and course reversal without any issues.This video shows them in action. Regards, Chris Koppel
  12. Buying a 1965 Ranger equipped with a Garmin 430 (non-WAAS). Called Garmin to check on upgrading it to full WAAS...$4400, plus an antenna, cabling and labor by the installer. The nice man at Garmin Customer Service also indicated that after May 29, 2020 Garmin would no longer support the 430, only the 430W. If you have a 430, keep that in mind. To me, it looks like the industry is moving away from avionics with any VOR capability (For example, the GNC 355), so to have it available as a backup in the box seems like a plus. Starting from scratch with some old Narco radios is one thing, but to have an existing 430, a King 155 and King transponder already in the panel seems like the WAAS upgrade and a Tailbeacon is the way to go. Thoughts?
  13. Hi Mooney fans! Im from Advanced Aviation Reno Inc and we are a dealership and install facility for Dynon certified, Trutrak autopilots, Avidyne, Trig Avionics, JPI and Surefly ignition systems! We love all Mooneys and we work on them all the time. We've been waiting on TruTrak finishing certification on the Mooney variant of their autopilots but after chatting today with our contact at Dynon, it seems highly likely that the Dynon autopilot for the HDX may be ready at the same time, if not before! (I presume TT and Dynon may have been working together?who knows) We can also do Aspen E5 units and G5's on request and the Dynon display with integrate nicely with the TT- the Dynon version will be quite a bit cheaper and the overall cost is way cheaper than a Garmin G3X setup, both in equipment cost and installation time. So any Mooney work that needs doing (Avionics or mechanical) and you're in flying range of Reno give us a shout! Ask for me (Calum) and I can hook you up with a great avionics deal. We can give discounts on bundle deals like an Aspen and TT, or A dynon and Avidyne IFD email: avionics.aari@gmail.com facebook: @advancedaviationreno We also have a website but I haven't got around to overhauling it yet: www.advancedaviationreno.com
  14. We are looking to add GPS to the panel of N3510N. We didn't think we'd be able to afford this upgrade to our IFR platform this soon, but the release of the GNX 375 is a perfect spatial and cost effective fit for us, given the ADS-B requirement. We will pull the KT-76A transponder and fill that spot with the GNX 375. The question becomes how to display this information on indicators. Currently, we have a KX-155 w/glideslope driving a KI-209 (pilot's-side panel), and another KX-155 (no glideslope) driving a KI-208 (pax-side panel). Note that within the year, we intend to do a panel reorg bringing the #1 and #2 indicators both to the far right side of the pilot's-side panel. As we see it there are two options: 1) Leave Nav#2 (KX-155 no glideslope) and the KI-208 alone. Replace the KI-209 with a KI-209A and a remote switch, displaying both the GPS and Nav#1 (KX-155 w/glidslope) on the KI-209A. 2) Get rid of the KI-208 (or pull but save for later pax-side panel reorg) leaving no indication for the 2nd KX-155. Leave the Nav#1 (KX-155 w/glideslope) driving the KI-209 as is. Buy a new indicator (KI-209A or GI-106B) to display the GPS (GNX 375). So questions are: 1) On option 2, is there a reason to pick the KI-209A vs GI-106B? 2) Option 1 vs. Option 2: Unique indicators for GPS and Nav#1, vs driving a single switched indicator. 3) Any issues with driving our Brittain AccuTrak II with either of these setups 4) Anything else we are missing here (...besides a 10" G3X Touch)?
  15. I’m making this post in the event others are thinking about installing the Bendix-King (BK) KA 310 Electronic Attitude Indicator, KI 300, and newly certified Autopilot interface, KA 310. I fly a 1985 M20J that until a couple of years ago had a KLN 94 for GPS navigation along with the other original electronics. Two years ago I had a BK KNS 770 with a DAC GDC-31 roll-steering adapter installed to allow full use of the KFC 150 autopilot. Last week I had a new BK KI 300 and KA 310 installed at Depot Avionics in Alamosa, CO to replace the original analog vacuum-driven KI 256. It cost about $6,500 for everything. Given the overhaul cost of the KI 256 and the fact that my vacuum pump was near end-of-life, I considered the price quite reasonable. In my opinion, the KNS-770 is a great instrument, and with the KI-300 after 2,800 Mooney hours, am inching towards the digital world. The KNS-770 performs flawlessly, is intuitive, and is relatively easy to update from maps downloaded to a usb memory stick. Too bad BK has stopped further development and marketing. The KI 300 is an enormous safety improvement over the old AI. It has a lot of essential information in one place and a backup battery that allowed removal of the vacuum pump. This means no longer replacing the vacuum pump every 600-800 hours and no further KI 256 overhauls.
  16. I have a loud buzz in headsets on both radios when transmitting while engine is running and on ground. When airborne, no buzz but tower reports transmissions are weak and unreadable. All is quiet (no buzz) and both units seem to work when on ground and engine not running. Ground reports transmissions back as okay. The King 155 was just sent out to Mid Continent and returned "repaired" with new digital readout (expensive). Re installed and original problem remains. The other radio is a Narco 12D and works fine other than loud buzz in headset. Have Narco glideslope with DME readout. Also have Tierra audio panel and PS1000 intercom. Have a generator -no generator whine detected when running. The local repair facility wants to replace the Tierra audio panel and intercom hoping that problem will correct itself. Does not seem to want to troubleshoot the root problem. Any thoughts or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for your input. Mert - KDVT
  17. Looking to price some panel upgrades and ADSB. Any shop recommendations reasonably close to South Carolina? I've heard Lowe in Georgia is good. Looking for three to get estimates from. Thanks
  18. I am getting ready to upgrade my panel, major changes, completely redo the interior as well as new paint. The plane has already been completely stripped of all old paint and the control surfaces reinstalled for ferry. Which order would you do the above? I am thinking, 1. Avionics, 2. Interior 3. Paint. Anyone know of any reason it would be advantageous to do it in a different order? Thanks, Frank
  19. Hi MS-ers, I'm 3/4 finished with panel upgrade of our 1967C. Installed JPI EDM900, which produced a bumper crop of unneeded instrumentation. I want to offer these items here on MS before listing them on ebay. 1. Tach, stamped from the 1980's, built by Superior Labs, Inc., Hot Sprgs, AR. for Cessna. Working when removed. Agreed with new EDM900 tach, hour meter says 1018.0 hours. No logo on face plate. No cable. 2. Original six-gauge Garwin instrument cluster in 2 rows, 3 cols layout, with amphenol connector. All gauges working when removed except oil temperature. ***SOLD*** 3. Combined Garwin MP/FP gauge, overhauled Dec., 11, 2017. Mooney logo on face plate. 4. Radair single EGT indicator- worked upon removal. ***SOLD*** 5. EI VA-1A certified VA meter with wiring harness and shunt. Purchased last fall and installed. Made redundant by EDM900. Working when removed. ***SOLD*** 6. EI Oil Temp/Press gauge. with press. xducer/temp. sens. and wiring harness. Working when removed. ***SOLD*** 7. Dynon D-2 pocket panel with external GPS antenna, accessory power plug in and wall adapter. Top few lines horizontal of the display are always white but these don't cover up vital information. Works otherwise. With pinch mount for installation in empty 3-1/8" instrument hole. This thing is cool. I wish I had a spot for it, but I don't. ***SOLD*** 8. Garmin 396 aviation GPS with external antenna, accessory power plug, antenna for Sirius XM weather data, software updated November, 2017. With mounting bracket. Working. Tons of cool features. ***SOLD*** 9. Original carb. temp. gauge with amphenol connector, made by Aicrcraft Instrument and Dev. Inc. Inop when removed. Don't know if gauge is bad or sensor. If you are interested, please send PM. I can send photos of what interests you. -Fred
  20. After a lot of work and a fairly big chunk of change this is my upgraded panel for my 89' Mooney 201. It features a Garmin 530WAAS, 345 Gamin Transponder (ADS-B In& Out). Regarding the 345, I opted for the density altitude/temperature feature. Very handy when taking off when dealing with high density altitude airports. This required a separate temperature probe. Garmin Encoder, JPI900 engine monitor (Love it). Century autopilot. I mounted my Wing X Pro 7 on my mini iPad. Not shown is an antenna pig tail where I can plug in my Icom hand held should I need a 2nd Comm. It is as close to all glass as I can afford. I fly approximately 150hr/year. BTW-all the instruments and Druck transducers are listed For Sale here on Mooney Space. Everything worked fine when removed. AOPA article August 2016.pdf
  21. Good morning. I'm going to price some upgrades to my avionics and wanted to get your opinions on what I'm thinking of doing. I'm currently leaning towards a GTN650(sell the 430w) ps8000b audio, GTX345 adsb, upgrading the JPI700 to a 730(don't want to spend the $ on primary yet), gonna price GPSS for the Century 2b too. I will mostly use the iPad connected to the 650 for flight planning input and traffic. What do you guys think for replacing the separate NAV and Comm radios? Should I just ride them out as they function just fine? I'm holding out on autopilot upgrades and things like the G5 for now too because I don't want to get over 18amus on this round. Any thoughts or opinions on this plan?
  22. I am looking for a recommendation for an annual inspection in Bismarck, North Dakota. I have had two shops recommended but neither were from Mooney drivers. They were: Bismarck Aero Center, Inc. and Executive Air in Bismarck in North Dakota Any Bismarck / North Dakota Mooney owners have experience with either of these two? I thank you in advance!
  23. Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the proper forum on the site so if it's not my apologies. I started my transition training in my (new to me) 67 M20F last weekend and was promptly notified by ATC that my Mode C was not transmitting my altitudes. Then I noticed the GPS was out and then learned that the passenger side only transmitted a signal but could not be heard by ATC on the radio. In lieu of all this I have decided to explore getting my panel upgrades now so I might be able to enjoy some Summer flying. I am looking to create a nice panel with some glass features and standard back-up along with new radios, GPS, ADS B Transponder, etc... The shop at KSMO that I met with said they won't work on Mooney's due to the difficulty in accessing the panel and the fact that they need to be drilled out. My question is can anyone recommend a Mooney friendly Avionics shop near Santa Monica that does great work in a timely way that won't kill a new aircraft owner on price and installation. My overall goal is to have a clean and functional panel installation that can support my growth as a Mooney pilot over many years to come. Perhaps some all in one Garmin Products, Aspen, or others will fit the bill. Any suggestions from those in the know will be appreciated. Obviously the sky can be the limit with costs and its easy to pay more for new technology than what was paid for the plane. I was looking forward to flying her on a weekly basis through my transition training and now I cannot even leave the air space without approval to take her to a shop without a working transponder. Thanks in advance for any insight.
  24. Mark Coleman's Depot Avionics shop at KALS with shop foreman Mike (didn't get last name) installed GTX 345 on time, on budget and with a smile. Preliminary flight squawk-free, will conduct FAA ADS-B survey as time warrants. Absence of updates to this post indicate all is well. Thanks Mark and Mike! ps: Just used: https://adsbperformance.faa.gov/PAPRRequest.aspx for FAA survey for the ferry home, all good.
  25. We are looking to share the new expansion to the entire Mooney Community. What are you looking for? What are you interested in doing in the near future? Please give us an opportunity to earn your work and make a good difference not only with your aircraft, but throughout the community as well. We can accommodate your needs from an annual to a full avionics stack upgrade. We are running several different specials and are booking installations for the upcoming ADS-B mandate that is right around the corner in 2020. Give us a shot, you will NOT be disappointed!!! Shoot me an email, text or call me if you have any questions and to schedule your visit. Greg Baker 541-205-9141 gbaker@bakeravionics.com
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