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At annual last year I did the gross weight increase on my plane, but up until this evening I never had the opportunity to fly it near the gross weight.  I loaded up my instructor and a second instructor who wanted to ride along- three grown men, two of us aren't exactly FAA standard weight..  Taking off out of ADS was fine, but I only had 30 gallons of fuel.  I topped off the tanks at North Texas Regional and went to take off.  I expected a sluggish climb due to the weight.  It wasn't normal, but I still had a steady 800 ft/min climb off the runway with 80 degree temps.


These are just incredible airplanes.  200 HP and three grown men.  I love my plane!!!!!

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At annual last year I did the gross weight increase on my plane, but up until this evening I never had the opportunity to fly it near the gross weight.  I loaded up my instructor and a second instructor who wanted to ride along- three grown men, two of us aren't exactly FAA standard weight..  Taking off out of ADS was fine, but I only had 30 gallons of fuel.  I topped off the tanks at North Texas Regional and went to take off.  I expected a sluggish climb due to the weight.  It wasn't normal, but I still had a steady 800 ft/min climb off the runway with 80 degree temps.


These are just incredible airplanes.  200 HP and three grown men.  I love my plane!!!!!

I was thinking the same thing this morning. Launched out of O27 (Oakdale, CA) with my daughter after a trip to CA for the weekend to visit my Dad who will turn 80 in a few weeks. Nice tailwind over the Sierras and most of Nevada and cruised near 165 to 170 knots for three hours. 3:16 total flight time and 29 gallons of fuel to fly to Utah. At one point I pulled the mixture back to 7.5 gallons per hour and was still doing 165 knots over the ground. Without the Mooney I would not have gotten to spend the weekend with my Dad and missed an opportunity to hike in Yosemite with my Daughter.


There is information about this on the Mooney website. It only applies to certain J models manufactured after a certain date, but the info spells out the serial numbers that can do this. As I remember, there is a change to the markings on the airspeed indicator that is required, and certain placarding has to be put in place.  It's a few thousand dollars once all is said and done.


"Do the later J models have beefier wings or something?"


I have always heard that there are only two different wings ever, (twisted & standard not counting the wooden wing), not the emmpenage the main wing. Is this the case? Was just wondering. I have also heard that the different weight restrictions had to do with landing weight. I heard that the main gear structures, were different on the planes with higher gross weights. I love to learn all I can about these planes. They are amazing machines, I was to pick up a fellow onetime in Georgia, and I was accompanied by another fellow, he an I both go about 190 or so, the fellow I was to pick up goes a good 275, these facts I knew before hand. I topped the mains like always and took off, about 45 minutes later we landed at a small airport west of KATL, borrowed a van to go get the fella. Well, when we get to the meeting spot I learn he has two HEAVY boxes of tools and two boxes of files and other items. Well this was in mid August and humidity was high so I was concerned. When we arrived back at the plane I immediately was thinking about the weight and getting off the ground. I figured people, tools and other incidentals minus fuel I was about very close to 800 lb, this left me with a little under 200lb for fuel but having topped the mains I would be too heavy according to the book. Here comes the siphon hose, well I siphoned everything but all but 27 or 28 gallon out and this would leave about two hours and change for the return. After pre flight and run up i lined the little 180 hp machine up and held brakes, full throttle, released when reaching 2700rpm and away we went. Got off and into ground effect quicker than I thought and held it at about 20 ft agl retracted gear and continued to build speed, up with the flaps at 100, continued gaining speed and finally away we went. I was AMAZED to say the least, I still can not believe what the airplane does with 180 hp. It carries a good load, will cruise over 10,000 ft, make 147kt anyday burn 10 gph or less, and cost less than a new SUV. Will reduce a 7+hr drive to the coast to under 2 hrs and less than 20 gal of 100ll and NO SPEEDING TICKETS! Yes Incredible Machines!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been in my F for a little over a year now and continue to be amazed. We're planning a camping trip next week, so I did a test run this morning to see how much of our gear will fit in the baggage compartment. Well, a full sized cooler, 2.5 gallon water jug, cook stove, four sleeping bags, mattress pads, six-man tent, and a big rectangular Rubbermaid container with room to spare. It seems like if I can fit it in the back of my full sized Volvo wagon, it'll fit in the back of the Mooney. Also, my kids are still small, so the four of us can load max baggage, top the tanks, and still be under gross. We don't fly legs that require full tanks, but it's nice to be able to top up where the gas is cheap. What a great airplane!

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