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The 67F I just purchased has a Brittain model NAV-2 flight control system, Brittain model LSA-4 stability augmentation system, Mooney navigation coupler. It is INOP and I'm wondering if it can be fixed and who I would take it to ? I just talked to Kevin Westbrook at Brittain and he gave me a couple places to check with, Granite Mtn aviation in Prescott, Az and EXEC autopilot in Sacramento.


Any other suggestions are appreciated.  Tks  Tom


These are usually pretty easy to keep working yourself.  It's usually just a leaking hose or servo that needs re taping. Other than that work with Brittain to figure out if a valve or controller is bad and send it back to them to repair.


Tulsa is beautiful this time of year, and you will be amazed how well that autopilot will work when Jerry and his team at Brittian work on it.


I also purchased a 68 M20F with a Brittan auto pilot in January. The auto pilot was not working because the turn coordinator was not working. I sent out the turn coordinator for repair and $750 later for a rebuild on the coordinator the auto pilot holds direction but its off by about 10-15 degrees and will not hold altitude.




Sounds like you are developing a tear in one of your servos. The two in the tail are easy to see and access; Brittain will tell you how to re-wrap the servo quickly, easily and inexpensively.


Wing servos are much more difficult to access, they are behind the inspection panel at the inboard end of each aileron. You need small hands, and the single screw is not visible . . .


My AccuTrak and AccuFlite modules both worked well, then I began needing to offset the heading bug 10-15º right, then 20º, then it pretty much stopped mattering and I had to hold a little right aileron and right rudder. When I removed the wing servos, I rewrapped the right one with no change in flight characteristics; there was about a 1½" tear in the bellows on my left wing servo. Shipped it to Brittain, cost $124 plus shipping to repair. Now she flies straight and true.


Altitude hold is something that I don't have . . . it's a separate module, too.


Hope this helps. Good luck getting yours straightened out. Talk about bang for the buck!! [Ever priced servo repairs on an STEC?]


Thanks for the feedback. The good news is it is all repairable. I will start digging in deeper as it would be great to get it working. I need to look to see if Alt hold was installed when the Brittain was originally installed. That would be nice. Will keep you posted as I progress. Tom


About Brittain,

Anyone having issues with them lately? I sent them a retractable step boot to overhaul 3 months ago and am still waiting for it.

Wondering if anyone else has slow response like this too?





Brittain did a wing servo for me in December, five months ago. I called, talked to them, then shipped it. Turnaround was about 2 weeks including round-trip shipping.


Give them a call . . . . . Could it be hung up in Customs?





My plane was trending left, and the left servo had a hole. Check the wing servo in the direction the plane is deviating.


If you can possibly work out a schedule to take it to Tulsa I bet that would be the fastest and most economical way to get everything fixed in one fell swoop.  

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You can get a hand held vac pump with a gauge from any autoparts store.  It can be plugged into the line splice at the lower corner of the panel on the pilots side.  20-30 pumps will provide full aileron deflection in each direction.  You can then watch the gauge and see if there is a leak and on which side leaking.  You can also connect it to the "T" in the baggage compartment and tell if it is the tail or wing servo leaking.  Altitude hold leaks can be checked by connecting it to the hoses that plug onto the control box on the right side just behind the firewall. Once you are sure there are no leaks Brittain can help you determine which part to send back to them for repair.

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Brittain did a wing servo for me in December, five months ago. I called, talked to them, then shipped it. Turnaround was about 2 weeks including round-trip shipping.


Give them a call . . . . . Could it be hung up in Customs?





My plane was trending left, and the left servo had a hole. Check the wing servo in the direction the plane is deviating.

Had an email exchange with Cecilia (again) today and they are still waiting for the part. apparently one of their supplier is having machine trouble....

I have the step tie wrapped in the retracted position for now.. bugs my wife a bit (she is 5'5") and she would hit the flaps sometimes...


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