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Hey all you Mooney Drivers on the East Coast. Why not meet up at the April 28-29 Virginia Regional Festival of Flight. Here are the details on this fun event. A chance to meet other Mooney folks, display your airplanes and talk to the public about GA.

Virginia Regional
Festival of Flight
Suffolk, VA. (KSFQ)
Date of Event April 28 & 29, 2012
Description of Event
"2 days of airplanes & family fun from ultralights to multiengines."
Event Website

Point Person: Michael Frank
To register: http://mooneyambassadors.com/20815.html

Here is what the Ambassadors do! http://youtu.be/KzYb_idq3nI



This looks like a great event!  I may have to figure out a way to get down there on Sunday the 29th.

Any other Mooney Pilots looking to go?



Let me know what the organizers say and what time you'd want me there on Sunday - I'm going to try to make it work.  I cannot however attend on Saturay.



Seth and AlexR -

I've not heard back from the event's general manager regarding ramp space.  I'll be working the issue intensely over the next few days and will let you know ASAP.  Please check out the event's website www.virginiaflyin.org for info; especially their arrival procedure on Sat and Sunday.


Great news!  The event manger will give us space on the ramp. I just need to let him know how many and the estimated arrival times so the ground crews will have an eye out for us so they can marshal us to a common area on the ramp.  I will be arriving Saturday morning around 0900 and will be there for both days.

Please let me know your trial number, aircraft colors and your time of arrival.  I would like to have a count and the info to the event by this Friday, 20 April.

Email me at m20kflyer@gmail.com.




That is happy news Mike!  The shirts were mailed to you today.  I hope that a bunch of East Coast Mooneys will join you.  Sounds like such a fun event.


We are getting a few more airplanes coming to Festival of Flight Suffolk, VA. (KSFQ).  If you are interested in coming one or both days please contact Mike, the point person for this event: m20kflyer@gmail.com


Looking forward to meeting everyone in Suffolk.  Please, please let me know if you're coming so I can coordinate with the event manager for parking.

Seth, I have you confirmed for arrival Sunday.  I'll have an email to you directly.

Alex R - are you still going to be able to make it?

Anybody else?  It's going to be a great day for flying!

email me at m20kflyer@gmail.com


The event manager has asked that we use the GA parking placards (template on the virginiaflyin.com website) so it looks as if we won't be parking with the showplanes.  I suggest that we add MOONEY AMBASSADOR to the placard so that the ground crews can hopefully, get us close together.

Looking forward to meeting you all next weekend.  It's going to be a great weekend to fly!


PS.  Don't forget to look at the VFR arrival procedures posted on the fly-in's website.  A lot of different types of airplanes being flown by folks with a lot of various piloting skills always makes for interesting and challenging arrivals.


I do have Mooney Ambassador prop tags that you can customize and print out.  Send me an email if you would like template.  Have a great time.

We are off to Calaveras and our first Ambassador event of the year here in Sunny California.  Go Mooney!

  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to congratulate Mike for organizing a Mooney Ambasadors event at the VA Festival of Flight.  Mike arrived on Saturday and I arrived on Sunday.  When I arrived, the clouds were at 2200 feet and unfortunately, the weather caused many people to decide not to attend the event.  It was obvious that more people came both by car and aircraft in the past.  Upon arrival I was able to park next to Mike's 231 and seeing both Mooney's with similar paint jobs (your Mooney looks good Mike) on a mainly deserted parking area did cause quite a few people to come over for a look.  The temporarily closed runway we parked on has been packed in previous years wingtip to wingtip on both sides.  When I arrived there were maybe eight aircraft. 

This event has been well attended in the past according to the people there, and the way they had it set up, I'd bet that was true. I just hope funding is not cancelled for all of the food vendors and support staff for next year. 

We almost took pictures of our two Mooneys from overhead in an R-44 giving rides.  That would have been a neat shot (Mike's idea).

I'll post some pictures in the next few days on the main page.




Seth, great photos!  I added the story on the Mooney Ambassador facebook group.  Looks like a fun time even though Mother Nature was not happy!


Thanks for the kind words, Seth.  It was great meeting you and your lovely co-pilot.   Although the weather put somewhat of a damper on the festival, it was nice to meet and talk with other Mooney lovers as well as the many folks who strolled down the ramp admiring our planes.  No matter the weather, I'm always happiest around airplanes so this weekend was another good one for me.

I also want to thank Alex, Tim and Larry for bringing their beautiful airplanes







It was good to meet some other Mooney pilots.  Although the weather was not the best, we still had a good time and are planning on attending the Cape May, NJ event May 12th.  Our airplane is the '78 red and white 201.

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