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Happy New Year!!! And... Have you backed up your Logbook???

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Hope everyone has a GREAT New Year!

And not really a Mooney only thing, but this time of year I remind some (small biz) clients to back up records that may not always be caught in a general BU.  For those of us here, that might include your Logbook, be it paper, FF or whatever.  Luckily for me there's no more standing at the "Xerox" to copy or later scan the pages of my paper Logbook, but now it may be even more important to pull down a copy of your Logbook if it lives up in the Cloud.

Sure FF, G Pilot, MyFlightBook or whomever do all make backups of their systems.  But that will not help you if your file gets corrupted and they just make multiple BUs of that corrupted file.  Best for you to do it every so often and just do a quick check of the numbers in the current file on the date you made your last BU.  Odds are it will always match, but if it doesn't then you know something has happened to your file.

I tend to do a Quarterly BU and delete the old Quarter when it comes around again (so in March I'll delete March 2022), but I always hang onto the Year End BU. 



I use Safe Log Pro.  And it backs up to their cloud, plus, you can sync to all your devices.  So I have a copy in the cloud, one on my phone, on two tablets, two desktops and a laptop.

Oh, and I also keep a paper log book. :D

5 hours ago, PeteMc said:

I tend to do a Quarterly BU and delete the old Quarter when it comes around again (so in March I'll delete March 2022), but I always hang onto the Year End BU. 

I just got an 8 TB external drive.  I don't delete anything.

1 hour ago, PeteMc said:

Ha!  You saved yourself with that last line!!!  :D

But I no longer carry it with me.  It stays at home and gets updated occasionally. :D

I lost a log book in a crash.  And lost some hours, as I had not transferred them to my electronic logbook (AeroLog Pro at the time).


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4 hours ago, Fly Boomer said:

I just got an 8 TB external drive.  I don't delete anything.

You say that now...  I've got a 43TB NAS and I still occasionally have to off load some of the really old stuff to old HDs I've hung onto.  It won't be long until those 8TBs have gone the way of multiple duplicate BUs. :D


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