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Fly Boomer

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Everything posted by Fly Boomer

  1. I think many other developed countries (Europe in particular) require meticulous record keeping.
  2. I have pretty good luck by tightening each screw just enough to break it loose, and then back it out. Not sure why it works. I use a drill/driver set for low torque for removal.
  3. I also keep six or eight snaps on the perimeter. Alternating with glue traps. For every visitor I catch in a snap trap, I detain 10 in a glue trap. I'm thinking I may stop putting down the snap traps -- sometimes they are tripped, but my guest didn't hang around.
  4. These are the best traps I have found. Place them up against the wall around the entire perimeter. Eight or ten evenly placed on the floor around the walls. All hangars have rodents -- the trick is to trap them before they find the airplane. You have to replace them whenever they get loaded with bugs or dirt or (obviously) an animal of some description. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CEEDFS4/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B00CEEDFS4&pd_rd_w=irpaD&content-id=amzn1.sym.386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_p=386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_r=7ENHKAD50JNXT6JYXCBQ&pd_rd_wg=hjisZ&pd_rd_r=6737c348-cd2d-4f9d-a02c-f3b11b6245c7&s=lawn-garden&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM
  5. Some use pieces of this stuff. Actually this is galvanized -- I would probably use aluminum because it's slicker. You don't need fasteners to hold it together. Six feet or so will make a nice wall around the gear leg, and overlap some. It comes in a roll, so it wants to spring back to a cylindrical shape when not held flat. I used to see it sold by the foot at building supply stores. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TV4JW4R/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?pd_rd_i=B08TV4JW4R&pd_rd_w=MPkcp&content-id=amzn1.sym.248b5e31-60e8-4934-96cf-b3789198461a&pf_rd_p=248b5e31-60e8-4934-96cf-b3789198461a&pf_rd_r=VT6CY1ZGN181BSWBJ7F1&pd_rd_wg=LypHt&pd_rd_r=4fdda0ff-128d-48cb-b85c-60391e2b3c0d&s=hi&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1
  6. This is disappointing and unexpected. I have successfully bought from at least a dozen MooneySpacers, but I guess that's no guarantee that all future transactions will be so smooth.
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20230526141058/https://www.p2inc.com/wp-content/graphics/matrix-aas/6601_afms.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20230526124427/https://www.p2inc.com/wp-content/graphics/matrix-aas/6601_HIM_Rev_M.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20230526124310/https://www.p2inc.com/wp-content/graphics/matrix-aas/aas_ica.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20230526130209/https://www.p2inc.com/wp-content/graphics/matrix-aas/aas_qit.pdf
  8. So if Prefix 21SX is the same as a Prefix 1SX with MIL-approvals, what is the difference between 74-T and 39-T?
  9. If you have a relatively small area to paint, you might find a store that can mix 2k paint in a rattle can: https://youtu.be/JeeWzI2iZZk Or get a computer color match followed by 2k clear: https://youtu.be/VDtgrHQaK3k
  10. That post is a year old. @Markku came by a couple of months ago. Let's try to send a ping like this @Markku.
  11. It has been almost a year since Richie the C posted to this topic, but perhaps we can get his attention like this @Richie the C.
  12. Thanks. I was trying to take something simple, and make it complicated.
  13. @Cliffy said a 15 ohm resistor is required to make the sender read correctly.
  14. Also, I think the UND fuel is a completely different chemistry compared to G100UL.
  15. @jM20 says "The gauge reads 1/2 full when empty. When I lift the float to full, the gauge reads way past full." Is there supposed to be a resistor in the circuit?
  16. Ross last visited in 2020, so do not be miffed if you do not get and answer.
  17. Are you flat? That is, all three tires down at the same time?
  18. Looks like the ME406 has come up before.
  19. Last comment from @larryb was 5 years ago but, if he was following this topic, I would say I don't think speed brakes are specifically named on the Mooney 100-hour and annual inspection guide, but it does ask "All Applicable (ICA) Instructions for Continued Airworthiness complied with?" Seems like that should cover it -- especially when an MSC is doing the annual. https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/100-HOURANNUAL-Inspection-Guide.pdf
  20. I think Coke is just another acid, but weaker than the muriatic acid usually used. If I was putting down a new floor, the thing I would be most concerned about is protecting the floor from moisture coming up from below. Since your floor has already been poured, it's too late to worry about that, so all you can do is concentrate on cleaning the existing floor, and finding a product that will adhere to the surface. Paint is unlikely to stick for very long.
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