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5 place Mooney?????


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I was looking at Trade-A-Plane and Controller yesterday and one of them (not sure which) contained an ad for a Mooney which stated it was a 5 place aircraft.  I've never heard of such.  Did they ever have a seat in the luggage compartment for a leg-less child?  Can imagine where else you could put someone.  Just curious.

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There was definitely an option for a factory five place interior on an Ovation. It can be seen on Delta Aviation's web site www.deltaaviationllc.com It consisted of a bench seat with three seat belts in the rear suitable for small kids car seats & small adults. 

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In the beetle it was less critical to wear a seatbelt, you were not expected to survive any impact.  The floor would buckle releasing the seats and the occupants.

With the Mooney's roll cage and overall strength you need the seatbelt as a final touch...

Shoulder belts really put the finishing touch on the safety.  The beetle didn't have those either.

Amsafe plug anyone?


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  • 3 months later...


i have on of those 5-seat mooneys M941MZ as depicted on the website quoted above.However, the POH claims 1pilot and 3 pax only.

Referring to to Part 91.114 every passanger must have an pproved seat and belt and harness. May i operate with 3 adults and two children > 10 yrs if W+Bis ok ? My insurance is covering if legal.

I remember arule that allows to place 2 children <10 onone seat but wasnt able to look it up either. Can anybody  help?



br Holger Warnat

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For your consideration...from an engineering perspective....

Welcome to mooneyspace.  I think the two people in one seat concept went out a few years ago.  Two children were allowed to share one seat in commercial airlines at the same time.  Now everyone gets their own seat.  Back far enough, mommy and child were allowed in one seat.  Mommy was told too hold the child in her arms and not to use the seatbelt for both.

I find it unlikely anyone has collected enough data on various weight combinations with various child heights that a reasonable scientific test could support the operation.

On the otherhand, I understand your aircraft was built to operate with the third seat.  

My 65C had no shoulder harnesses when I bought it.  I could operate it legally. 

You would consider this not real legal advice.  My current R has shoulder harnesses at all four locations at all times.  The back seats are filled often.

It makes good sense to have shoulder harnesses for everyone if the seat gets used often. Cars have also gone to using shoulder belts for backseats as well.  The type injury warrants the extra equipment.

The shoulder belt was designed to keep front passengers from hitting dashboards.  The backseat version is used to prevent folding the passenger in half around the belt.... Similar injury from the same problem with the same proven solution.

Look to find differences in legal to operate vs. legal to build.

For safety of your smallest passenger use a proper booster seat with shoulder straps would be inline with the design. Good luck getting everyone to fit.


Best regards,



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