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Ok, so I don't own a Mooney....yet.

My question to the knowledgable forum is this: 

How do you pack snow skis in a Mooney?  Are there aftermarket options for an airplane "ski rack"?  Are there modificaitons that can be done to allow for skis?  Do most pilots just shove them between the seats?

Just curious.  Doesn't seem like ther is much room for skis in the cabin.

Thank you in advace for the replies.



Back in my college days I skied on 210's and I don't think they would fit well in a mooney.  When I was a kid I had 150cm and my Dad skied on 180cm's and we loaded them in his m20c all the time and had no problems.  The hat rack goes back pretty far.  I haven't skied in awhile but I unstand today's shaped ski's are very short compared to the days when I use to ski.


I've had no problem carrying 181 cm skis in my J.  They go "above" the baggage area and rear seat, and back into the hat rack.  I lash them down to baggage (or the clips in the floor) and obviously don't fly with rear seat pax in this configuration.  It works well enough.

The bigger concern is winter weather near a ski destination!  ;)


IIRC there used to be a kit that installed a hole and tube under the hat rack specifically for skies. LASAR, if anyone would know about it.

BTW, good to have another Air Force fighter pilot on board -D")">smileys with beer


Fold down rear seats, put snow board in through front door. (for the younger crowd)

For me, I brought boots and rented the skis.  I have been renting since my 205cm skis delaminated somewhere after the turn of the century....

Best regards,



Space is sufficient (in a bravo )for 195cm placed between rear seats .I retired my 205s years ago as new style skiis are much shorter and wder thus easier to place in a Mooney...I have seen 1 mooney that had a skii tube fabricated under a 337 that extended out to the tail cone...crown air at montgomery field in San Diego did th fabrication..kpc


Strap em to the mains - solves two problems at once..... a place to stow and makes landings on the snow easier!!!

Sorry must be leftover from reading about Ariel Tweto Cool 

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