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STATE TAX aircraft

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Peter, yes you are correct.  The government does not add value like a corporation does.  It does, however, do the jobs nobody else wants to do, or can be trusted to do. Such as roads, building codes, fire  and police protection, even the space program. How about the SBA? Student loans? Pell grants?  Also, look at medicare, the amount of money used to administer the program is unmatched by private industry. 

Is there waste? certainly.  Is the government too big?   Eliminate half the military and ask yourself the same thing.

The thing the government does is also protect us from corporations by regulation. Look at the Triangle Shirtwaist fire to see an industry with no regulation. Come to Nigeria where they have spilled 100 million barrels of oil since they started drilling there.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_issues_in_the_Niger_Delta     I see no EPA enforcing the cleanup and I see no companies cleaning it up either. Yet people here believe somehow industry will self-regulate and do what is right.  The cuyahoga river and the houston ship channel would also catch fire they were so polluted.

Again, no one has come forward to endorse the practice of not insuring people with pre-existing conditions or rescinding policies.   That is illegal under the new healthcare law.

Quote: allsmiles

Becca, if I may interject, I think you are incorrect.  Big government invariably finds itself needing to get bigger in order to sustain itself.  This translates to bigger and bigger debt that the taxpayers must bear in order to feed it. GOVERNMENT DOES NOT PRODUCE VALUE. The people do and increasingly government in a major hinderence. 

It is the same taxpayer who pays to sustain bigger and bigger government and frankly it's high time the government got out of the way.

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I hope this discussion remains civil and doesn't turn into the name calling school yard fight that always happens over on the red board... I would hate for MooneySpace to turn into a divided group just like the country.

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Quote: jetdriven

 I know a lot of non-union contractors that would love to build Federal roads Byron. 

10% delinquency on student loans and rising (1-trillion exposure.  Next catastrophe...after housing Fannie/Freddie debacle that continues to be ultimate baseline reason for recession and malaise.  Still NOT fixed and continuing to bleed Billions)

Medicare and social security are success stories?  On collision course for insolvency

Government to big because of military?  The ONE area that is important in this world is a strong national defense.  I thought the president was going to get us out of the Middle East and Gitmo?  HMMMMmm Libya and still there.

The EPA.  There is a success.  Legislate and tax based on CO2 production/Carbon tax?  Shot down, but enforce anyway...

Regarding pre-existing conditions: Asked and Answered...Court system. 



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Can we please drop the non-aviation-related political discussion?  Discussion of how to legally minimize or avoid taxes on our aircraft is relevant to this board, but the big/small gov't, republican/democrat/libertarian/socialist, health care, etc. seem very far afield.

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Quote: danb35

Can we please drop the non-aviation-related political discussion?  Discussion of how to legally minimize or avoid taxes on our aircraft is relevant to this board, but the big/small gov't, republican/democrat/libertarian/socialist, health care, etc. seem very far afield.

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I've spoken my piece Dan & Dave...I will PM my responses to individuals and ask they do same.  We can of course "choose" what links we open on the forum.  I am interested in the perspectives of other aircraft owners and fully understand that politics are NEVER a good topic if you don't want opinions and elevated bloodpressure to occur.

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Quote: DaV8or

I hope this discussion remains civil and doesn't turn into the name calling school yard fight that always happens over on the red board... I would hate for MooneySpace to turn into a divided group just like the country.

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