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N2652W will have a new home!

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Well, as life would have it, went to get some actual IFR today, got the plane ready, did a boost pump check, and wouldn't  you notice a fast drop of pressure to zero after turning off the boost pump -- never did that before. Switched tanks, tried again, same thing.  Pulled her out, did a startup, fuel pressure to 9 PSI on the mechanical pump -- @ 1000 RPM.  Leaned it, same thing.  Shut off, fast drop to 0 PSI again, boost pump on again, started it up, 9 PSI again, turned it off, fast drop to 0 PSI again.  Scrapped the flight.  Went over to the A&P on field, told them what happened and asked them to check it out -- would not be surprised if it was the mechanical fuel pump or the gauge.

Life of an owner.  Perfect IFR weather too. Wanted to get my 3 approaches needed to keep current but alias, no joy today. I hope it doesn't take too long for them to get to her, Its already been 2 weeks since I've flow her -- got the flying itch...


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Man, things are just funny sometimes… Changed the oil today just to get that done. While I was in the area, I looked over the hose that goes to the fuel pressure gauge. I notice it appeared a bit loose so I tightened it up. Did a startup - fuel pressure was @ 6 PSI - seriously. Ran it for a few minutes @ 1000 RPM. Shut it off, slow bleed off. ‘Well , that is normal…’ I said. Got out,  checked things over for no oil leaks, restarted it, 6 PSI - normal again. Switched tanks - still normal (5 to 6 PSI). Ran it 5 minutes, shut it off, slow bleed off of pressure- its back to normal again. I still want an A&P to verify pressure. 

So strange but, she did sit 3 weeks. I guess I’ll keep an eye on it. I’m going to do a full run up next and then pattern flight to confirm - if the run up shows normal…


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My experience say nothing ‘self heals itself’ when it comes to mechanical items (computers are different like rebooting or resetting an engine’s analyzer). So, when it’s an abnormal operation (like this one), I expect something is afoot..

I’ll know more once I do the run up and test flight…


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A&P checked it out. After discovering the fitting on the firewall manifold broke when attempting to attach the test pressure gauge, he replaced that and verified pressure is now normal - 5-6 PSI with slow bleed-off!

Gonna fly her tomorrow and do a check out flight… now to get some time on her!


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Controls dropped off! Can’t wait to see what they’ll look like… I’ll post pics when done…

Was lucky the last 2 days - was able to get 6 IMC approaches in - that was fun! What a difference IMC vs a hood…

Plane did great, fuel pressure is spot on…


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So, I like to train often for IFR with my CFI . Many times here in Texas, it’s difficult to get actual (of course I avoid convection buildup when we do). Hood doesn’t do well for me and I don’t like foggles. I decided to up my game a bit and get these:



I was able to get a NAFI discount (I’m a member). I talked to Nick @ Icarus and I’m all set for the right model for my Mooney. I’m hopeful this will give me that added ‘edge’ when flying with my CFI or Safety Pilot in VMC. Now, I need to find another safety pilot here in DFW for the times my CFI is unavailable…


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Current on IFR - did 12 approaches in the last 30 days (6 IMC, 6 simulated with my instructor). Got some IMC and hold today. Great practice weather these last few days. Plane did great again today, fuel pressure rock solid.

Hope for more chances for IMC approaches next few weeks…


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Well, Good timing on the control yokes - the ad is due in 50 hours so I’ll get that done at the same time…

played with the ICARUS, very nice unit…

When there is no ‘noise’ can hear it buzz a bit. Works like a champ - can’t wait to use it…


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Alright! Scheduled for 12/12  with Maxwells to do the 500 hour shaft inspection and install my leather yokes (as long as the weather holds out ;o)

That will give me a good chance to try the new yokes out!


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Ran 22 gauge wire in the pilots yoke to install a PTT switch -- unfortunately, I ordered the wrong PTT -- and need a SPST NO (normally open) switch -- the one I ordered (not looking closely when I ordered this one) was NC (normally closed) -- not a good thing for a 'mic'.

So, once that gets in, I'll get the switch done and have it ready to be installed during annual.  Have enough 22ga wire to run to replace the existing Velcro switch when the time comes.


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So, I like to train often for IFR with my CFI . Many times here in Texas, it’s difficult to get actual (of course I avoid convection buildup when we do). Hood doesn’t do well for me and I don’t like foggles. I decided to up my game a bit and get these:
I was able to get a NAFI discount (I’m a member). I talked to Nick @ Icarus and I’m all set for the right model for my Mooney. I’m hopeful this will give me that added ‘edge’ when flying with my CFI or Safety Pilot in VMC. Now, I need to find another safety pilot here in DFW for the times my CFI is unavailable…

Where you located in the DFW area? I’m up at Durant and fly an F model. I’d love to fly safety pilot with you if distance and time allow. We could swap safety pilot duties. My F is in the shop right now getting avionics but should be done in 2-3 weeks.

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@gwav8or, I’m in Mesquite but that is a no brainer flight for me ;o). I flew out of GYI before I moved to Mesquite. I’m flying tomorrow and could pop up there for a meet n greet…

Mine goes for Annual mid January. All for helping each other…


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PTT ready to go.  I'll have that hooked up during annual (after Maxwell's does the swap). Pretty easy to do after I figured out how to route the wires through the PC tubes. After I got everything done, I was able to push the PTT switch into the cavity where the PC switch was.

I used a vacuum cap and cut it, put it in the opening, and after the switch was soldered and shrink tubed, was able to push it in after confirming the fit.  Fit is real nice and the PTT switch is in very solidly set -- can be removed too if need be.


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Emblems came in!  Attached to yoke -- like the looks!

Yokes are ready for Maxwells now!  I have small and medium of the multi-color.  Now I'll do some leather panels for the pilot/co-pilot side and add emblems to those!


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