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My partners and I are planning to buy an MX-20 on the used market. We are well aware of the units history and advancing age but feel that for the money it will suit our needs. It will be interfacing to a 430W.

The question I pose is about software upgrades over the years. Is there a minimum software level that I should be looking for or are they pretty much the same with the exception of small enhancements here and there?


Not sure what happened with the last post, it was issued under a user other than mine (flyboy0681).


I logged out and back in, hopefully this straightened things out.


Can't be an exact help to you I'm afraid, as my MX20 is talking to a 480, but I *believe* my MX20 was updated to the latest release not so long ago, which is on the label as 5.7

I'll have to go to the aircraft to see what version it reports when it powers up with, but that won't be for a while I'm afraid, as w*rk is getting in the way!



Quote: Mitch

My partners and I are planning to buy an MX-20 on the used market. We are well aware of the units history and advancing age but feel that for the money it will suit our needs. It will be interfacing to a 430W.

The question I pose is about software upgrades over the years. Is there a minimum software level that I should be looking for or are they pretty much the same with the exception of small enhancements here and there?


Quote: peter


I appreciate the offer Peter but it doesn't make sense because the $900 fix would put the price within a few dollars of a used unit I can get on eBay. The ones I've been looking at typically sell for about $2800, contain Chartview (and sometimes traffic) and were built under the Garmin name.


Not trying to talk you down in price, just responding to your message.



I don't know if it's an option for you but the GMX 200 I have in my Ovation is much faster than the MX20 I had in my last airplane. Also be aware that there are differnt units. Some you can't add weather, traffic or jeppview. If I recall ther are 3 different units available. the basic being just a map 


Quote: randypugh

I don't know if it's an option for you but the GMX 200 I have in my Ovation is much faster than the MX20 I had in my last airplane. Also be aware that there are differnt units. Some you can't add weather, traffic or jeppview. If I recall ther are 3 different units available. the basic being just a map 


I have an MX20 talking to a 480 in my J. It works fine. Yes, I'd love the faster screen updating of an MX200 but it's not worth the price premium and cost to install, in my book. As to version numbers, I would suggest downloading the free users manual from the Garmin website. The early pages of that will tell you what the latest version number of the software is, and will also describe some of the differences in the physical operation of the unit based on its age. As I recall, one key difference is whether the unit has a round, turning on-off switch (older) vs. the push-button on-off switch (newer).

After I bought my plane, I paid a one-time price to Garmin to update my PC card with a brand new terrain database and the latest version of software. I think it cost $185 after I returned the old card.

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