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This is an odd question.  I just overhauled my propeller, it's being remounted, and I should have it soon.  I have broken in a newly overhauled engine before as well as a TOP OH on an engine (new cylinders).  However, is there a list of do's and don't's for a overhauled propeller?  Is there any propeller break in procedure that is standard or I should follow?


Three blade on my Mooney Missile - IO-550 engine.






yes, if it is a Hartzell, let the grease settle for a few hours, say 10-15 hours and then re-grease with a grease gun as per the Hartzell manual  


There is absolutely a break-in requirement for a new or overhauled prop. It is called picking up your first stone chip.

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Recently overhauled IO550 with three bladed McCauley and governor. (Western Skyways)


Just pushed throttle forward and all is well on both counts.


Just went in for dynamic prop balance and after about 30'' of jiggling the jiggle pins (Guy Martin interview) the A&P said he could not help me.


New tight engine, new Lordes mounts, new prop et.


He just honestly said there was nothing more he could do.


All balanced well. Nice surprise for me and no charge , another good day in aviation.






How soon after the prop O/H do you get the prop dynamically balanced?  I know it's statically balanced during the overhaul.  Is there a wait period or X amount of hours first?  Is it even necessary in most cases?


Thank you for all of your answers so far.





There is absolutely a break-in requirement for a new or overhauled prop. It is called picking up your first stone chip.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


This actually happened DURING the run up when it was re installed on the airplane a week and a half ago by the MSC.  A rock in the taxi area or on the runway must have been picked up.  With the prop before hand, I would not have noticed.  Now - yeah, believe me I noticed.  They called me with bad news, and said it just wasn't right for them to deliver a newly overhauled prop with a stone chip/gouge, nor for them to file, paint, and fix it so that I wouldn't know it happened, so they sent the prop back to the prop shop so that blade could be redone and at the cost of the second shipping and repair as it was the right thing to do.  That's part of why I use the MSC shop I do - honest guys, though they can be slow with billing and pricing is not the least expensive.


How soon after the prop O/H do you get the prop dynamically balanced?  I know it's statically balanced during the overhaul.  Is there a wait period or X amount of hours first?  Is it even necessary in most cases?


Thank you for all of your answers so far.




I went through this with my plane, which many folks know I picked up after it had been repaired from a gear-up landing. I was told to wait at least 10 hours to let the grease get settled in before I dynamically balanced. So far it's been about 50 hours and I haven't found the time to do the dynamic balance yet, and I really don't feel any vibration. I bet if I went up to Sensenich they would find something and tune it even better, but I don't relish the idea of them drilling a hole in a brand new spinner bulkhead to put the .5 ounce weight or whatever it would be.  I'll probably get it done eventually, though, when I have a few Benjamins floating free.


It would probably help to see one getting done that is very similar to yours.

I have a general fear of somebody I don't know approaching my prop with cutting tools.

Jeff, if you go first...

We do have a really good prop guy around MS...

Best regards,



What was the fixing process they used? Grind and shape?

There isn't a weld and fill process is there?

Best regards,


I'll find out


The only repair for your newly nicked prop blade is a file. No welding, no filling allowed.



The only repair for your newly nicked prop blade is a file. No welding, no filling allowed.


Clarence - if they sent it back up to the prop shop where it was overhauled, does that mean they did another overhaul or they just filed and repaired it?  


I know the MSC could have filed it, but what do you think the prop shop they sent it back to would have done?  I'll know once I pick it up, I'm just curious.






They don't "fill and repair" prop blemishes AFAIK (and as Clarence has confirmed). If your MSC is who I think it is, your prop went back to ECP or Sensenich. That blade was simply reprofiled.


Depending on the severity of the nick, the prop shop will likely dress and re profile the blade, paint it and recheck the static balance.


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