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Active: Active in 14 hours 12 minutes

Expires: Expires in 2 days 17 hours 42 minutes

Altitude: SFC-18,000MSL

Location: New York, New York

Facility: None

Contact: None

Tuesday thru Thursday 9/23 - 9/25

Remember to check your TFRs if you are visiting the NYC area this week.

Best regards,



Looks like those TFRs screw NYC less than the ones we get here in Tampa. I don't imagine LGA and JFK get much part 91/135 traffic anyways. Down here in Florida, when there's a TFR it shuts everybody down since most of us are based within 10nm of whatever big airport he's flying into. 

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From 6k' down is class B...

From 6k' to 18’ is typically open to overflight...

This will cause some challenges. Mooney pilots are pretty capable to handle these things.

They just need to know they are there...

Best regards,



Brett and I were talking about this TFR this evening. The outer ring only requires you to be on an IFR flight plan. They will handle a VFR a flight plan request workload permitting.

The inner rings are a different story. You need the secret decoder ring.



I thought we were having an intelligent discussion about a TFR.

I don't particularly like Obama but I dislike those who try to politicize everything they see even more.

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I was out of GA from 1990 to 2011 including the whole GWB administration. I suppose the TFRs were about the same then?

They were a mess Bob. The communication of activity wasn't as good because for one, you had to dig up the information from DUATS or Flight Service.

Didn't have the nice pictures we have today:


BTW -- you can see I am flight planning that shindig you are working on.

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Chris, we're firmed up on 11/15. We'll have several interesting activities. And as I mentioned for those interested in getting some points with She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed there will be the option to stay at the Switzerland Inn which is run be one of our MRN Mooney owners. (Look it up if you're too young to remember Rumpole & Hilda.). 

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I thought we were having an intelligent discussion about a TFR.

I don't particularly like Obama but I dislike those who try to politicize everything they see even more.

I was trying to make a funny Andy. I'm sorry the humor was lost on you. I live in the greater Los Angeles which the dear leader treats as his personal ATM for the democratic party. His visits are frequent and disruptive with his TFRs so please forgive my sarcasm.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


In the 90s...

If there was a TFR, it was related to earth moving news...

Often related to wild fires or storm recovery efforts.

They were defined by points similar to today. VOR plus distance...

There was no downloaded chart with red outlines and a blue you are here GPS dot...

Every flight started with a call or two to FSS specifically asking about TFRs along your intended route...

Cell phones and iPads have made it easier than the increase in TFRs has made it challenging.

That is how I remember the situation...

Best regards,


  • Like 2

Chris, we're firmed up on 11/15. We'll have several interesting activities. And as I mentioned for those interested in getting some points with She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed there will be the option to stay at the Switzerland Inn which is run be one of our MRN Mooney owners. (Look it up if you're too young to remember Rumpole & Hilda.).

Bob my only challenge with the timing may be deer season. I spend a week in New York for the season. Haven't checked this year's schedule.

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