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The last meeting was held in spite of some pretty nasty weather.  Many elected not to go. Dave had thunder and lightning over his departure airport at takeoff time, and Sebring was below minimums.  But, it cleared enough by lunch that 5 people drove in, and one brave Mooney pilot flew in for lunch. It's reported they had a good time, and of note is that it was CAUV at Panama City. :)
Our next event will be this Saturday, March 8, at the Tiki restaurant on the Fort Pierce Airport (FPR) at 11:30.  There  might be a TFR in southern Florida this weekend, if it encompasses FPR, Dave will try to change destinations at the last minute.  Check your e-mail Friday night and Saturday morning for possible TFR driven changes.
Future events are on the second Saturday of each month, starting at 11:30 AM.
Future Schedule:
March 8, Fort Pierce (FRP)
April 12, Flagler (XFL).
Please e-mail Dave (daveanruth@aol.com) by Thursday night if you plan to attend. He then gives the restaurant an approximate head count. Of course nobody is obligated to come something comes up.
We hope to see some new faces this Saturday.

Is this still on?

The weather to the North is lousy and gusty KFRP will be under an wind advisory for Sat gusting winds to 35 knots

Just trying to firm up my plans for Sat


Of course it's still on. It will take at lot more than a little wind and a silly TFR to stop the Mooney gang from getting together to eat.

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