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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. he was pretty steamed...talking law suit...it was from a company I have never heard from,so they probably dont care...he bought a 01 nissan something with rust and peeling paint...didnt even register it...driving arround with current tags and a pink....his insurance said ok...HEY..ive just had a great idea...why dont we create a mooney space CB rental club using newely purchased renta wrecks?
  2. i had afriend going to Maui and had is 386 for the week reservation made a year ago canceled cause the rental car company could get 1800 for the week.With taxes and addons he was looking at 2 k ....I think he ended up buying a junker on craigs list for 900...than will donate it or drive off a cliff at the end of the week!
  3. the only advantage ive experienced is again related to easy starts...mounted on a float plane...kicked away from dock with a current..(tidal or river )or just wind....th e panic that ensues while floatplane is drifting into another plane or pile or other obstacle trying to hot start a fuel injected continental on a 185.....0360 on a Husky...instant light off
  4. i flew the maule turbine eons ago ..a factory demonstator...climbed very well...fuel consumption was the issue
  5. ok I will tune it and check it out...thanks k
  6. I ve never heard of anyone in 40 years of flying actually powering out of a hangar...especially a larger group hangar that you describe.So ,my question is when the other aircraft are in place..do you also fire up and power out??Dont the other aircraft owners yell and scream at you?Frankly,im supprised the hangar owner hasnt put a stop to such shenigans as he could be held liable for damage from flyiing trashcans,service carts etc.Sorry you had to learn the hard way but I think your dad taught you some bad habits...maybe its time to get a tug like everybody else.
  7. question about ca66...have you landed there recently///my satalite shows turf runway x out
  8. i will fly it to grants pass.......uhhhh..never mind
  9. small ,regular or extra large size?
  10. do they leave the string?
  11. back in 2002,joe was detained at sky harbor airport security because he was carrying dangerous metal objects....security had failed to recognize his star shaped congessional medal of honor,thinking it could be used as a knife
  12. i will be in the bozeman /livingston area the week of july 2....have flown to Seeley numerous times and in fine shape.No fuel avalible but bikes and a courtsy van supplied by the local steak house ,Lindys is usually availble.The mt state laiison for the raf,scott newpower has a bonanza based there.they have a summer flyin and cleanup of a forrest service strip in the Bob Marshall...perfect for a kitfox...but his bonanza gos in too.
  13. he is missing the facial hair
  14. years ago when we flew over an om...my wife was startled by the blinking light and noise over the intercom...."whats that she says"..oh oh says I ..we are out of gas!
  15. those toe socks are just plane creepy...I got a pair for xmas one year..they make your toes sweat and fill like something is squeezing them....
  16. careless/reckless equals at least a 709 ride or suspension ,revoke
  17. he appears to be very good at that
  18. 1 billion spent so far on R and D......
  19. air force training officer to quatar pilot learner...."ok we have landed.now reach down and resafety ejection seat ,careful of yellow striped handle"
  20. how many bags required?
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