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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. my av 20 is mounted in a gyro copter and both attitude and slip are off..ie the attitude line is 15 degrees or so diving into the brown (earth)and slip ball is a full ball width displaced to the right.The manual states pressing both lower buttons while in attitude display ..ie psync should zero the display.but does nothing.The panel is tilted downward but I can find noplace in manual to program in that tilt.Uvionix says send unit back for warrenty.
  2. roll servo huh....its in the right wing and held in place by 2 or 3 an3 7/16 in bolts.He only needs to remove actual servo from capstan assembly which engages a spline gear...15 min job plus disconnecting db18 plug and its hard to access zip ties...i recomend a low profile 90 degree mini 1/4 in ratchet driver to fit inside the wing
  3. i would check the starter solonoid first thing before doing anything else....this can be done by bypassing heavy leads from it to starter...
  4. I have absolutely no Idea where an insult took place...someone explain it to me
  5. that SB that mandatd the heat shield,rerouting the brake line and installation of "improved vband clamp"ie riveted is what ive found on my 2001 Bravo.The current Ad applys onlt to the large 3 in clamp ,turbo to exaust pipe.The 2.25 in clamps between both ends of wastegate are spot welded on my engine but not effected by this AD.Greg ,my maintainer describes a very different failure on these clamps...not at the spot weld but at the flange edges that clamp the two outlets together.Basically they start to crack there.....he has never seen a crack started at the weld as described in the AD.I make a point of a very good inspection every oil change at 25 hours...we replaced 1 smaller clamp when we did the wastegate due to flange crack location.Above pic shows a multisegmented spot welded clamp the flange area is clearly visable in photo as well as segment.
  6. something not mentioned but I have observed various pilots mashing that trim switch...it is vary robust design but i thinks its internal contacts can be damaged by excessive force that later causes intermittant contacts
  7. ive used a machined "50 cal" bullet to align the holes .The steel bullet acts as a messenger and is tapped in by hammer followed by actual bolt.
  8. I agree with Paul...very funny but FAA may view this with the reckless moniker...
  9. this sounds like a corroided terminal due to high humidity from all the rain and sitting outside.I would also check and clean connections from battery to master solonoid ...something is causing a high resistance when applying a load
  10. I bet it is a fine example of a vtail....I am currently happy with the Bravo ,so I am not in the market...now if this was a gyrocopter,I could get interested
  11. I am betting once KLRDMD business use goes away entirely...his Bonanza will be on the sales block for something else
  12. Last flight to Mcall Id from Ksac ,it is IFR the entire way with heavy smoke.Never saw the ground ...about 100 miles out I hear an inbound Citation talking about approach request to Salt lake center.We also called right after and we advised we would set up for the Rnav and take the visual if conditions warrant.So that citation knew an IFR Mooney was behind him also inbound to the same airport.He lands and apparently drops his passenger off and immediately taxis back to opposite runway and takes off!Problem is I am mile out on final approach in poor visabilty and get a glimpse of him barreling down the runway right at me!Hey...you damned idiot didnt you hear my approach request while you were on center frequency?His answer was I was not correctly stating my position inbound!I go WTF ..as I have to sidestep the mooney to avoid a collision and go missed!I go back to center frequency and get climb in holding instructions for new approach...and guess what...that citation never called center for the 20 minutes Im climbing to MEA to either open his IFR or request clearance.He was scud running in less than mile vis in heavy smoke in mountainous terrain!
  13. it is the internet afterall....asking advice after admitting doing something dumb or at least indicating possible poor operating technique is bound to get a direct opinion.But at least he got a mea culpa from our dean...at my saturday hangar coffee /bs clatch...he would have been told what for and possible yelled at by experienced,older,crotchity guys sitting in front of him in person!
  14. along with the bravo ,i had a husky on amphib floats that wife and i flew into every lake and river within 100 miles plus yearly trips to Canada and alaska flyfishing on lonely river or lakes.Got an offer i couldnt refuse i guess once i stopped flying the husky so much and most or all long trips were in the 200 kt Bravo.Ive since started to regret that and started gyrocopter add on....
  15. as indiana jones says...."It had to be snakes!"
  16. All the usual good advice to a first time plane purchaser..but I respectfully submit..time to get serious on your PPL....fly rental aircraft for a while...all the rest is just dreaming
  17. what that starter gear ring is telling you...is that this plane has not flown or even started in quite some time...that appears to be very thick rust
  18. I have the IFD to 225 ap...if garmin or the avidyne is configured correctly ...as you are navigating to IAP fix in either heading mode (vectors to final )or own nav in nav mode and GPS aproach is activated you will get the prompt enable ap guidance.Once pressed..your ap is now off line...this is normal ..the apr and gs buttons must now be pushed to reingage the ap.
  19. I am an S corp and the question i would pose is not sales tax but income tax both state and federal liabilty due to transfer of asset to employee of the s corp.
  20. That is just awful that you were caught in the middle of this shops meltdown....I assume you have tried to reason with the accountant for help finding out who has your parts.Also he would know if shop had insurance for loss of your seats and any other missing parts.A claim to mechanics estate may be in order depending on how much their replacement will end up costing you..good luck
  21. so they didnt have airborne radar to paint that cell?
  22. part # on those ft seat stops?
  23. If i understand this statement that midlife exaust vs cylinders (lycoming vs continental)...yeah replacing both major sections of exaust (cost me about 1100 )is about equal to r and r on ONE cylinder.Every big bore continental ive owned required multiple cyl replacements
  24. I can tell you that if you are in icing conditions and cannot ether climb or descend to get out of that particular layer..90 min is a lifetime ...My go/no go decision is based on whether i can climb out and get between or above layers.My turbocharging is a vast help....but typically most weather systems I fly thru in the west ,I can get above 90 % of the clag above 17k.
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