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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. amen to polished aluminum...and you will be repolishing every couple months like clockwork...get plenty of mothers mag polish and a power buffer....looks great...you can also have spinner chrome polished...its probably not legal (hydrogen embrittlement says some)but looks the best and doesnt need repolishing..kpc
  2. I used the 10day pic course.I would recomend it precisely because it is total immersion training.I can gurantee it will be the most challenging rating you will earn.The problem with using the local cfii is that if they are also time building for another flying job,they frequently get hired and move on leaving you with having to find another instructor.The instrument rating ,I found,developed and used skills that are very perishable.Even 1 week between lessons and you will lose your scan.Getting it done in just 10days is a real drag..especially if you have to work ...better if you can take 10 days off,...you will have to put your instructor up in a hotel room,..more cost...and dont even think of putting him up at your house cause you will develop a real love/hate relationship...so all and all the local cfi prob more relaxing but I would bet you dont have your ticket ao your time table...good luck and remember the instrument is just a license to learn...kpc
  3. I was real young ,infact first memory was of dad flying me and sisters arround.Later he was stationed at elemendorf afb anchorage ak.He and a buddy went partners on n1070h..an aronca sedan (ac15)powered by a mighty continental 145 hp.It was based at 6mi lake on the base and was on wheels spring/floats summer/wheels fall/skis winter.Dad would fly us kids to the ymca camp at kingslake..thought it was pretty cool and I would steer the plane even though I couldnt see out the window...we than moved back to calif and dad sold the plane to his partner who stayed in ak and later lost n1070h in a takeoff accident.Dad only occasionally flew than with my uncles tripacer and later a maule.than it was junior high ,high school,college,dental school with my only real connection with avation was radio cotrol models.the seed was planted though and my first paycheck went for flying lessons and later a disassembled stinson voyager....kelly p couch..
  4. I am almost certain Ive seen this a/c before,bent prop and all.earlier this summer I was asked to land on rny34 @ksac due to closure of main runway.Turns out this very same Mooney had a gearup landing and the airport manager had a fit about all the unauthorized vehicles on the runway....Later I saw this plane in front of airrepair and was talking to owner about it...one look and the cost to Rand R the engine and prop exceeded insured value....hence the ins company owns and later sells to salvage company who I assume has it trucked somehow 550 miles to utah....how did they do it!!!My memory tells me its the same a/c including the faded greenish paint...kpc
  5. Because you are having multple issues with various readouts,..I think you have a ground wire issue to the moritz cluster it self...check multiplug located behind panel right side..kelly
  6. Jolie/mitch ..we hope to see you there also,...or at least for part.....congrats on award...kelly/jana
  7. Jolie/mitch ..we hope to see you there also,...or at least for part.....congrats on award...kelly/jana
  8. nice vacumnforming....the newer mooneys come with cupholders that are folding so that you dont swipe them off with your feet...they are standard blackplastic about 4 inches square and availible at most r/v shops...and we do use them for small water bottles as O2 use is drying...kpc
  9. this is a great mooney site!!!I am new mooney bravo driver,and first thing I did was update the existing 430/530 to waas...than I found out what I could get in trade for existing king hsi/king 256i attitude gyro/garmin cdi etc ...installed g5oo with gad43 to talk to kfc225 auto..threw in a used gdl69a..panel mounted 696..and never looked back...yeah I know it didnot make economic sense,but neither did the a/c in the first place...after 6months/130 hrs...count me a believer...kpc.....Ps..if allsmiles is interested..I have some old hf AN gear I would part with cheap....than he could really brag about using old tech!!!!!
  10. Gofast,Mooney included 3 jackpoint adaptors..2 threaded cones for the under wing and one extended one for the left engine mount jackpoint...un fortunately these are frequently missing or not returned by mechanics during annuals as was the case with my Bravo...no big deal..Laser sells permenent jackpoint /tiedown ringgs made of stainless and you leave them there..for the front jackpoint I obtained a 5/16 button head screw that wont slip off a jack(I use a #324 aircraft spruce 24 " jack)and like Mitch says you can jackup any one wheel one at a time or all 3 for gear check...hope that helps...
  11. Mitch,..have a good flight and keep shiny side up.....kelly
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