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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. when i look at this spring..I am reminded that it looks alot like a continental starter adaptor spring....when force is applied it either expands and grips a turning shaft or contracts and grips internally (inner radius dimension)regardless..somebody is making very similar springs for continental starter adaptors....
  2. 40 million wrongful death judgement for local drop zone operator....but so far they have collected squat
  3. Ha Ha...new cfi boss says..."I got a new pvt student for you...but she is almost 80 years old""80 years old ! Jesus what is someone that old want with a pilot license""She says she cant live with out one""Yeah but she could be capeable of anything ,how am I supposed to teach someone that old!""Believe me young CFI,,,I dont think you will have any problem teaching this old lady!"
  4. That appears to be a drilling rig in the middle of your hangar row.....what on earth could they possibly be drilling for?
  5. failures after only 2.5 years for both batteries is a real outlier.....
  6. what im reading on the beechcraft site is that the magnesium sheet is no longer being mfd anywhere.....funny side story...a friend bought a derelick abandoned bonanza with intent to restore it...well he bit way more than he could chew,....15 years later very little progress...I have inspected his ruddervators..and they look perfect with most of original paint oxidized off by the sun.Im betting ,he could sell that set of ruddervators for 3 times what he paid for the airframe.
  7. Ive been following Charles experience with old republic and according to my insurance guy....In calif ,they would be looking at a non performance suit plus state insurance commissioner asighning this as a default.....I think than the claim would be paid out by special funding from all the other companies ,and old republics license revoked in calif.
  8. I suspect battery solonoid......get out you multimeter ,energise battery 1 after removing pilots avionics panel.I replaced my german mfd unit with a PMA solonoid from aircraft spruce
  9. glen...didnt continental price the factory new depending on return of core.....back in 1999 ,I purchased 2 factory new io520s for 32 k per engine with core return..things changed?
  10. i replaced mine at 3rd removal when replacng waste gate...mechanic thought it was unnecessary but i insisted ,,and he had the riveted clamps in stock at his shop because he maintains a lot of turbo charged aircraft...mine are also double safetied in place with really stout stainless safety wire and i check those clamps and all exaust slip joints every 25 hrs at oil changes.The stainless heat shield was mandated by AD to address heat damage to nearby brake lines I believe...its very thin material and I dont think it would standup to a 1600 degree blow torch.
  11. well...sometimes there is no other way
  12. heres a good one.....firefly balloons....newest production number I could find was in 2008...meaning they havent bult a balloon in over 14 years!....9k to support 1 employee...probably the owner
  13. you didnt mention what your deductable was..500?,1000?......that would make a big difference as to whether you want this claim on your history
  14. no kidding..and dont leave smoking gun evidence such as video evidence of removal of boarding step so as to reduce chance of snagging or impacting yourself upon exit as showing evidence of prior intent.
  15. I love old Taylor crafts.....just dont decide to jump out of it
  16. Beegles definitely has the reputation for aircraft sheet metal.....thats all they do and are expert
  17. Ivanair at ksac...he has owned a Mooney an shop is very well versed in their maintance.Fuel tank repairs (not complete relines)top gun /gear repairs /sheet metal top gun or lasar rancho murreitta
  18. No ice but clobbered by a wave go into Molokai
  19. Im grouchy if Im working.....doesnt have to be late!!
  20. cfi wisely shut up and allowed you to fly the plane and develop your feel for the plane.There is no other way to develop this seat of the pants feeling...you cant read about it or ,have Chuck Yeager him self lecture you....I think you should show the post to your current CFI and get his opinion....enjoy your new ride.
  21. ALso closest shop is Rancho Murrieta.....Lasar
  22. why wait for that....just find yourself some really homely ,overweight girls that arent so picky.....oops..nevermind
  23. Trent has flown this route north of Reno nv so many times he could probably do it blind fold.Every oct (17/18 )the have a stol race on dry lake bed .Ive attended a few times and in between races ,its common to have a flyout and landing at different sites such as moutain tops smooth enough to land on with 20 in tires,Ocasionally someone mis judges and screws up a landing and that is end of what they are flying.Last 2 times Ive seen damaged planes that I wondered how they were going to remove them.The event has gotten pretty big ,with folks flying in everthing up to business jets.Anyway ,Mike,Trent would be the first to tell you ,he couldnt fly IFR like you do ,what he does is just a practiced skill with the knowlege that if he screws up ,no insurence is going to cover a ground loop on a dirt road,meadow or mountain top.
  24. this idiot is so enamored with his utube character that he actually believed his engine out over a national forest would be accepted without question.His acting is so forced and lacking a real emotion that the obvious conclusion is what we use to call publicity stunt.The problem I have looking at all the evidence of preplaning the supposed engine failure,placement of cameras and post jump extreme effort to hike back to aircraft before anyone else could retrieve unedited footage proving a fraudulent accident.Being a sport skydiver he made sure of performing the skydive at an alitude he was familiar with....8 to 10 thousand feet....he picked an area without any obvious ranch or dwellings (good idea or he could be facing a murder charge if the plane came down at the wrong place.He ignores the fact that at his apparent alitude as shown on footage ,even the worst example of a 65 hp taylorcraft has a better glide (with that low drag wing)than any cub or champ .He ignores the many potential landing sites besides the obvious santa ynez airport well within gliding range at his apparent alitude.This whole episode reeks of probable criminal wreakness intent....he will probably get away with it as it would be tough to prove beyond circumstantial evidence.
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