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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. where can I read up on the autopilot? you really think it'll be cheaper than the trutrak installed?
  2. what's advantage is there to using Dynon equipment over existing? looking at their website, purchasing a screen or 2, a couple of interface boxes, backup batteries would seem to get me everything I could want?
  3. Congrats on the Medical 8)
  4. how much is the most basic IFR hdx installed? I have wass and already adsb compliant. would love to throw away the six pack and replace with glass
  5. @Bob_Belville what speed mods and how fast is your E? I'm about ready to get started on mine. Also, I met the ARI gentleman at a pilot meeting last weekend. How's ARI compared to Lasar
  6. woot, M20E owner, I have hope again
  7. man, you're in luck, kdwh is Mooney central. i'm out there almost every Saturday or Sunday there's an AMAZING f MODEL FOR SALE just 500 feet from my birdy. think it already has adsb. note, dibs on the hangar
  8. CONGRATS!!!!!! As another newly minted instrument pilot, i'd suggest taking a few long xc with just you and your new rating. think I learned more in my first few trips then all the time with the instructor
  9. hey where is that servo located, my plane is doing the exact same roll to the right thing.
  10. sigh, first trutrak now aerovonics, seems all the new gadgets I get my hopes up for go poof
  11. man I was hoping for this one : http://www.continental.aero/diesel/engines/cd200.aspx unfortunately, would prob never make any sort of sense to put in an M20E. engine worth more than the plane
  12. purchased an antennae extension from fry's, garmin external gps antenna from spruce mounted the gdl39-3d to the floor between the two seats. works great.
  13. I'm interested, will reach out once I get home.
  14. i might be off this weekend, any chance of getting into the summit ?
  15. How do I cleanup the landing gear truss? unfortunately, noticed a bit of rust and chipped paint today. also what paint to recover? maybe I should sandblast and have them powder coated, or old school chromed 8)
  16. 1. GET AMEX, gold or platinum. treat this card properly and it'll never let you down. I once purchased a car on amex got tired of waiting at the dealership, refinanced it the next day. 2. get visa, mastercard AND discover. there are places which only take certain cards. also get cards that do contactless pay, I know everyone is tracking you but hey atleast it's a company that already has all your info. leave one of the cards and ID in the plane. I took off on a trip once, left my wallet at home, thank god I'm paranoid.
  17. Unfortunately, no. the timing advance is undocumented. supposedly you can call sure fly and one of the engineers will talk u thru how it works. I'm having about the same experience as Bob, hot starts are much improved since the installation of the surefly; no longer scared to taxi for fuel 8)
  18. 1. I try to never break this one. 2. Always breaking this one, don't think it's possible to go from indy to Houston without going thru a front. 3. Def guilty of this one. Love flying at night BUT will admit the engine sounds different. much easier to see other planes and airports but def harder to find emerg landing spots. my never break rules. 1. never take off without knowing exactly how much fuel is in the plane 2. never bank more than 20 deg in pattern. 3. everything in the plane must work 4. never let a woman spend more than 1 night 5. no ice in my beer, EVER. 6. never go home without checking the merchandise
  19. lean, lean, lean. my E did the same thing until I learned to Lean the mixture prior to takeoff.
  20. Planes are just damn hard to see and I have 20/20. I've had atleast 3 very close calls in the last 2 mos, I'm thankful for any help I can get. Couple weeks back, had a phenom or Pilatus going to "Converge" with my position, neither of us could see the other. I think it was "converge" , atc and I were both a bit frazzled. I calmed, looked at the adsb, turned to the right about 30 seconds later the Jet passed just off to my left and about 200 feet above me.
  21. A yellow top would be the perfect battery. tough as nails, 800+ cca, deep discharge tolerant and plenty of reserve. plus when the battery goes, I could just run down to autozone and buy another for a reasonable price
  22. make sure you configure it to say 1090 and 978 out and in otherwise you may not get everything
  23. Same, mine shuts down clean. couple quick notes, I ran for 10+ hrs last weekend@ 11k.2350rpm.22inhg out and 8k.2350rpm.23inhg back. unfortunately, due to the autopilot going completely nonfunctional, I really didn't take exceptional notes but i'd say it runs a bit stronger. AS i'm a nubz when it comes to lop operations, what is it supposed to feel like ? Is running LOP supposed to be smooth or slightly rough? I tried lop but my engine goes peak, to slightly rough really quickly.
  24. After 10+ hours of ifr flying over two days with a broken autopilot ( brittain ), I've come to the conclusion the first new AP Avail, gets my money. Trio, Trutrak, Garmin come on guys step it up. Can't believe how tired I was after 5+ hour legs.
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