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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. the F and J model mooneys have larger fuel capacities with essentially the same wing, couldn't I modify that to use as a pattern for modification to my E. I think the F and J are something like 64 gals. Given I can't just use the Monroy stc but the faa does allow me to have modifications made to a plane I own. so if I say design a new fuel tank based off the design of an F or J model, buy the sealant and associated hardware, then have an AP/IA install and signoff as safe, should I be good?
  2. what about the original design for the mooney wings? ex F & J models
  3. well, that's not good. Is this something I could make as an owner produced part? The f and J have larger tanks, could just copy those installs?
  4. I'm not sure what's they are called but at the very most inboard position on my flaps, where the flaps meet the body, there are large holes that look to be there to allow the flap hinge movement. could be flap hinge covers? hmm, I need those tanks guess I might have to get them sooner rather than later. eventually my plane is making a hop across the pond, I need the range.
  5. So after talking to maintenance, i've revised my list. 1. Surefly ignition -- this annual 2. Fixed Step removal -- this annual 3. Landing Light Lens -- this annual ( at my request and drawing maintenance is making one for me ) 4. Cowl Closure -- after i fly to lasar and pick it up on my flycation 5. flap hole cover, don't actually know the name of this one but there are large spaces for the flaps to move which have to be causing lots of drag 6. gap seals 7. long range tanks -- hopefully in the far future, not till the tanks leak
  6. hey where'd you get the wingtips and about how much? what avg speeds are you getting ?.
  7. I already have the Top Prop. My maintenance would absolutely LOVE the one piece belly, all I hear from them is "screws", omg screws and more screws. how fast is your plane on avg? I'm only seeing about 145kts, well that is with it pulled back just a bit. some smart guy put the fuel flow meter right next to the airspeed, some reason fuel flow ALWAYS wins.
  8. really, you should stop by hooks one day
  9. i'm bummed it's that time of year again, 1 whole week without my birdy. I'm thinking of adding a lasar speed mod or two this annual, other than the 201windshield( i'll never hurt my girl in this way) what is the best bang for the buck? I'm thinking this is the best order 1. cowl enclosure 2. flap hole cover, don't actually know the name of this one but there are large spaces for the flaps to move which have to be causing lots of drag 3. gap seals 4. long range tanks Lasar no longer makes the landing light cover for my plane, is it legal for me to fabricate one ? one other thing, my pc system is starting to go, seems there are times when the plane really wants to turn left. Is there Anyone that still works on the system? one other other thing, what brand of tires are you guys using? my nose wheel tire is on it's last leg.
  10. you probably wont' need it depending on the placement of your gps and hsi/cdi
  11. So today decided to practice the IR with a longer xc, kdwh to kdua. Have to say everything was going well until the casino took all my money 8( couple things I learned. 1. when calling clearance delivery, by phone, never tell them you're in the plane and ready to go. I think that is code for hey this guy is baking in an airplane lets put him on hold for 15 to 20 mins. 2. ATC will NEVER EVER, never ever ever, Give you the route filed. Even when cleared as filed or accepting an ATC preferred route, they will change it, probably before you get to the end of the runway. 3. you can get actual IFR in texas during the summer. so far i'm getting lucky between 9ish and 11am and late afternoon say after 6pm. Oh yeah, birdy found a friend today. Getting much better at holding course and altitude over an extended period
  12. Hmm, darn too bad I hadn't thought about it, mooney summit would've been a good starting point for this years flycation. going to try checking off every state along the east coast.
  13. darn, guess it's going to be garmin or trio
  14. My mags are due in about 50 hrs been really thinking of getting a surefly. do you actually notice any difference ? how about fuel burn?
  15. Spent today getting the new IR wet, man can't believe I actually get to do this flying thing.
  16. my understanding, they are actually going to add dme's back to the system. https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/techops/navservices/transition_programs/nextgen_dme/
  17. Nice to not have your name and address show up on the faa website
  18. Yes, E or F even better. IMO, the sooner you get your bird the better.
  19. Ahh except for the AOpa map I’ve never used jeppessen charts. Thanks that was bugging me.
  20. if it's just a transponder, have the shop doing your annual do the installation? single downtime?
  21. On my checkride Tuesday, inbound on the LOC 17R approach into KDWH the Examiner covers my GPS and ask now what, how do you identify the fix. I smiled, pointed at the ancient DME dutifully showing distance from the localizer and about 10 mins later, became an IR rated pilot.
  22. Here's my flight for today, sorry no pics but I did get a new IR
  23. build your own, probably do it for similar cost and it takes 5 mins longer
  24. I kept my DME, I find it comes in handy on a number of approaches, not necessary but handy.
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