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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. well, turns out they replaced the right mag. something about being able to start the plane in case of failure. unfortunately, don't think i'd fly if I started with only one mag. haven't had a chance to fly it but man it sounds good. pre req pictures,
  2. wow, how did you know? Annual took ALL the money this year. cry. hopefully that's a free beer 8)
  3. Agree, love my airframe really don't want to repeat the purchase process. that being said, I really want to be a speed guy, but the big red fuel flow trumps the ASI every time 8) Would really love a rayjay, I currently operate from 7 to 14000ft. Like altitude to top airspace and ignore most traffic. going to have to figure out how to rig up an o2 filling system, always running low on oxygen. Are Pee tubes really a thing, I always thought you guys were joking? oh yeah, Mr. Monroy said 3 or 4 months for more extended range kits. hope this isn't a trutrak 3 or 4 months. WAAS was an OMG moment, still trying to wean myself off airways and fly ->. adsb weather and traffic helps so much. It's scary seeing dozens of airplanes on ADSB but not being able to see any visually.
  4. this is how I purchased 7106V, on condition it passed annual.
  5. wow, think it would take an extra 110 gallons of fuel and like 18 hours to get there
  6. def headed here, lots of stuff in Ohio, Cin, Cleveland, hall of fame, Sandusky. I want to do a lot of day trips with the grands in indy so mi, wi, Illinois, ohio, ky and Tennessee are high on the list. really want to see house on the rock in WI.
  7. I lived in Tampa for 12 years, never remade it to sun n fun. Heck was in Lakeland atleast weekly. might have to do this trip next spring.
  8. Mi will be a repeat trip I need to do Mackinac island, Great Lakes tour Detroit Toronto. almost forgot Sault Ste Marie, MI Mi will probably get tired of me
  9. So, trying to decide on which direction go for this years flycation. ultimately, b4 I stop flying, I want to land in all States and Europe. well except for Hawaii, just can imagine how I could make that happen. I live in texas and visit Indiana often, so pretty close to checking off everything between here and there. already checked off: Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee , Missouri, Arkansas( gastons yumm ), Louisiana , Indiana, New Mexico(Roswell), Arizona and Nevada(VEGAS) Kentucky, and Illinois will happen eventually. My vacation will be in sept/oct from 1 to 2 weeks but leaning towards 2 separate 1 week vacations and heading in different directions. for that time of the year, not expecting significant weather issues but hey who knows. I was leaning towards heading to Vegas for a day, then hitting California, Oregon, Washington, maybe touching Canada? Completed most of my PPL in Calaveras and Livermore so CA isn't much of a challenge but, must be thorough. or could do the south east, Alabama, Florida, Ga, Carolinas, etc... As my mooney has zero ice capability, i'd probably end up covering the southeast over the course of a few winters anyway. Key west and the Bahamas are their own entries on the list, will def have to hit those. having a terrible time trying to figure out how to get those inner western states: Idaho, Wyoming, Nd, SD, Utah. Actually take that back, Rushmore and Yellowstone are must sees. give me ideas on good places to stop and things to do.
  10. Garmin enhancing G5 Garmin is doing everything possible to obsolete all avionics in my plane grr, soon to be surplus, brand new md200-706 still in plastic and Davtron oat/voltage.
  11. I'm replacing the left mag and as I have shower of sparks it's non impulse. really excited about getting some fuel savings at altitude, if I can squeeze out close to 1 gal/hr it'd really help with one of my normal trips. would make it possibly a nonstop flight on favorable wind days.
  12. I WOULD LOVE to do this, my understanding it's no longer possible. something about stcs and such
  13. Atleast another week before I get to try it out. -- maintenance is removing the shower of sparks and left mag, think i'm going to miss the buzzing sound when starting. -- going to have to come up with a nice long XC to test the timing advance. Wish I had thought to log before installing the surefly.
  14. MidContinent is a great company, I called tech support asking if there was any calibration possible for a CDI I had purchased. stated it didn't center and was off to the right a bit. before I could finish the sentence the MidContinent Rep had ordered a replacement sent to my house. Did I Ever say how much I hate annual time, GRR can't fly my plane. What do you guys think about getting together and petitioning the FAA to change it to a biannual??????
  15. on an approach, the plane is still making power until idled on final and runway is made. don't think it'll get overly cool.
  16. 2300 and 18 to 20 mp between iaf and faf half flaps about halfway to faf just prior to FAF, gear down, prop full in , flaps, mixture full in, gear down, gear down. after FAF only worry about landing or going missed. if guaranteed landing may add more flaps but that's the only real config change I will make after the faf
  17. they are installing my surefly as i type, will try to give a pirep next time i fly
  18. Woot, surefly going in today. so Mad I can’t test fly this weekend
  19. Totally forgot about the ARI cowling, think i'll look into that. my understanding the guy is here in Houston?
  20. LOVE my M20E. to be honest unless the front seat passengers are extremely tall there's plenty of room in the back. the front seats have a massive amount of travel, I can't reach the pedals with them full rear. I will say you have to watch the E, somehow she convinces you to spend all kinds of money getting and keeping her dressed for the party. seriously, it's been like pimp my airplane lately
  21. Maybe this is it maybe this is it
  22. the F and J model mooneys have larger fuel capacities with essentially the same wing, couldn't I modify that to use as a pattern for modification to my E. I think the F and J are something like 64 gals. Given I can't just use the Monroy stc but the faa does allow me to have modifications made to a plane I own. so if I say design a new fuel tank based off the design of an F or J model, buy the sealant and associated hardware, then have an AP/IA install and signoff as safe, should I be good?
  23. what about the original design for the mooney wings? ex F & J models
  24. well, that's not good. Is this something I could make as an owner produced part? The f and J have larger tanks, could just copy those installs?
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