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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. I'd love a turbo diesel, they put out power/torque at just the right range, more efficient but are unfortunately god awful expensive. If there was one available near the cost of a replacement io-360, I'd be first in line. You see the specs of continental and diamond turbo diesels, something in the 200hp range would burn approx 7 to 8 gph which sounds perfect for my mooney. little math, that would probably take me >1000 miles and be cheaper to operate. i sent an email to cont. regarding their turbo diesels, they didn't even bother to reply. so, next best thing would be prob be a modern auto fueled engine, that CAN support current fuel, ethanol included. seriously, my car runs 340 hp on 87 octane gas. booze, no booze, water, whatever
  2. seems just fine to me, also I can't see any reason to get rid of the pitot/static instruments anyway.
  3. i'm all in for 2 gi-275, install without cutting up my panel. everything primary. honestly I was hoping for the av-30 but will get these instead.
  4. now that I think about it, each coil in my car is independent, lose 1 or 2 i'm down power but things keep turning. doesnt' sound horrible
  5. imagine a liquid cooled, direct injected, coil over, electronic ignition engine in our mooney. could even have heat without risk of co poisoning
  6. Woot can see 2 of these and gfc500/TRUTRAK in my future, man I feel broke
  7. Why not a turbo charged 6 turning at less than 3Ik Should be able to get 225 to 250 hp and it'll run forever
  8. Today Was a GREAT day!
  9. Porter Strait Instrument Co in Tulsa, OK. just spoke with them yesterday
  10. guessing you're not going to oshkosh
  11. Appareo Stratus ESG, love ADS-B. Just last month kept me and an eclipse jet from sharing the same airspace
  12. yeah, it sounds great
  13. It's automatic in GP. about a week prior to expiry, gp will "TRY" to download the next cycle.
  14. Nothing to move, Just ran out of space. It only has 32Gb of storage, I like to select all the options. Hate having to remember to download stuff
  15. Think next year i'm going to use one of the new hi tech liquid waxes/sealants. put on muscle mass waxing birdy yesterday
  16. Replaced my s2 tab 8.0 with an ipad mini 5 cellular, due to it running out of space and being dog slow. Replaced the Galaxy Tab S3 due to it running out of space, GP with all the options is quite large; also GP doesn't like running from the SD card.
  17. wax on wax off
  18. this is cool, think i'll give it a try in the E
  19. It's about an inch wider than my ipad mini 5, thinking it'll fit in the same x-grip.
  20. woot, wifey Santa brought me a new Airplane toy this year 8) I wish the ancient avionics in our planes could be so easily updated. I swear if I had the cash, i'd figure out a way to get it done.
  21. Exploding things on Toyota is expected right? Probably something hard tapped it
  22. @markw, you still around Houston ?
  23. This led me to skimming the FAA PBN document, seems by 2025 all ifr aircraft will be expected to be gps equipped and by 2030 gps and dme/dme equipped.
  24. My mechanic after installing my surefly said it wasn't any more difficult than a normal mag, maybe easier. stated the most difficult part was installing power from the batter in the tail. just let your IA do it.
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