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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2015 in all areas

  1. Did power on stall training in an E a few years ago..... I will NEVER do power on stalls in a Mooney EVER ... There is nothing conventional about recovering from an inverted spin...... Just my two cents.....Even cleaning the brown stain from my skivvies was "unconventional"
    3 points
  2. The 201 has strong springs in the pitch control system. There is a definate change in pitch feel when pulling the yoke back that last 3" or so, it gets very stiff. Overcome that in flight by pulling it back all the way to the mechanical stop, and the wing will fully stall. It's a definite nose down pitching moment due to the laminar flow wing. Stall recovery is conventional.
    3 points
  3. Decoder rings must not come with the short bodies. You guys with bigger engines and big back seats must get all all the glory.
    3 points
  4. i don't think it has enough useful weight for your special ladies lol... P.S. Please, I just had dinner, don't post their pictures in response lol
    3 points
  5. It was Peter Garmin..... I saw him do it !!!!
    2 points
  6. My two cents: don't stall non trainer/non aerobatic aircraft. What's the point? All that can happen is grief. My understanding is secondary stall and spin characteristics leave a lot to be desired in a Mooney. Never understood practicing full stalls past private pilot certificate. In real life, if you stall it, you're going to be more than likely dead, because it will either be IMC, base/final turn. No amount of recovery practice is going to help you there.
    2 points
  7. A long body must be "finessed", a sloppy pilot in the pattern who is high and hot, wants to rush things on landing will get a lesson in who the boss really is. Treat her right with proper approach speeds and energy management and the landings are so perfect. Rush things and try to force her, its guaranteed not gonna happen. Reminds me of a relationship....
    2 points
  8. I've had good luck the last 7 years with Michelin airstop tubes and Goodyear tires at 30 psi.
    2 points
  9. I think it's a Comedy Central joke they were hoping would go viral on internet. Funny.... but kinda not funny because it perpetuates the myth that all us guys with planes are part of the American aristocracy.
    2 points
  10. Holy crap, I thought I was reading one of Anthony's posts.
    2 points
  11. Fly away gear is on the load sheet of every freighter I have worked and on occasion it comes off to squeeze on a bit more cargo and they pick up a new set down line.
    2 points
  12. http://www.redbull.com/us/en/motorsports/stories/1331729837907/red-bull-barnstorming-action-clip-video Think I might have to tidy up my hangar a bit before attempting anything like that!
    1 point
  13. Take off, retract manual gear, it a bump IFR, have the gear handle pop out, try to retract at 120, lose track of attention because you are messing with the gear, think the horn is the gear horn because you are messing with gear and forgetting you have full throttle in. In my case recovery occurred prior to stall but it was close enough. I would echo the advice on practicing stalls in a Mooney. Practicing slow flight and the edge of stalls so you get a feel for what to look for is more than sufficient in my book. They aren't very forgiving in a lot of cases and they don't spin for more than 1-2 rotations before going into a spiral. A spin is an acrobat maneuver which is fun, a spiral isn't.
    1 point
  14. There is one orher theory. Maybe, just maybe they confused your plane wirh Chris' and they put some grass up high like that for the cows...I meant women...to graze! You know since they can't bend down to easily!
    1 point
  15. No it was Alan who did it. Fess up Alan. I tried to tell him not to do it and that it's not right and all but he just wouldn't listen. He used stp mixed with rislone and some atf to make it stay put! He claims it's a new concoction!
    1 point
  16. First, pour yourself a tall stiff drink...
    1 point
  17. I'd go with a factory reman as well. Weather it's a keeper or you plan on selling it in the short term is irrelevant imo. What you do,however, will be as relevant to you if you keep it as it'd be to a buyer if you sell.
    1 point
  18. And why practice them? If you have a power on stall on take off, you're dead. All that happens by practicing them is possibility of boring a hole in the ground. Nothing to learn here. Want to have some fun? Go rent a Super D.
    1 point
  19. I concur. There are mandatory replacement items when you split the case, so you'll already be buying some parts that count towards an overhaul. If your cylinders are first-run and still in good shape, I'd go ahead and get them overhauled in conjunction with doing the rest of the bottom end. The R&R and case split will rack up significant labor hours that will have to be repeated soon if you don't overhaul now, so if it is a keeper it makes sense to just pay that labor once. If you plan on selling it soon, it might be more economical to just get the case fixed and put it back in service.
    1 point
  20. Threads like these need a generous 'Marauder' warning, like... Caution: Multiple cool color screens, replete with scads of ultra-useful visual data below. View at your own wallet's risk...! Who could have foreseen a big JPI fitting in the left side of the panel? Like having a flight engineer-in-a-box... Best regards, -a-
    1 point
  21. Not typical! My 201 will Buffett for about 2-3 seconds after stall and no matter how centered the ball if aft control is left at full back guaranteed to be upside down in a spin in another 2 sec
    1 point
  22. My 1970 C has stall strips. P.S.--unaccelerated stalls are fairly mild, but more noticeable than in the 172 I trained in. Accelerated departure stalls during ccheckrides / training are immediately recovered BEFORE the break!
    1 point
  23. Try to avoid 'attacking' type of statements... There is room for all opinions. Nobody is getting proper legal advice from an aviation enthusiast website. There won't be additional points scored for aggressive behavior. I appreciate both views being expressed. I get a feeling for the law and its flavors in different places... Telling everybody that somebody's statement is incorrect is unhelpful on many levels. Giving your thoughts on what is correct is helpful for everyone. Some ways may take more effort on a personal level. You will be appreciated for the extra effort. My thoughts,
    1 point
  24. Yes both desser tubes failed on me, they are garbage. The first wouldn't hold air overnight. The second failed just after a flight when I taxied to the fuel pump. It was a year old. Both were leaking where the stem was bonded to the tube.
    1 point
  25. Well, it could be any or all of the above. As one who recently transitioned to a long body, I can attest that you have to pay much more attention to caressing the nose down to earth than with a J. If you relax back pressure or try to plant the nose it WILL bounce on you...there's a lot of extra force with that increased engine weight. As memory serves, there was also an issue with some nose gear where a bushing could get loose and cause a runaway on takeoff or landing. I don't remember whether this was only on the long-bodies or across all the models. Not sure if this is also contributing to what you see in the for sale listings.
    1 point
  26. That is an incorrect statement of the law. In most jurisdictions in addition to intentional conduct a concious indifference to the consequences will get you to the jury on punitive damages. The mechanics conduct, or more accurately omissions to act, would no doubt meet the threshold here in Ga.
    1 point
  27. Re Slick magneto coil. Ugh. I IRAN'd both mags at 500 hrs and had spent way too much time troubleshooting why all of a sudden I couldn't hot start for the life of me and cold stars were significantly more difficult. Shop that did the work (a not very well known MSC in the region btw) kind of shrugged their shoulders and said it is what it is. Sent mags back for re inspection and the benched fine twice, and local A&p and I troubleshot air an fuel systems will all okay. We found that the left impulse coupled mag never made a good spark across air gap. It was always weak (like 1/4 inch instead of 3/8) inch. Got a replacement mag on there and back to usual strong starts again. I should have probably just put a set of bendix mags on there it retrospect, but at least I have a set of working mags. I called Dorn at Henry Weber and he was of course immensely helpful as was the local a&p where my plane was kind of stuck as I no longer had confidence In the engine with this starting problem. Anyway, I brought the J to annual at Henry Weber this week and if anything I have less anxiety knowing that knowledgeable folks are working on it. Dorn also had awesome flying and maintenance adventure stories and I could probably listen to him for hours. Lessons are your perfectly well working equipment can come back in a messed up state after IRAN and there is a difference among folks that know and care about Mooneys and versus those who just put the logo up on the hangar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Punitive damages are generally (if not always) unavailable in a negligence or breach of contract case. Has to be intentional conduct.
    1 point
  29. Thanks everyone. The gyro is a high serial number (post mod 7 from factory) but I will have it checked before installation. I didn't know before how easy the entire install is for the Aspen, but given that I already have the Sandel I'll stick with that. Thanks for the details on the yokeshaft interference! I'd also hate for my Mooney to go "tits up"
    1 point
  30. Could've been a CAT-astrophe!!
    1 point
  31. I hardly consider everyone gathered around the grill charing up steaks a "romantic" dinning experience. If you guys like Pedro's then rock on. Just thought I would shed some local insight, and frankly I did offer to host a cook out Friday night at my hangars (1 that is filled with an M20J) for the early arrival folks on the south ramp and no one I guess elected to take me up on my offer so I actually am joining another mass fly out bunch at their dinner instead.
    1 point
  32. Another advantage, Houman, even if you do nothing yourself but oil changes between annuals, is that you KNOW the condition of your plane, how everything fits together and works. You can monitor condition and wear, ask questions and take action when something's needs to be fixed rather than waiting for (possibly inconvenient) failure. We spotted a really weak throttle cable-to-carb connection while replacing my stuck carb heat cable at annual this year, would hate to have the throttle cable fall off at altitude.
    1 point
  33. That was so good, I thought I wrote it myself!
    1 point
  34. Hi Houman, I have had a VERY positive experience on an owner-assisted annual, and all I can say is that - for me - the key was the IA with whom I was working. He was thorough, knowledgeable, and experienced not only on the aircraft, regs and inspections, but also as a manager. So he didn't stand over my shoulder while I did low-skill things like removing inspection plates. At the same time, he freely shared the hows and whys of things only he could do, while gradually pushing me to my limits (like, I am NOT working on brakes, for example). He coached me through higher-skilled things and explained how stuff worked. I learned SO much about what to look for from just working on the aircraft with a highly skilled professional. I feel like it was MORE valuable and would be worth MORE than just dropping and picking up the aircraft, which I had done for many years before this. I am both a LOT more knowledgeable and confident about my bird and its systems. And I had attended the great owners seminar put on by Jerry Manthey and tried to be an involved owner, but some things you only learn when you do them. And +1 on whomever made the comment about cleaning; it's an ugly job, but belly-polishing and clearing all the crud and gunk that can gather even just from time is worth the final result, and makes day-to-day maintenance and troubleshooting that much easier.
    1 point
  35. Last year - Air Force called me up - they wanted me to come teach there! For a year. I said NO WAY! No...that's not what I said - I said my kids are late stage in High School and it is a bad time to go away - but to please ask me again in just a few years I would love to. I would be one of the few people to have taught at all 3 - that would be cool. Its a beautiful place at Colorado Springs.
    1 point
  36. Were there any children at the field? Like 12 year old boys? --And no I'm not making a joke about the Naval cadets.
    1 point
  37. Looks like your Mooney has tits on its back!!!
    1 point
  38. Smart. You got the inverted oil system.
    1 point
  39. :-) I am guessing you forgot where you were. Annapolis is home of the US Naval Academy. The US Naval Academy - at Annapolis - (they call themselves "Navy") has a long standing "all in good fun" rivalry with their "arch nemesis" (in football at least) which is the US Military Academy at West Point - (called "Army"). Army vs Navy is a long standing tradition. Especially during the week before the big football game the cadets and midshipmen from each institution pull all sorts of pranks on each other. I have had the great honor to have taught at both institutions - 2 years at Army and 5 years at Navy.
    1 point
  40. People are just mean a-h's
    1 point
  41. Thanks Yves that's exactly what I am looking for! How deep is your current DG? The Sandel 3500 I want to install there is 9.8" deep from the front of the panel. Does the pilot side panel have to have the bend in it? could the top row of instruments be co-planar with the bottom row or would that cause interference behind the panel? Also, there is a spacer between your throttle/mixture/prop knobs and your GPS. Is that required for clearance behind the panel or could you have removed it and mounted your GPS lower? Thanks! Carusoam, And there is my biggest problem... I have WAY too much time to sit here and think about redoing my instrument panel over the next few months. I wonder if I can think of a way to install a cappuccino maker where the glovebox is... I bet it starts with a PlanePower alternator!
    1 point
  42. Update: It continues. We were at the 10 year mark for the prop so it went in for overhaul and the blades failed. I was buying an overhauled hub from the ones let go by the Katana factory anyway, so overhauled blades complete that piece of it. No more Eddy Current Inspection. In purging all contaminated oil from the engine parts to prevent it acting like sandpaper on everything, we found out that it would cost some outrageous amount to overhaul the governor. So, we are buying a new PCU drop in replacement for a fraction to overhaul the old one. Engine will be back from the shop this week, and propeller within a few days. I will have C-FSWR back in my hands by the middle of next week (hopefully). Looks like I will be running low and hot for the first 10 hours or so in order to burn the rings in. Then it is into the air for Yves and I to practice a couple more times, hopefully with Houman as well, including element take-offs and landings at Gatineau airport. Bucko called me yesterday and he is our Kilo Element Lead for the Caravan. Looking for a replay of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NhiKj4sCWs.
    1 point
  43. This past annual my A&P asked to fly before he started... He had a checklist of things he took notes on. examples: idle rpm cold, Mag drop left and right., and takeoff rpm (took a reading right at gear-up time). He took some speed measurements in the pattern at various MP levels. and then recorded the airspeed the stall warning came on. then when it was over we went up and compared all the readings. First time I ever saw that done and I was impressed. BILL
    1 point
  44. Yes, we have a free iPad app found here https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/avidyne-ifd-am/id876452176?mt=8. There is also the option to switch it to the newly certified IFD440. We have a PC based sim here: http://www.avidyne.com/products/ifd540/demo-sim-signup.asp also. I also run a webinar every Wednesday that covers major features and any questions.
    1 point
  45. Mooney announces M5 complete with heavy duty wheels, ballistic parachute, and second door. Useful load of one. Hence no one knows why the second door...
    1 point
  46. Here are some pictures. The stick-ons you can get at Aircraft Spruce as well as the site I provided below. http://www.boomersintheknow.com/avbisunrewic.html Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47. We are just finishing up with the annual inspection, no major issues. This is the first time I have fully participated. I learned a lot and and saw parts of the Mooney I didn't know existed. My arms are sore, my bu** is sore and my fingernails will NEVER come clean. Some of the benefits in pictures.........
    1 point
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