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That's an eye-opening video for sure. Seemed like they were in good shape until they actually hit the DA and then all hell broke loose. Good to keep in mind that this can happen, and not take things for granted.


The most amazing thing to me was the pilot didn't hesitate and they knew exactly what to do practically without thinking. That close to the ground and not being able to see is a dangerous situation. Good video to make you think about your personal minimums. That was way too close for my comfort for sure.


This is amazing to watch. I had something similar happen at my home field. We were coming in at night and the weather was wildly variable. The ceilings and visibility given on ATIS was varying wildly from clear to 1/4 mile and 100 ft. 25 miles out we were in clear air. We decided to shoot the approach and see what was really going on. On final, I could see  fog on a nearby lake. Airport in site, we went for landing but the entire field disappeared just as I was over the numbers and starting the flare. We landed hard and couldn't see anything past the nose of the plane for about 2 minutes. Fog rolled in just at the moment we landed. 


I hit a fog bank in the flare once, it's a very uncomfortable experience. Especially on a short field with trees at the end. Rolled out before I hit the brakes. Never saw it from the air on downwind, base or final, but did have time to ask my wife to turn of the landing light. Did I mention it was at night, too? Not fun.

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