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Favorite Aviation Magazine?

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I just finished reading (online) my favorite aviation magazine...and the winner is...AVIATION CONSUMER.  I love the "this is good and why" of the new from avionics to GPS...to knee boards.  The magazine as with Consumer Reports has NO advertisements, so you are getting as unbiased information as possible each month.  The reviews of classic aircraft are also fun reads and expose the "Good...the Bad...and the Ugly" to steal Coy Jacobs stolen phrase.  Good stuff on affordable aircraft ($60k was benchmark for article)  M20C and M20F made the grade, but no E...Oh, well.  Check it out if you have never seen it online.  It is a pricey annual subscription,but in my opinion worth every penny.  Plane & Pilot is a close second.

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I as an AOPA member, I read their magazine and Plane and Pilot. These two are more in tune with what I consider General Aviation. I'm not sure what Flying is up to these days. Bizjets are cool, but I can't afford one and I'd like to know about things that I can fly and buy. One of these days I'll suscribe to Aviation Consumer. I currently suscribe to AW&ST, perhaps I should drop it for the AvCon.

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I used to get magazines of many different sorts: Golf, Wired, MacWorld, etc. Now I still have the token Golf Digest but every month my drawer fills up with pages and pages of paper dedicated to things with wings. Here's what I get, and my opinion of each. I find it hard to pick a favorite, but I'll side with others above on both Aviation Consumer and AOPA Pilot as ones I look forward to most.

Aviation Consumer: Usually very relevant, with at least one or two topics in each issue that really do help with decisions for buying equipment or maintaining your airplane. However, it's getting pricey...$69 to renew for a year!

AOPA Pilot: Could be the best overall magazine for GA, with nice feature articles and a stylish layout.

Flying: They've updated their look under new ownership and I still enjoy it a lot. It's also one of the least expensive, at only $16/year. While they do spend more time on bizjets than other GA magazines, it's fun to dream. And their columnists are top-notch: I especially love to read Martha Lunken's quirky take on things, Lane Wallace always describes aviation in ways others can't, and Les Abend's commentary on flying the big-iron is fun to get the perspective of what that's like.

Plane & Pilot: I like this one, but may consider dropping it. It seems repetitive with AOPA Pilot quite a bit, and in recent years has gotten thin.

Aviation Safety and IFR: Two other mags in the Belvoir group, both good for keeping flying skills sharp and refreshed. I've complained to both Jeff Van West and Paul Bertorelli that they should offer discounts for multiple subscriptions to Belvoir mags, and both these guys have agreed, but they don't run the business side of things.

EAA Sport Aviation: This is the newest one to my library since I finally had to join EAA last year to camp at OSH. At first I just quickly scanned it and threw it away, as it was geared very much to the home builder. But they underwent a massive renovation this year, and frankly it is becoming a favorite. Feature articles are fresh and new, and though there is still quite a bit geared to the home builder, much of this transfers over to general plane maintenance as well so it's still relevant to me.

Sorry for the tome...perhaps I should have been a book reviewer in a different life!

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Just got the April Issue of AOPA Pilot.

The back cover is an advertisement for Garmin Retrofit glass.  Looks like an Eagle or Ovation upgrade.  Very similar to, but slightly different than, Docket's new panel.

We can say we saw it here first!!!

- a -

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