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Weight and balance spreadsheets for J, K 231?


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Does anyone have W&B worksheets for their J or 231 post?

I want to play with some various trip scenarios, see how these two planes fit with the various missions we're contemplating.

I'm looking at both 201s and 231s, so both versions are of use to me.

Thank you

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I have a simple XLS spreadsheet set up for my K.

You can plug in weights of PX, baggage, gallons of fuel (main and aux), and it will show available payload (plus or negative), and CG

Anyone who would like a copy please PM an email address to me.

I'll be traveling next week but will respond as possible, otherwise, I'll catch up when get back from CA.

Acceptable CG limits vary with weight so you still need to check the graph. I didn't get that into the spreadsheet.


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Agree with Greg. W&B Pro is the way to go!

Except if you have an Android! I've refused to drink the Apple kool-aid, to date. Although based upon the availability of aviation-related apps I sense an iPad in my future.

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Sorry. I was trying to share my experience with some detail. It appears that I am short on cash. So I only have the iPad 1.

WnB may work on other platforms, I just don't know.

Other people still prefer paper. Whatever you choose is ok with me.

Best regards,


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That works nicely...

The Cessna graph was interesting. They had several possible load schemes already graphed out, fom single pilot with low fuel to fully loaded.... And everything in between...

And worked from my iPad, at least while connected to the Internet....

Best regards,


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Also on the app front, you could download and try CoPilot. This is a flight-planning tool that was way out ahead of it's time...I first used it on the old Palm Tréo device, but it migrated to the iPhone pretty quickly. It has a full featured W&B calculator, that can also be tied into a flight plan so you can see what your numbers are both on takeoff and landing, all plotted on the familiar W&B chart.

I don't use the flight planning features anymore but I still do use the W&B whenever I am carrying more than my normal load.

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FlightPlan App - Pilots Tool Box; Flightplan HD is the version for Ipad.

Above is Great app for Weight and Balance and a few hundred other things...

FlightScale is a Weight and Balance only.

Flightplan also avail for android.



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