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Hey Y'all,

I have a GNS 430 W, which performs great, except... I've noticed the "PROC" button no longer functions, it feels like the other buttons, which work fine, but no matter how hard I push; nothing. Does anyone have experience with this issue? I've found a work-around by using the menu on the FPL page. This requires extra selections and keystrokes, but if it's there, I want it to work.




You might try calling a local avionics shop and see if they can massage it a bit.... otherwise Garmin will hit you with their obscene flat-rate repair charge, which is terrible for something like a malfunctioning button.


You might try calling a local avionics shop and see if they can massage it a bit.... otherwise Garmin will hit you with their obscene flat-rate repair charge, which is terrible for something like a malfunctioning button.

Yep, I had a COM board failure only 4 months out of warranty (lots of fun going NORDO when departing Dallas in IMC) and got a lovely $900 repair bill from Garmin.



Sorry to hijack this thread but here is a question regarding the 430W. If I do not want to have a digital clock taking up panel space does the timer built into the 430W count with regard to IFR requirements?


Sorry to hijack this thread but here is a question regarding the 430W. If I do not want to have a digital clock taking up panel space does the timer built into the 430W count with regard to IFR requirements?

Oh, is that really in question? I assumed the timer was IFR acceptable and never even considered it wouldn't be. It is a timer and it is attached to the plane but I didn't think it needed to even be attached.

Also, my com swap button requires a lot more pressure than it used to. I'm hoping it lasts until some other issue comes up requiring a replacement to something like the 440 so I can justify it to my wife!


Hey Y'all,

I have a GNS 430 W, which performs great, except... I've noticed the "PROC" button no longer functions, it feels like the other buttons, which work fine, but no matter how hard I push; nothing. Does anyone have experience with this issue? I've found a work-around by using the menu on the FPL page. This requires extra selections and keystrokes, but if it's there, I want it to work.



My previous airplane had an issue with its 430. Garmin has a very unfriendly repair system - surprise on that - I forgot the number but it was ~$1200 or something thereabouts in order of magnitude flat rate to look at it. For that price they bench test and fix minor things - presumably a button is a minor thing, but if it is a major thing they charge more. So if it is a 10 min fix for them then it is $7200/hr shop rate, Not a bad system for them - its good to be the king.


I got hit with an unexpected 1AMU "refurb" charge when I sent my 430 in for the WAAS upgrade, too. Now the "CLEAR" button sometimes won't work, but it's only really annoying on the Flight Plan page which is otherwise difficult to get away from.


Sorry to hijack this thread but here is a question regarding the 430W. If I do not want to have a digital clock taking up panel space does the timer built into the 430W count with regard to IFR requirements?

I thought I remembered that the clock needed to be powered by its own source, such as a wind up spring or independent battery. But, I just looked up 91.205 and could find no such statement, so maybe your 430 does satisfy the requirement.


I thought it had to be a "CLOCK" not a timer. With a count up/count down timer, what do you do when ATC says "void if not off the ground by 2215 zulu" or something? But I don't have a ready link to the current FAR. The joys of being a PPL and not a CP, there are lower expectations when something happens.

But then again, you could always ask the current time. ATC will occasionally provide it without prompting.


Thanks for all the feedback guys, unfortunately you confirmed my suspicions and its time to pay mother Garmin.



Before spending $1K try contact cleaner (can is $3) around the perimeter gap on the button. It may reach the contacts if you have the unit facing up. Good luck. Let us know if it works.



uh..contact cleaner..sorry thats not the way smt tactile switches work Jose....but if the 430w is out of warrenty..I would get an electronics guy to replace the switch...prob not legal but the part would cost pennies!!and that proc button is critical for setting up waas approaches /sid/star or activating a/p guidance...I use it constantly...good luck..kpc


uh..contact cleaner..sorry thats not the way smt tactile switches work Jose....but if the 430w is out of warrenty..I would get an electronics guy to replace the switch...prob not legal but the part would cost pennies!!and that proc button is critical for setting up waas approaches /sid/star or activating a/p guidance...I use it constantly...good luck..kpc

Most likely this is a simpler problem to solve than you think. After a PCB is assembled it goes through a washing process to remove the remaining flux. Many times the cleaning agent find its way into the switch contacts causing eventual oxidation of the contacts. This cause the switch to be inoperative after sometime. Spraying contact cleaner on the switch solves 99% of the problem. To be really effective on reaching the switch the unit faceplate would need to be removed to have access to the switch. On some instances the problem may be related to lack of solder on the switch lead pads, which would only require to re-solder the lead. It is rare to actually have a bad switch. Finding a replacement switch without the manufacturer p/n is a bear even going through DIgi-Key on-line catalog.


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  • 9 months later...

Just an FYI to anyone considering having their 430W serviced by Garmin.  As of today they are still charging $900 which includes the following.


  • Prices include complete factory overhaul to new required specifications and domestic ground shipment back to you.
  • Service policy and flat repair rates are subject to change without notice.
  • Rates are shown in U.S. dollars and apply to service in the U.S. only. If outside of the U.S., contact your local Garmin office for repair costs.
  • For models not in the list above, call Product Support for service availability.
  • We reserve the right to make changes or improvements in our products from time to time without incurring the obligation to install such improvements or changes on equipment or items previously manufactured.
  • We retain the exclusive right to either repair or replace the product with a “newly-overhauled” (NOH) device or new device, or offer a full refund of the flat rate of repair at its sole discretion. The same policy shall apply to software.
  • We are obligated to charge sales tax in any state where we maintain a branch or office. Currently, we are required to collect sales tax in AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MO, NM, OK, TX and WA. For these states, sales tax is charged on total merchandise plus shipping charges.

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