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I'd like to swap out my stock mixture cable on my 65 C model with a vernier style cable.  What's required to make this swap out?   Do I need a 337?


Do a search for owner produced parts I put on here back in December 2011.  There is a copy of the email from my local FSDO citing the regs and the legal way you can do it and how it must be documented.  You will have to do your part but your A&P will need to install and enter in logbook with the proper verbage.

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Do a search for owner produced parts I put on here back in December 2011.  There is a copy of the email from my local FSDO citing the regs and the legal way you can do it and how it must be documented.  You will have to do your part but your A&P will need to install and enter in logbook with the proper verbage.


Couldn't find my previous post.  Here is the copy of the email I spoke of from the FSDO.  I had my part made by McFarlane.


From: David.F.Hall@faa.gov [mailto:David.F.Hall@faa.gov] 
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 9:23 AM
To: Charles Jones
Subject: Owner Produced Part



 I have accomplished some additional research concerning your question about a replacement engine control cable for your Mooney: 

Yes you can have a part manufactured and classify it as an "owner produced part"  as identified in FAR 21.9 (a)(5), which is attached. 

There is a process that must be followed and it is identified in Advisory Circular 20-62E which is attached.  Its not very difficult or hard to comply with. (see Advisory Circular 20-62E, paragraph 4(n)) 

You stated to me during our conversation that you were aware of a manufacturing facility that produces similar cables for other makes of general aviation aircraft. 

I believe you will be well within regulatory compliance with the requirements for an "owner produced" part if you complied with the following list of actions: 

a)  You are the legal owner of the aircraft. 

B)  You remove the cable from your aircraft to be used as a sample to manufacturer a new cable. 

c) Provide the cable the cable manufacturer you referenced in our conversation as a sample for the manufacture of a new cable.  (Providing the manufacturer of the cable to use as a sample would satisfy the owners participation responsibility of Advisory Circular 20-62E). 

d)  Install the new cable in your aircraft by a person authorized to approve the aircraft for return to service after the installation.  The maintenance log entry for the new cable should indicate that the cable installed is an owner produce part in accordance with FAR 21.9. 

We believe if you follow the above guidance, you will have complied with all of the FAA regulatory requirements to classify the new cable as an "owner produced part".  Additionally having the cable manufactured by a manufacturer  who is experienced in manufacturing similar cables for other type certificated aircraft will assure your aircraft is returned to service in a condition that is equal or better than its original condition (FAR 43.13) 

David F. Hall 
Aviation Safety Inspector 
501 918 4417 


When discussing with the FAA, the discussion focused more around having the correct length and size.  McFarlane sends you a form to fill out concerning the type of cable you desire.  I enclosed the form with the old cable and sent to them.  When I received it back I gave the A&P the part and the documentation above so he would ensure to document the part correctly.  I have vernier on my mixture and prop controls.

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