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 thought I’d start here.  Last two flights and whether using ForeFlight on ipad or iPhone I have been unable to get “Radar weather composite” or “radar weather low tilt” in flight.  Stratus status ages out after takeoff.  I do get ADS-B weather and all traffic, airfield updates , etc.  I also noticed last flight it looks like I am not getting getting gps satellites. Also calling @Jesse Saint






I have been having similar issues and have sent notes to Foreflight.  One thing they pointed out is that the radar overlays are no longer automatic.  So, when connected to Stratus, one must select “ADS-B” radar.  Well, that helped a little, but I am still seeing things like you are.  Last flight I started dropping traffic in NY airspace.  Would have to recycle.  I pointed out to FF that my buddy had a different app with no issue, they thought he was knocking me off the stratus……but with no warning?  (In that case it appeared I was fully connected to Stratus  and ADS-B)Anyway, I’ve been flying Foreflight and Stratus for a long time with no issues, so I’m thinking this is a bug in one of the recent updates….but I don’t think I have been convincing.  

Edit:  In your case, check the overlays when connected to Stratus…..but I think the problem goes beyond that.  I also learned something from you…..I didn’t know I could tap the time and see what’s missing….this will be very helpful in the future!  Thanks…


@takair, thanks.  At least I am thinking this is not a “box pull” and send back to manufacture.   I guess if before the overlay was automatic switch to ADS-B for weather that would explain part of it.  Guess I never payed attention to the fact my overlay was on ADS-B weather and not on “radar comp” or “radar low tilt” while in flight.  However it was still weird to see “no gps satellites received” on the Stratus page.  I am also showing good connection, good traffic, etc. one thing I can’t remember is if I saw a bit failure on the stratus and my stratus display was on baro pressure not gps position.  Tomorrow I will select the gps position display on the stratus and see if it has a position which it should since I have good and accurate own position and Ads-b traffic position.  After that I think Stratus is working fine and it’s a FF issue.

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