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Fellow aviators,

I was out flying today and was reminded of a question I wanted to ask this group as I put my gear up.  I occasionally feel my seat "twitch" when putting the gear up or down.  It doesn't seem to do it all the time, but perhaps I just don't always have my seat in the same location?  Is this normal?  Does anybody else feel this?



My 231 did the same thing for years, and it may be common, but it's not "normal."

Though I hadn't listed it as a squawk on my last annual at Royal Aircraft at HGR, Tom discovered the problem on a test flight.  I believe was the gear going too far in the retraction cycle.

I'd give a call to Pam at Royal--301-791-3642--referencing my plane (N888BC).  I'm sure she'll check with Tom.  If you don't get an answer, pm me, and I'll check the log.  It's not a tough fix.  


Thank you Dick, I will certainly do that.  I guess since it was just out at Weber, I should probably give a call to them also.  They took it on multiple flights when doing the flight control rigging but I guess may not have noticed it.

I thought I remember reading somewhere on Mooneyspace about something similar as far as the feeling in the seat, but I could not find it.

Thanks all,



Our 201 is on jacks right now for the annual. I am familiar with the landing gear flexing the floor. It is normal, to a point.  The correct answer is "if the gear is rigged properly."  The M20J manual shows several pages of things to check.  Your measure the gear when cranked up and down manually just at the "gear unsafe" light comes on when cranking up, or just when the "gear down" light comes on. You measure clearance from the up-stops and you measure the preload of the gear just as the "gear down" light comes on.

The electric motor is cut off exactly as these lights change. The motor overrun drives it into the full down and locked.  Adjusting the limit switches cuts off the motor but doesnt account for preload.

Our preload on the right main was in spec, 250-280 IN-LB.  The left main was 500-600 IN LB.  The motor overrun was driving the gear so far past locked down it flexes the floor 1/4".  Not to mention the extra stress on the pushrods, bellcranks, and the Dukes landing gear actuator, which is not longer available, especially with the 40:1 gear sets.

If the gear is not properly preloaded down it can collapse. Point I am trying to make, is be very respectful of the gear system and have it rigged and checked by a proper Mooney shop.  The specs are very specific and take skill to do properly.  This is similar to the dual mag issue, be extremely careful of it.

Quote: mooney2201

gear cut off switch is out rig.......easy adjustment......

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