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Larry the lobster

Parting out a 68 Mooney /out of annual  

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  1. 1. Parting out a 68 Mooney /out of annual

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For anyone who loves Mooney, cutting one up to hopefully make a few more bucks is crazy, IMHO. It's a free country, but there should be a law. I equate it to cutting down a giant sequoia to make and sell wooden trinkets. Of course they can't be cut down and logging them is prohibited by law.


Sorry, but I find this entire effort offensive, and wouldn't take any part of this plane at any price.
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I have a theory and it is only theory meaning I don't have facts to back it up. I suspect that many, if not all the mods were done by Paul himself without the proper IA authority and without the proper FAA filed paperwork. This basically makes the airplane a parts plane. This is why it's out of annual and why there will be no annual. This situation is the only one I can think of as to why someone would part out a dream M20F.

Having said all this, should my theory be true, I really don't blame Paul, I sympathize with him. If you have the skills and tools I think you should be allowed to do your own work without a very expensive and time consuming FAA license. There should be a mechanism to be able to turn certified airplanes into the same experimental status that kit built airplanes enjoy. Unfortunately, if my theory is correct, the day Paul did his first mod was the day he condemed this airplane to the scrap heap.Frown In the mean time, he got to enjoy a fantastic airplane at a more affordable price.

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Quote: 140pilot

If the guy wants to go off and kill it and deal with the headache of parting it out more power to him. Something does not seem right here. My guess is he is getting exactly what he wanted. A ton of free publicity for an out of annual aircraft with damage.

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Quote: DaV8or

I have a theory and it is only theory meaning I don't have facts to back it up. I suspect that many, if not all the mods were done by Paul himself without the proper IA authority and without the proper FAA filed paperwork. This basically makes the airplane a parts plane. This is why it's out of annual and why there will be no annual. This situation is the only one I can think of as to why someone would part out a dream M20F.

Having said all this, should my theory be true, I really don't blame Paul, I sympathize with him. If you have the skills and tools I think you should be allowed to do your own work without a very expensive and time consuming FAA license. There should be a mechanism to be able to turn certified airplanes into the same experimental status that kit built airplanes enjoy. Unfortunately, if my theory is correct, the day Paul did his first mod was the day he condemed this airplane to the scrap heap.Frown In the mean time, he got to enjoy a fantastic airplane at a more affordable price.

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So, if the mods were done w/o the requisite paperwork and w/o the benefit of a 'real' A&P, what would it then require?  Removal of the LoPresti cowling and any other work, with a redo by a certified A&P?

For me it's an academic exercise: I'm full up on airplane, thanks.  It's a valuable education, however. If the plane is salvageable as a flying, licenseable entity, it seems a shame not to. Like a car missing a title however, some things can't be fixed.

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I believe there is a provision if an aircraft is "found" with existing modifications, those modifications can be inspected by proper authorities (? DER and IA) and made to be in compliance with existing data available.  I have never done this, but I have heard of the provision.  I am told this can be done without knowledge of how the modifications were done or who did them.  This also may have been an option "back in the days" when local field approvals were easier.  But, if there is such a provision, it still should be available.  If anyone knowns more, please post.

John Breda

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