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I am coming up on my annual renewal for WingX.  I use it for IFR and VFR flight.  It has gotten much better over the last few months and is a completely usable tool.  When I first bought it, there were missing details such as minimum enroute altitudes and published holds that were important to me.  This left me purchasing charts still.  (I asked WingX for my money back at the time.....)

There have been significant updates about every three months.  WingX has gotten ahead of their original promise in some respects...pinch zoom, poke and add a waypoint, poke and delete one too.  Add way points the old fashioned way JFK02035.  SIDS, STARS, IAPs, VFR, Low enroute, everything accept maybe TACs (can't seem to find them, maybe they are imbedded)

What's missing: Additional subscription required for geo synched approach plates.  Nice IFR tool.

What's extra: no additional subscription required for geo synched airport diagrams for towered airports.  I know you will like this feature.  Should help keep you from turning........

I like three screens up at the same time, route and airport data (freqs), current chart, approach plate or airport diagram.  Charts are always current....frequencies, always the newest....

My favorite new add to WingX - a game called "what waypoint do you think ATC said?"  ATC while vectoring you around Chicago is trying to be helpful and has just cleared you to "gipper" is that an intersection or is that a VOR?  type in your best guess and WingX gives back options.....

As JimR pointed out, I am looking for the one box for ADS-B and AHRS.  You get weather and SV that way.

What is still missing is traffic.  ADS-B traffic is not complete, and WingX is not importing the data either, just the weather.

We need a Monroy (Jose?) box - Reliable Traffic, Weather and AHRS for our IPads...

With all this stuff going on at Mooney speeds, you may want some help in the cockpit....Get the WingX, but remember GPMS is not included.

Unfortunately, I can't say much about the other products.  When I used them last they were truely in their infancy.

Best regards,




Quote: carusoam


I am coming up on my annual renewal for WingX.  I use it for IFR and VFR flight.  It has gotten much better over the last few months and is a completely usable tool.  When I first bought it, there were missing details such as minimum enroute altitudes and published holds that were important to me.  This left me purchasing charts still.  (I asked WingX for my money back at the time.....)

There have been significant updates about every three months.  WingX has gotten ahead of their original promise in some respects...pinch zoom, poke and add a waypoint, poke and delete one too.  Add way points the old fashioned way JFK02035.  SIDS, STARS, IAPs, VFR, Low enroute, everything accept maybe TACs (can't seem to find them, maybe they are imbedded)

What's missing: Additional subscription required for geo synched approach plates.  Nice IFR tool.

What's extra: no additional subscription required for geo synched airport diagrams for towered airports.  I know you will like this feature.  Should help keep you from turning........

I like three screens up at the same time, route and airport data (freqs), current chart, approach plate or airport diagram.  Charts are always current....frequencies, always the newest....

My favorite new add to WingX - a game called "what waypoint do you think ATC said?"  ATC while vectoring you around Chicago is trying to be helpful and has just cleared you to "gipper" is that an intersection or is that a VOR?  type in your best guess and WingX gives back options.....

As JimR pointed out, I am looking for the one box for ADS-B and AHRS.  You get weather and SV that way.

What is still missing is traffic.  ADS-B traffic is not complete, and WingX is not importing the data either, just the weather.

We need a Monroy (Jose?) box - Reliable Traffic, Weather and AHRS for our IPads...

With all this stuff going on at Mooney speeds, you may want some help in the cockpit....Get the WingX, but remember GPMS is not included.

Unfortunately, I can't say much about the other products.  When I used them last they were truely in their infancy.

Best regards,



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