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ATC reported erratic altitudes then no alt at all so I had the avionics shop replace the encoder (AK-350 for a AR-850), did a couple of flights including one IFR and all is good.  Took it up this morning and the darn thing is transmitting 1,800 ft too high.  I find it hard to believe the replacement encoder has gone bad so soon.  Any ideas before I take it back to the shop?  Static plumbing?  Bad connection?  Apparently there is a Garmin encoder that is recommended for the GTX 335 / 345.  Install that?


Swaptronics is not usually an appreciated method of problem solving around MS...

Most members of the CB club would agree...

Start with your mechanic to identify what part of the system isn’t working...

  • is it getting bad data to send?
  • is getting good data and somehow converting it to bad data?
  • or is there a few drops of water in the static line?
  • ever have a static line leak?

any chance you can see the altitude data that is being broadcast?

I have a BK transponder that displays pressure(?) altitude... (uncorrected)  pretty handy to know what your ship is telling everybody...

determine what is wrong first, then fix it, then confirm it is fixed...

PP thoughts only, not a mechanic.

Best regards,




Ever pull the alt static when the error is being reported and then see if that changes the broadcast?  It’s unlikely there would be water in that short span and that may help rule the water or static blockage theory out/in. 



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