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Hi Gang,


Anyone have 1st hand experience with the FBOs at Palwaukee/Chicago Exec? We're flying there in a few weeks time for my wife's High School reunion. All 3 seem equally expensive :)


Anything I should know about KPWK that you locals or frequent visitors know but I wouldn't know to ask?


Thanks in advance,




Very busy with corporate and expensive for GA. in terms of cost 06C would be the cheapest and about 30 min drive to PWK. Cheapest area gas these days is KMGC and KBUU. I am based at 06C and just file to KDPA and tell tower going to 06C.


K06C or KDPA.  06C has no approaches.  DPA has many and also many runway options.  Where is reunion?


The reunion is in Arlington Heights, next door almost to KPWK which is why we're planning on flying there.  KDPA is a a bit of a hike, 40-45 min drive instead of 15 min, to the hotel. Haven't checked their facility fees but at KPWK those are waved anyway with a 20 gal fuel purchase.


I did note the variety of approaches at DuPage and of course it means not traversing the Chicago airspace.


Anyone have info on the 3 FBOs at Palwaukee?


Arlington Heights is big depending if you are on the north or south side 06C could be closer. All I can say about FBO's at PWK as a local is expensive but have never heard any bad things. Hope somebody can give you some details.


Schaumburg is tempting. Distance-wise its about the same as KPWK (~20 min) , i.e., half the distance of KDPA (~45 min), to where we are going.


My main hesitation is the lack of approaches. No problem if we have a VFR weekend, otherwise less fun I suspect.


Oh well, have another 2 weeks to waffle before I have to decide :D


Well it sounds like you just want to bite the big city bullet for a night or two then... can also look at Waukegan and drive down.  Sameish distance as Schaumburg, but lots of approaches.  Besides when's the last time the midwest had weather in the summer..  :)


This time of year it really shouldn't be a problem to where you would need an approach. I always file to DPA and either cancel close to the B if Chicago is vectoring me to much or just cancel with DPA tower and tell them I am over to Schaumburg. Getting out of 06C IFR on the ground is pretty tough but again this time of the year you can get it in the air with no issues (133.5). I was based at PWK years ago when they redid 06C and it is a nice airport as is DPA but the costs are a bit nutty. Getting out of PWK IFR depending upon direction of flight (or coming inbound) can be a bit challenging due to ORD as well.

It looks like you are coming from East Coast so getting into PWK means either going over the lake or going around the south side of the B. It is pretty rare to get into the B space, not saying it doesn't happen but doesn't happen very often.

Fuel at all three airports is $1 or more over what you can get resonably close. I just looked at KMGC which was $3.99 for awhile and along your route went up but KOXI is $4.04.

Also keep in mind what looks like 20 mins is going to vary a lot depending on traffic. Going one side of Arlington Heights to the other is going to be 40 mins and any road near PWK in rush hour is a nightmare pretty much. If you are coming on the weekend or off hours the 20 mins is probably ok.

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Besides when's the last time the midwest had weather in the summer..  :)

In the summer we have a choice between a massive line of thunderstorms which an approach is about the last thing you need to worry about or CAVU. In the winter entirely different story with fog, snow, rain, low vis, and everyone's favorite ice where I would really want to be going someplace that has an approach.


I've flown into PWK many times with my Mooney for work, spring, summer, winter. Tower always friendly and never an issue arriving or departing IFR.


For Arl Hgts, I would do 06C if VFR and PWK as an alternate if IFR.  Arl Hgts is a pretty cool town!

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ILS into DPA, then cancel once VFR continue straight ahead to 06C. With the Class G in the Chicago airspace, it's kinda fun. The VFR mins are lower than the lFR mins. At least with the MVA around 06C used to be 2600'

The FBO does have funny hours so call ahead. I have Jumped the fence several times...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well guys,


I took the majority advice and flew into Schaumburg. Had filed it and about 10 miles before the class Bravo, Approach called and asked if I knew the drill. They then clarified they'd have me shoot the approach into KDPA and proceed visual to 06C. Alternatively I could cancel IFR and just sneak in under the Class Bravo with flight following.


So that's what i did :)


Good fun motoring along 1000ft AGL for the last few miles.


Schaumburg is also a nice airport, friendly/reasonable FBO. All in all a good experience.


Thanks everyone for your advice and tips.




For Arl Hgts, I would do 06C if VFR and PWK as an alternate if IFR.  Arl Hgts is a pretty cool town!


Unrecognizable from the days I met my (now) wife who grew up there. Lovely little downtown! Decent restaurants, no longer just German restaurants :D

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Have fun to get out just pick clearance up in the air on 133.5, I usually call about 400' AGL. They will generally give a squawk and a heading and keep you VFR out of the Bravo and then give you a clearance in a bit and step climb you up under the Bravo. For your direction you will probably get EON then direct but check Flightaware as sometimes they get a bit nutty on fixes. Once you are out from Bravo and not conflicting with traffic at ORD and MDW you will get cleared direct and pushed up to your filed altitude.


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