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If it turns out to be from MH370, we can put at least one conspiracy theory to rest, that it landed safely on a remote island and was repainted and placed back into service.


Hopefully this will lead to more wreckage, an answer to what happened and as Oscar said, closure. But most of all, hopefully it will put all of the crazy conspiracy theories to rest - everything from it being shot down by US military forces doing maneuvers in the South China Sea to the plane "shadowing" another aircraft (in IMC no doubt) and landing in Pakistan, to landing on Diego Garcia.


I've never believed in conspiracy theories because they all have one thing in common: witnesses. Humans are not very good at keeping secrets and a lot of theories would require everyone who witnessed or had been involved in the incidents to stay quiet. That's one reason I didn't believe that TWA 600 was shot down by my a missile, because there would be too many servicemen on the ship who would have to keep quiet for their entire life and it just doesn't work that way. Of course there are those that say that witnesses do come forward but they "disappear".

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Since you ruled out the conspiracy theories what is your theory?


If you were to look at the long thread here on MS from that time you would notice that I didn't offer up any theory or speculation. I usually feel the facts will come out in time, even if it means waiting years as was the case with Air France 447.


I did ridicule the media at the time for propagating hundreds of theories. One that I remember quite vividly was on the Hannity show, Gen McInerney stated on the air that he had sources that "confirmed" (yes, confirmed) that the plane was on the ground in Pakistan, having been flown there by "shadowing" another aircraft and that the whole story was going to break within 24 hours.


Maybe some terrorist bought an old wing flap and a suitcase and planted them on the beach to throw everyone off the real sinister plot.



Maybe some terrorist bought an old wing flap and a suitcase and planted them on the beach to throw everyone off the real sinister plot.



Love him or hate him, Dr. Evil is a mastermind at this stuff.


So your theory is that there was no conspiracy on MH370 flight. But maybe the same fate as Amelia?

A theory provides a possible path to a discovery or solution of a mystery or a problem. 

"Elementary my dear friend"      


Maybe some terrorist bought an old wing flap and a suitcase and planted them on the beach to throw everyone off the real sinister plot.


An old military intelligence tactic. Used by the British weeks before the Normandy invasion.



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An old military intelligence tactic. Used by the British weeks before the Normandy invasion.




So you are saying the British hijacked the MH370.  I thought so too.  I knew it!

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No! no! It's the French at Airbus.

The suspect Boeing part is being sent to France for analysis, where they will confirm a design defect in the part lead to the loss. Boeing sales will plummet, the company will go into bankruptcy, the Chinese will buy the company from the courts and move it to China and Airbus will become the global leader.



I had the same feeling too. The plane went down in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and it'll take a year for debris to find its way through the currents and onto dry land. But of all things, an aluminum piece? I'm not too sure of the buoyant properties of aluminum, but one would think the seat cushions, etc would be found first.


I had the same feeling too. The plane went down in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and it'll take a year for debris to find its way through the currents and onto dry land. But of all things, an aluminum piece? I'm not too sure of the buoyant properties of aluminum, but one would think the seat cushions, etc would be found first.

Unless the plane was softly landed because the suicidal pilot was trying to cover his tracks, then the plane may be mostly intact on the bottom of the ocean.

The piece may be aluminium on outside, with composite on the inside, maybe honeycomb structure with plenty of air pockets.


So your theory is that there was no conspiracy on MH370 flight. But maybe the same fate as Amelia?

A theory provides a possible path to a discovery or solution of a mystery or a problem.

"Elementary my dear friend"

I think you mean hypothesis. A theory is based upon evidence.


Surely the parts all have serial numbers, and so they will be able to positively identify that this airplane part came from the particular airplane in question.


That said, it could still be a ruse but less likely - you could steal the airplane, land it somewhere for nefarious use later, remove a wing part and float it for a year to grow barnacles.  Then you buy a replacement part to fix the complete airplane with the missing wing part removed.


As for me - I think this is part of the poor airplane that crashed in the ocean.  Occam's razor.


So your theory is that there was no conspiracy on MH370 flight. But maybe the same fate as Amelia?

A theory provides a possible path to a discovery or solution of a mystery or a problem. 

"Elementary my dear friend"      


I'm not saying there wasn't a conspiracy by outside forces, just that without a single shred of evidence to support any one of them, it's fruitless to speculate.


Surely the parts all have serial numbers, and so they will be able to positively identify that this airplane part came from the particular airplane in question.


That said, it could still be a ruse but less likely - you could steal the airplane, land it somewhere for nefarious use later, remove a wing part and float it for a year to grow barnacles.  Then you buy a replacement part to fix the complete airplane with the missing wing part removed.


As for me - I think this is part of the poor airplane that crashed in the ocean.  Occam's razor.


That's a stretch, and a long one at that. FWIW, I don't think Boeing fulfills many orders for replacement flaperons.


I had the same feeling too. The plane went down in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and it'll take a year for debris to find its way through the currents and onto dry land. But of all things, an aluminum piece? I'm not too sure of the buoyant properties of aluminum, but one would think the seat cushions, etc would be found first.

Good observation. How could it had separated and floated to dry land but not the seats cushions.




I think it was jihad. Of course we won't know for a long time or ever. But jihad is a required part of some peoples daily life.


Jihad is a part of peoples daily lives only to those that don't give to Jihad.


Think about it.


 While they wanted to be recognized internationally and rewarded with 72 virgins for their jihad


Damn it Dave you always get it wrong. It's not 72 virgins, it's one, 72 year old virgin. Can't you get it right just once?

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