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What's your Mooney's name


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Ours has two names - although I've certainly called it by a few other names!  My wife named it "Mooneypit" within the first year we owned it - an obvious but rather appropriate name!  My kids call it "IKY" which comes partly from the tail number (they thought the 1 was an "I" in the tail number - N631KY) but also refers to their opinion of the paint color (original 1967 paint scheme). 

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We call mine Mr Mooney. I know most of them are girls, but mine is a boy.


How do you know?  I just had mine up on jacks for the swing test, and ...inspection ... but I cannot figure where to inspect my Mooney for gender.  Is there a parts number I can find in my parts manual?  Please help.

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The name only has to stay if it's painted on the nose (with appropriate artwork).

I unimaginatively call mine either "the plane" or "the Mooney" since "baby" is already taken in our house . . .

What's a good name for a well-behaved girl from Texas anyway?


The only name that comes to mind for a well-behaved girl in Texas is "Tourist". :unsure:

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How do you know? I just had mine up on jacks for the swing test, and ...inspection ... but I cannot figure where to inspect my Mooney for gender. Is there a parts number I can find in my parts manual? Please help.

Easy... Look for the step. :)

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Macie Lou.


Named after our little Terrier mix that we had. I got her a stray pup only a few weeks old (I went to Domino's to get a Pizza and came home with a pizza and week old puppy..WTH). Somebody dropped a box of 12 pups off on a Sunday night at Dominos front door and drove off abandoning them. Somehow the manager talked me into taking one home.


Ten years later she now has her own wings. She had her own special characteristics and expected the same routine all the time, just like the Mooney. She was short, a little chubby, a little stubby, spoiled, stubborn, set in her ways, pretty darn fast when she had to be, but mostly just a one of a kind. Kind of like the Mooney.


When I'm around the "Guys"..Well then she is known as "The Beast From The East" (spent her life on the east coast).. Much more macho than Macie Lou  :)

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Well I haven't found a good name yet but I still can't figure out why any one in their right mind would put AD as the last 2 numbers ..."N201AD". When I bought the plane I found a letter from the original owner James Ady saying that he wanted to have ADY in the name but the FAA would allow it so the letter said that's why I would be cursed with N201"AD".....short for airworthiness directive!

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No nickname for my Mooney even after four years of wonderful ownership.  My boss does call it my personal time machine. But I do give her an affectionate pat on the cowling after every flight, to thank her for keeping me safe and sound.

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Well after reading this and sharing A select number of these responses with my wife and we laughed at several until it hurt.... Some of you are too clever!

I guess I am just not very creative, in the air I call it Mooney November 1 0 1 6 Uniform.... first then often just  Mooney 1 0 1 6 U  and when ATC first abbreviates it to 1 6 Uniform, then I too refer to it as 1 5 Uniform!


When not associated with ATC, I call it My Rocket... (italicized for emphasis.... RED color text indicating HOT & Fast!...  yea I know not very original but hey now, just how many people do you know that fly around in their Rocket.... NOT VERY MANY>>>>)


Lastly I affectionately refer to as My Ol Bucket of Bolts......


So enjoyed this topic... great pick me up for the day!

Rocket On....

Fly safe

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Fate would have it that my first aircraft would be N7463V.   


My Older Sister (by 12 years) was a twin, and our Brother, Victor, passed at 6 weeks.I like to think he keeps a watch over little brother still, so naturally, our plane's name gets shortened to "Victor" (often when I'm talking to ATC as well  :blink: )  Ironically, my little brother decided to name his second son Victor. So it's kinda a family name, and happens to be NATO Phonetic. Works for us ;-)

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