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ARI vs LASAR cowl closure Mod

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I also use an EDM 700 with both EGT and CHT probes on all the cylinders. My no 3 cylinder also runs the highest but in the cruise it usually never goes higher than 345 deg. At WOT, 2500 rpm it goes up to about 360 deg while the others are all between 315 and 335 deg. I haven't really done a gross weight climb on a very hot day as I only had the EDM installed about 3 months ago. I'll let you know what it does when I've tested that.

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So..............Jim...............when you're not playing golf or flying your Mooney.......................you're on EBAY eh??  All seriousness aside, that's a great find for someone.  One would need the backing plate and spinner as well.  Are there more items that might be needed to complete the mod?



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Quote: JimR

Hi, Chris.  I noticed that too.  The '65 and earlier cowls are different from yours, as I know that you are aware.  Perhaps someone else here will be interested, though.  Too bad it won't work for you since you are in the market right now.  Best of luck.  Hopefully you'll hear back from ARI next week.  


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I have a M20B and would like this mod if nothing else at least for appearances. From what I've read above I also would need a new backing plate and spinner? I currently have a mccauley prop if that makes any differece. Can anyone give me some advice before I plunk down $750...

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"I bought my ARI mod thru Top Gun. they also installed it so I had no direct contact with ARI. You might call Mark at Top Gun and ask him how he gets in touch with them.

Also, what they are showing on EBAY is not complete. You will need a new bulkhead and spinner which is part of the new kits. The reason for this is the ARI mod extends forward around the prop."

Erick, for answers to you questions, I might suggest giving Top Gun Aviation [MSC] in Stockton a call.  They can advise you on this.

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Trying to close the loop......

Quote: JimR

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How picky are the FSDO's with the STC approval paperwork?  All of the STC's I have are specifically marked for my aircraft.  I'd ask if the tail number/serial number on the paperwork makes a difference before buying it.  May have to ask the manufacturer as well since they hold the STC approval authority.


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  • 3 months later...

Quote: KJATCt

So I have decided to go ARI on the cowl. Speed test N S E W avg GS 23" MAP 2400RPM 5500' MSL about 350 CHT power boost off 148.7 KTS. That is before mod, I will do the mod this month or next as I am resealing my tanks now. I will post again with speed and temps after mod.

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I would be interested in finding out the differences in CHT caused by taking out the doghouse and replacing it with baffling. 

With a modified cowl (+ a pound or two, - weight of doghouse, + weight of baffling) I am not certain there would be any significant weight increase or decrease fwd of the firewall, but I would like to be sure that the aiflow over the cylinders is not adversely affected by the loss of the doghouse.


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Hi Ned and KJATCt.  If you have, or if you do remove the doghouse cover/baffling that is in good shape, I would be very interested in purchasing from you.  Jolie's baffling is suffering and needs some replacement parts.  Please let me know and thank you.

805 305-1506 [cell]

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Quote: edgargravel


I would be interested in finding out the differences in CHT caused by taking out the doghouse and replacing it with baffling. 

With a modified cowl (+ a pound or two, - weight of doghouse, + weight of baffling) I am not certain there would be any significant weight increase or decrease fwd of the firewall, but I would like to be sure that the aiflow over the cylinders is not adversely affected by the loss of the doghouse.


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Quote: Mitch

Hi Ned and KJATCt.  If you have, or if you do remove the doghouse cover/baffling that is in good shape, I would be very interested in purchasing from you.  Jolie's baffling is suffering and needs some replacement parts.  Please let me know and thank you.

805 305-1506 [cell]

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Thanks Ned.  Spoke with James and we may be able to come up with a few key pieces from him in order to get Jolie's system back in good shape.  We'll see.  Otherwise, we may have to fabricate some pieces with an aquaintence that does fine sheet metal work as well.    Thank you again for your information.

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There is a story someplace, don't remember where, that if you put a "guppy mouth" Mooney in a wind tunnel, some of the little streamers on the inside of one of those older openings (like mine) will face backwards (as if the airsream is moving from back to front). 

Roy Lopresti is quoted as saying (while he was either Director of Engineering or Vice President at Mooney) that the older style intakes were a "study in inefficiency" of aerodynamic design.

Having said all that, I am still running between 320 and 350 deg F on my CHTs because of the care taken in the re-manufacture of my doghouse following last year's overhaul.  So my only real problem with my current set up, is the drag and the resulting loss of airspeed.  Opinions vary on how much.  Currently between 2 and 8 knots??



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