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Should outside companies be allowed to post items for sale on MooneySpace  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Should outside companies be allowed to post items for sale on MooneySpace

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After seeing Jimmy's post I think it makes sense to poll the MooneySpace members.  Should outside vendors like All American Aircraft be allowed to post here on MooneySpace?  This way Craig can give an answer after looking at data.  He doesn't have to use or follow the data trend, but at least he'll have data to assist making a decision if he so chooses ot use it.

My vote is Yes as long as the dontate to Craig as a site sponsor and also provide experise as noted in the thread where Jimmy requested permission to do so.  However, I'm curoius what the rest of you MooneySpacers think.

Yes - with donation/sponsorship to Craig and sharing Mooney Expertise

Yes - Flat out, no need for the donation/sponsorship

No - Let's not commercialize our own "trading post."

Take care,


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Thanks for the poll.  I just want to stress.  I DO NOT want to make this a commercial endeavor.  I am a big boy and pay a lot of money every year to advertise planes. I don't have to do this.

I am also very reserved about my opinions and contributions (thoughts) to this forum or any other user forum.  I do lay out MY opinions in MAPA on occasion, but they are to be taken by the reader as opionions, not as points of debate.  This forum encourages debate and I am all in favor of furthering the knowledge of the fleet and its owners through civil debat.  But I have watched other dealers and brokers get lambasted in the past for their opinions, on this site and others.  Being in the profession and having an opinion rankles the crap out of some people.  I don't have the time or the inclination to defend my opinions or argue the finer points of flying, servicing or selling Mooneys.  And for that reason, I probably will continue to be an occasional spectator and not a contributor (although I have already contributed some money to the site, prior to some suggesting that I do so). 

I do not want to advertise here and only thought that maybe a pre-view may be beneficial to some members.  When we have a hot one coming (which we do, two to be precise), I thought maybe some of the non-owner members of this list or those wishing to upgrade might appreciate a pre-view before a plane hits the market.

Thanks again,  Jimmy

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I happen to like Jimmy.  Back in the 90s, He informed me about Mooneys free of charge.  The first Mooney, I bought locally.  My real Mooney, I bought with Jimmy's professional help...

The guy who built/sold me a headset, I met here.

The guy that sold me an iPad app, I met here.

The guy who intends to build/sell me a glass cockpit, one device at a time, is here.

The guy who i use for flight instruction... Here.

The guy I use for maint... Here.

The guy I sold my old airplane to is here as well.

My favorite company, MAC, still here....


Please, make no changes, unless they are obvious improvements.

Commitment, consistency and quality drives these folks.  I support them when possible.

Your mileage may vary....

Best regards,




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