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Swissmooney is now in USA

Hello Mooniacs

This is just a little report on our flight to and in the USA, a thank you for the infos we received from this group!

After a very long period of preparation we finally startet our big adventure on July 1st with a flight from St Gallen LSZR direct to Wick (EGPC) in northern scotland in marginal weather with a passing front some turbs and a bit of icing, the remaining flight at FL180 was then easy and the wx in Wick unusually nice!!

after a good nights sleep we donned our immersion suits and the individual life rafts it was off to Reykjavik, about 670 NM and just short of 4 hrs. 

Wx enroute at FL180 was clear with an undercast at approx 10'000 and we flew a ILS approach with fex @ 600 br 1200 br 2' oc 3'500 with light rain.

We enjoyed Iceland for 3 days and were very impressed with the diverse landscape and scenery, just unbelievable!!

On 6th July we planned the flight via Kulusuk BGKK to Sondrestrom...the wx was dicey so we fueld DGL to the rim with 104 gal which brought our TO- weight 10% over max, but DGL lifted off @70 kts without any problems and we climbed @ TAS of 115 Kts and 700 ft just incredible...so we headed for FL180 where we had a TAS of 175 kts @ approx 70% pwr the winds were from the right with a headeind component of 5-10 kts, so approaching Kulusuk and checking the wx which was marginal VFR, we decided to skip BGKK und flew over the icecap dct to BGSF, in the descent we got some minor icing @FL100 but were able to make a visual approach!! Due to the clouds we couldn't get many pix but the flight was quite impressive with many pix in our heads!

After enjoying the incredible nightlife (3 bars) and a personal wx briefing we had to decide to fly our planned route to Frobisher or plan an alternate....there was a front moving up to CYFB but the route dct to Goose Bay CYYR was much better with no front, just clouds up to FL200 we decided to give it a try, so we loaded DGL again to the rim and took off with no problem....a visual climb to 5000 ft and then intermittent in clouds up to FL180 with just a trace of rime ice. After leaving iceland control approx 150 NM out we had no radio contact for approx 2 hrs, did one position report via a relay with an airliner...the few glimpses of the atlantic we had showed a not very i viting environment and we were very happy that DGL works like a swiss clock.

The wx in GooseBay was forecast to be IFR and MVFR, but on arrival we had to fly the ILS down close to minimas @approx 400 ft, it took us 6'23" to fly the last part of the atlantic xing and we were very happy despite the rain and low clouds.

The next morning we climbed thru the same murks, had some little icing but were out of the clouds @FL180 after 1 hr and almost in severe clear to Quebec.

after 3 days in a beautiful resort and enjoying old Quebec it was off to USA!! We planned to enter in KANJ Sault Ste Marie and checked everything at CBP manual, did the eAPIS and made an appointment for 1300LT at KANJ which was confirmed.

The flight was uneventful but the rest.....we landed 5' early (after 3'50") in KANJ, taxied to a remote spot and expected the CBP officers. At 1300 I called and they were surprised that we were at KANJ and could not find our eAPIS (it was confirmed the evening before), so we got to hear what we did wrong,y and should have flown to a international airport....so finally they said they will come from the bridge and we have to wait at the airplane...it took approx 30' and then we were interrogated and got a very uneasy feeling. Then we moved to the FBO and one officer was searching our plane and baggage. After long tel discussions with the office it was decided that we had to go the the bridge with the official office for immigration...so we had to sit in the back of the patrol car!!! Like a prison, hot, stuffy...it took the officers 10 min to check in to get approval to drive the 2 Min to the office!!

There we were processed in a friendly and efficient way and it cost only 12 $ incl even the taxi ride back in the prison car to the airport!! So finally we have arrived in the good ole USA!!

And now I am writing this on our dct flight from KANJ to Rapid City KRAP approx 870 NM, got the IFR clearance from center immediately after TO and about 30 mins into the flight we got KRAP dct!!! Just incredible and unheard in Europe, that is why we consider the flying environment in the USA as pure heaven (not even talking about the fuel prices, which are higher then we were used but still about half of the prices at home)

So we will spend some days in the badlands and on sunday we will fly to West Yellowstone airport and we stay in the area for 5 days, on the 20th we fly to MOAB UT

After that we are heading direction Longview TX to get a nice treatment for DGL by Don Maxwell!

sorry it got rather long now....

Happy landings 

Heinz @ Edith

Just some add infos concerning safety

- immersion suits

- ISPLR Individual single place life raft

- life raft 

- satphone with GPS and emergency function

- 2 PLBs

- SPOT with GPS and emergeny function

flying stuff

- 2 ipads 

- 2 iphones

Wing X pro


Jepp FD



Totally enjoyed your summary. Keep us posted. I grew up in the badlands of North Dakota. My father started a plane club called the Badlanders. Everyone got a chuckle out of that, except those who really were. 

 Fly safe. 


Love your panel, very well layout. If you had long range tanks you could have done BIRK-CYYR non-stop. I have ferried 3 Mooneys over this route without stopping at Greenland but they had the long range tanks. Beware that Greenland's service charges double during holidays and weekends. I also carry a marine handheld VHF radio. Handy for getting the attention of passing boats, waving hands just don't work. I have got a much friendly Customs services in Canada and in Europe than in the US even with a US registry plane and a US passport. Wlecome to the US, hope you have a good time here.






Amazing trip! You must have been planning it for a long time. How long will you be in the us? Are you going to any airshows?

Did you bring me a K31 and a case of GP11? The Swiss make everything so well but it's hard to find a nice one here. I'd also take an Stg57!


Sorry about the IFR in Goose - we try to put on a better show for visitors. Next time let us know you are coming through! Congrats on the crossing and enjoy your time on this side of the pond!



Well done, I'm insanely jealous!  I was thinking about doing a similar tip myself, but without the time (and money) on my side will be getting a United over to Newark next Friday, and heading up to Osh on Sunday (in a Brand C!!)

Good to hear how you planned and completed, I'm still hoping to do this trip sometime, maybe next year!



To second Piloto, I also love your panel layout. Could you post some pictures of the full panel so we can see where all the other components are? I'm getting ideas for a panel makeover and yours looks like one to emulate.


Perhaps if you had entered illegally the authorities would have been more accommodating.  ; ).  Welcome, enjoy your stay...


Welcome!  I enjoyed your trip report and hope you have a great time visiting the US and seeing it the best way...via Mooney!  I would love to meet you if you find yourself in Wichita, and I'm sure many others around the country would too.


Thanks for the most interesting trip report. What a fantastic adventure. If you can make it to South Florida let me know.

Those Customs problems were unfortunate and I would guess that some communications issues made it worse. I can only imagine what those Agents thought of a Swiss registered, fully loaded, Mooney coming out of Canada.

In any event, welcome to the post 9/11/01 USA.


So I just want to confirm something...at 18,000' you were showing 180+ KTAS in the two graphic images you provided. This is a standard "J" model? I never thought a J would have that level of performance at altitude. Or is there something under the cowling that I'm not aware of?  Just curious, because if I thought I would get those TAS's in my J I'd invest in oxygen and get up there in a hurry!


Hi All and thank you very much for all the welcomes and good wishes....it is a pleasure to be in the USA

and here some answers and comments

- HBDGL is a 1985 K Model with an intercooler and longrange tanks

- I have added a new album with pix of this trip

- I will post a new report after MOAB

- Our itinerary: 15th to West Yellowstone KWYS, 20th to MOAB KCNY, 23rd to Longview Texas KGGG, there Don Maxwell will be performing the 100 hrs and we will visit the Dallas Ft Worth area...

and approx 26 or 27 to RVS Tulsa

Then ev to Culpeper and then to Farmingdale....on the 8th of August, Edith is flying back home commercially (her mother is 90++), a friend of mine is coming to NY and then we will be flying back together via CYYR (borealone: I will take you up not only on the wx but also meeting you)

piloto: thanks for your insights and I would ev consider a dct flight to BIRK with a tailwind of 70+ kts...otherwise it is just too long for me and the options are getting fewer and we are fortunately in no hurry...glad that is over!! But thanks on the marine VHF...had not thought of that!!

jbs007: I would trade in a couple of Stg57 for that big chopper of yours...how many diet cokes label do you have to collect for that??

Scott: unfortunately Wichita is not on our route however close to RVS, but we already have a full programm in Tulsa...

Gary would love to take you up on your offer the next time I will be in Ft Lauderdale...maybe in January, but then commercially...was there in February 12 and did my BFR and IFr competency out of KFXE


so thanks again and we of course would love to meet some mooniacs along our route

Happy landings and all the best




Congratulations!!! However, after reading your experience with US customs, I got really concerned... How do you do everything right... it looks to me that you did everything by the book, but something went wrong... 

Welcome to the USA...

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