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1. AirGizmos has pushed back (still again) their Garmin 796 panel mount.  New date: end of March

2. I replaced my factory strobes and nav lights (wings and tail) with AVEO L.E.D units.  Very bright, and the strobes doubleflash in sync mode. As a bonus removing the former power packs resulted in a net savings of a couple of pounds.  I like these L.E.D units so much that I am going to replace the factory recognition lights with small diameter landing/taxi L.E.Ds in the wingtips - in wig wag mode for flight, and both on together for landing and taxi.  The installation was done on a 337 form, and without any hassle.

3. I replaced my old 121.5 ELT with a new Emerging Locator Techologies 406 Mhz unit with built in GPS. I had planned on using anothermanufacturer's (less expensive) unit, but it took its GPS data from one of the panel mounted GPS units, and in a (controlled) crash I would expect the avionics master to be turned off, and in other situations, the panel mount GPS might be inoperative.  No, I don't have any intention of crashing, but who does. The blade antenna is very nicely done - a bit larger than I would like, but quite thin.  SkyView Aviation in Tracy made up a very neat under skin doubler, and we only had to remove the baggage area overhead panels for the installation.

4. In a recent thread I mentioned that I had ArtCraft modify my stripes with air brushing. Probably not everyone's idea of how stripes shoud be done, but I really like it.

I've posted photos in my gallery, and I noticed they popped up under the forum Home page.


I am curious as to how much was the total cost for the LED strobes install. And what shop.

I still have the old Hoskins power supply and sooner or later they will go dead




Quote: OR75

I am curious as to how much was the total cost for the LED strobes install. And what shop.

I still have the old Hoskins power supply and sooner or later they will go dead




Quote: 201-FLYER

Is there only one type of aveo light certified for the M20 or do you have a choice?  I know aveo makes several available light combos


I believe the wing LEDs are the  AVEO "Embedded" model. They contain strobes and navigation lights only. AVEO had other models that have the rear facing strobe and nav lights.  In my case I already had a tail mounted strobe / nav light so I replaced that one with an LED unit. 


Some FSDOs likely accommodate common sense, but unfortunately they are becoming rare.  I installed my non-certified XeVision HID light via 337 with no issues back in 2008.  I've read recently that the FAA issued some guidance to the FSDOs to not allow that anymore in an effort to force more vendors to pursue an STC, which is unfortunate for non-critical items like LED/HID lights.


Trying tp maneuvre the AVEO website / products....

Which strobe/position system is approved for up to J models ? (flat / squared wingtip) 


Quote: KSMooniac

Some FSDOs likely accommodate common sense, but unfortunately they are becoming rare.  I installed my non-certified XeVision HID light via 337 with no issues back in 2008.  I've read recently that the FAA issued some guidance to the FSDOs to not allow that anymore in an effort to force more vendors to pursue an STC, which is unfortunate for non-critical items like LED/HID lights.


Looks good and I'm sure they work well.

However, it should be a simple log book entry.  The regulations do allow the owner to replace the light bulb, reflector and lens.   The new light reflector and lens are all one piece with LEDs now.  These are lights for heavens sake they have no impact on how the airplane flies and if they stop working the plane does not fall out of the sky.  As long as they are bright enough and have the proper viewing angles why should it be any more than a log book entry?  This truly is not rocket science.  Once again the FAA is holding back new reasonably priced products to stay with inferior outdated technology that was developed before the Wright Brothers began flying.

  • 4 months later...

Does anyone have a copy of an approved 337 from an FAA FSDO authorizing the non-certified aveo lights be allowed on a Mooney.  If so I’m trying to get a copy.  Apparently if I could show the local FSDO that another FSDO had already approved such an installation getting approval for my installation would be much quicker.


Nick, I don't think such a 337 exists, frankly! There are no drawings or anything to go by here. They are selling light bulbs that some owners decide to rig and force-fit into the wingtip! 

The questions and demands should be directed to the manufacturer of the lights and not to the FAA! Why don't they manufacture a bulb that would be a true drop in replacement? It is not just a light bulb. Its the bulb, the reflector, the lens, the mounting, etc. etc. It's not a drop in replacement. If it was it would make it a lot easier for the FAA to accept.

On a broader note, let's not lose proper perspective here. The FAA is under no obligation to accept everything that's put in front of them. On the contrary, their obligation is to uphold the certified status of my airplane. It's up to the manufacturers to make us, CERTIFIED owners, and the FAA happy. The manufacturer needs to do the leg work here, not we nor the FAA. I for one don't want to start changing things on my CERTIFIED airplane. Even if it's "just a light bulb".

If some manufacturer wants me to consider their product, they got to do better than that!


And Dan, you may be willing to do the leg work and carry water for any fly by nite manufacturer out there who fails to do their homework by rigging and force fitting light bulbs on your airplane! I am not. I want a properly designed drop in replacement to consider. That's all! Is that too much to ask for?? And what makes you think my or your local FSDO will approve something based on somebody else?

And exactly how does this compare to LOP ops or Garmin?


 Next time I get down to my hangar I will get the log books

out of my fire resistant safe and send a copy of the 

337 form to those who PM me. I don't want to put 

presure on the FISDO that actually made a trip to my

installer's facility to inspect the installation, and then

grant approval. I know different FISDOs take different

approaches to LED installations. This FISDO took the 

position that substituting LEDs for the strobes, navigation lights

and recognition lights made the aircraft safer. 







Quote: allsmiles

And what makes you think my or your local FSDO will approve something based on somebody else?


It's called discretion, common practice and regulatory precedence already set by another FSDO. Which one or which combination of these can really depend on which FSDO your dealing with. 

(Excerpt from 29Aug10 AvWeb Article)...It's probably not unreasonable to ask a manufacturer to do simple RFI trials. But even that might be overkill. At the FSDO level, some offices routinely approve Form 337 requests (good for them) for LED installs while others refuse, for no imaginable reason other than they can.


Isn't there a recent AC about upgrading landing and position lights to LED without 337s? I remember reading about it somewhere, but not sure where. Here, the MAPA lists, AOPA?


Quote: allsmiles

And what makes you think my or your local FSDO will approve something based on somebody else?


Beautiful everything, great upholstery job I love that stitching.  Question, how well can you see the Garmin 696 on the far right and how easy is it to operate at that distance?.

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