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Hello all, newer Mooney owner and just joined the site!  My KFC 150 just recently started failing the self-test at times and then the next flight the AP works as it should, the problem is becoming more and more frequent.  When you press the self-test button the Flight Director starts to raise up from the bottom of the KI256 but just before it reaches the horizon it drops off and the test fails.  If the flight director makes it all the way to the horizon it seems to pass the self-test.

I have also had it where the self-test passes and after run-up, I get the FD setup and try to set a pitch-up attitude, and as I am doing that the flight director will drop off and not come back on.  If all goes as planned and I get off the ground with the flight director still up the autopilot will engage and flies rock solid.  The picture is of a flight on Friday the AP was engaged and holding altitude and track but the FD went low but the AP was not chasing it down.

Just looking to see if anyone else has had a similar experience and a place to start with my A&P.





Welcome aboard sb!

The usual method to have a BK AP fail the startup tests…

Is forget to have the electric trim powered-up…

There is a list of things it tests… find the list… see what is worn…

Best regards,


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