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The Gift of MooneySpace


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"As most of you know, MooneySpace is my pet project, but more than anything my gift to the Mooney loving world!  I hope you enjoy the site!"  Craig McGregor.

Thank you Craig [our Admin. and MooneySpace provider] for your unique way of promoting general aviation through this medium.  You have offered all of us Mooney lovers a great way to share and learn about our Mooney and our flying experiences.


This thread was prompted by our own JimR.  Thank you Jim.

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Craig has increased the value of the Internet and strengthened the Mooney community at the same time.

I have read every post, and clicked every link from the beginning up to today. 

The sun never sets on the Mooney community.  We have members on six different continents.  There is always someone you know logged in at anytime day or night.

You deserve a standing Ovation!

Best regards,



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Well done, Craig, and my sincere thanks for creating this forum.

More broadly, thank you to all of the participants on MooneySpace. I am a better informed pilot as a result, and look forward to more updates and more discussion every day. I hope one day to give more than I get: for now, it's largely a one-way exchange.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Craig, thank you for this site and thanks to all those people who participate on this forum.

This site has answered questions about my Mooney I never thought I would need to know.  This site has been incredible and I have saved countless hours of time and money by reading the various questions and answers about Mooneys.  Many, many, many of the questions and answers I found here helped make me a better Mooney pilot and really helped me understand my airplane and how to properly care for and operate it.  Thanks again, this site is very much appreciated.


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Just like the over 1600 members, thank you and great job nurturing this project.  Also, thank you to the other Mooney pilots and aviators on this board who usually stick to airplane talk, don't get too nasty, chase off "snake oil salesemen" and keep MooneySpace.com what it was designed to accomplish.  With minimal outside moderation, MooneySpace has done very well.

Simply, thank you.

Happy Flying


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