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I know of a good project - thought of picking it up myself, but no time.  It's in Kenosha Wisconsin.Wing was rebuilt new wood, needs plywood skins from gear out to tip.  Also, there is a good wood wing in Kansas, in storage,  owned by Mark Weibe.

I bought a wood tail a few years back.  Any of you familiar with the leading edges used by Mooney know that the plywood is 45 degree angle.  Over time it can very slightly loose it's original shape and take on an "oil canning" look.  Anyway, I cut it all the skin off the vert. stab to examine the internal structure, suspecting perhaps a glue joint here or there loose.  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  The thing was 100% adhered every inch of every joint (and no termites). 

My M20A will true out 180mph at 24/2400, easily climbs 1000ft/min with just me on board, economy cruise of 160mph at 20/2400 burning under 8gph.  At 6k .   Have spun it (one turn) from 10K coming out of a power on stall, red lined the airspeed indicator during recovery - we're both still the best of friends.

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