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Hi all. Replacing some cables at my annual coming up. The prop cable because it "wanders" and the mixture cable because it is super stiff. Both are original to 1978, and I'm becoming less enthusiastic about the possibility of getting stranded somewhere due to cable failure.


A few questions: does anyone know what the cable lengths are for each? Also, what ends are on them? I believe they are threaded ends with an eyebolt set up, but if anyone knows for sure that would be great.


My 1978 M20J came from the factory with the single mag engine, but was changed to the dual magneto system in the 90s at overhaul.


I am looking at the A-750 or A-790 vernier controls on Aircraft Spruce as replacements, but need to know the length and if the end needs to be threaded or not.


I know I could pull cowls and measure them, but am looking to see if anyone has this info on the top of their head before I do that. With only three days scheduled for the annual I want to have the parts beforehand.






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The prop cable on my O-360 was perfectly replaced by A-1760, threaded end. I measured the old one at 44", so I ordered the 48" universal but it wasn't too hard to get the eyelets to bolt it to the steel tube. I want to say when we removed my carb, the mixture cable is NOT threaded but rather steel wire held onto the mixture arm via a set screw. You'll have to remove the lowest radio to access the lock nut on the back, you should just be able to twist the front to break it off the back and then just spin it off the back and pull through the panel.



Look up owner produced parts and the company that builds these control cables...

You might find a solution that is really custom fit to your desires...

essentially you send in the old one and they build a new one to match... or something like that.

Unfortunately, I don't remember the details more than that...

Getting stuck in the middle of nowhere isn't the problem... compared to having one come apart during the flight, or on a go around....

Best regards,



+1 McFarland.  I was very happy with the service, and the final product this past February.  (1983 M20J, mixture, push-pull w/ vernier)



Thanks for the replies. I've talked to McFarland and one of the issues is the downtime at this point. In reality, I'm paying the price for my procrastination this winter.

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Thanks for the replies. I've talked to McFarland and one of the issues is the downtime at this point. In reality, I'm paying the price for my procrastination this winter.

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Count your blessings you didn't procrastinate till it broke in flight leaving you with a difficult emergency landing. Seen that too.

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