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SE Mooney Fly-In: TN Museum of Aviation


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Hello all,

The next fly-in for the Southeast Mooney group will be Saturday Feb 26 at the Tennessee Museum of Aviation. This museum is right on the field at Pigeon Forge-Gatlinburg (KGKT) and we will be able to pull up and park right on the ramp of the museum.

For more information about the museum, go here: http://www.tnairmuseum.com/

For more info on the fly-in and to RSVP, go here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=134362489964121&index=1

If you're not into Facebook, please let me know via this forum or send me a PM if you'd like to attend, as the more folks we get signed up the better group rate I can get for admission.



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Hi y'all, If VFR weather is available I will attempt to get there. I only ask two things:

A. That there are no attempts to place my 50 year old Mooney in the Museum

B. That I am in no way connected to this forum as Sleepingsquirrel

My wife may attend with me and some content I have placed on this site could be more volatile than kerosene and red fuming nitric acid.

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Hey all! We've got close to a dozen folks who are hoping to attend the SE Mooney fly-in next Saturday. If you're still interested, please let me know here or go to the Facebook link shown earlier in this thread and RSVP.  The more folks we get the more I can knock a buck or two off the admission price.  Cheers!

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Okay, here's an update for this weekend. The museum is offering us these discounts for admission:

Seniors 60 and over: $8.50
Regular Adults: $9.00
Children under 13: $5.00

The museum is located on the north side of the runway near the arrival end of Rwy 10, and they estimate they can park 20 Mooneys right on the parking ramp attached to the Museum. However, the main FBO is literally right next to it so there's plenty of parking. They will bring the fuel truck out to both places for anyone who wants a top-off.

All we need now is good weather. Squirrel is clearly looking out for this as well!

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I tried looking this event up in Facebook using the link provided above by retyping it into my cellphone [facebook is blocked here at work, only dial-up service is available at home, and I'm not a facebook user], and it could not find the event.

What time should we plan to arrive? I think I will be able to figure out where to park. Is a schedule available for review with my wife? She said it sounds like fun, but is amazed that I would take her there "just for the day."

Hope to meet everyone, and put some faces to the names!

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Details below from the FB page.  I'll see everyone there as long as I get my plane out of the shop in time.



Saturday, February 26 · 11:00am - 2:00pm

Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge Airport, TN (KGKT)
We will meet at the Tennessee Museum of Aviation and enjoy a visit around 35,000 square feet of warbirds and aviation history. The museum is right on the field at KGKT.

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Saturday is still looking VFR for Southern Mississippi Valley and Mid Atlantic region. Weather will probably begin to worsen on Sunday. So I'm not planning to spend the night in Pigeon Forge/ Gatlinberg. Been there once, bought the T shirt, didn't leave anything to go back for. I really liked  the Smokey Mountian Knife factory. We did take a helicopter ride through the Mountians which we enjoyed. Didn't know about the aviation museum,and  looking forward to meeting you folks.

98f.gif 92f.gif

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Thanks to Squirrel for being our Weather-eye. Yes, it does look like tomorrow will be a nice day in the Southeast so at this point in time we can call the event a "go." The only potential issue I see is if the high pressure creates an inversion and lower ceilings in the morning, which can sometimes happen. But that's pretty localized, so folks will have to make their own decisions about that.  Let's just hope for a CAVU day all around. If things take a dramatically different turn, I'll use the Facebook page, this Forum and the mailing lists to issue any updates.

I'll try to get there by 10:30 to meet up with the group coordinator at the museum and organize all the other arrivals.  See you there!

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 This was a good first x -country for Barbara, not too long ,not to short, just right. She has informed me just how long it took to fly the Mooney there and back. I didn't think she was paying that much attention. However, she had also pulled the driving instructions and informed me that it would have been ten hours of driving round trip. I think she may have the appreciation of Mooney speed now.

 Before the trip today she told me she was a little apprehensive, ( more familiar with the C150). She asked what if something happened to me during a flight. I said,"Barbara , you could land the Mooney, no problem". To which she responded, " Bob, you can't land the Mooney , what makes you think I can "? I thought I had a pretty good handle on Mooney touch downs, until that!

Anyway, I reminded her if she felt that way that she needed to cut back on the Oleander in my morning coffee! Like I didn't know!

We enjoyed the day and meeting all you nice folks,

until we meet again,




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