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Hey Guys,

My family and I are Mooney lovers through and through.

We have flown our little Mooney all over the country.

We have decided to use an airplane fuselage for a treehouse in our back yard.

We live on the Main Street in our town where it will be highly visible.

So with that all said it can only be a Mooney!

Does anyone have an old fuselage they would sell or know of one for sell?




Um, this project sounds completely awesome - good luck. Only downside may be that grown men will want to come over and play all the time.  And maybe it will inspire a neighbor will put up a rival Bonanza treehouse  ;)


While a wonderful concept, putting a mooney fuselage in a tree might get a lot of pushback from reports of a crash, etc. There was a tail section of a Cessna stuck in the roof of a comedy club for a number of years in Greenwood, In. I always thought it was in very poor taste, as did most people. I really thought it was in poor taste when I went down in a Mooney and ended up less than 100 yards from this same comedy club last year.

It is no longer there.


I'm located in South West Florida. If anyone could tell me of any salvage yards anywhere in the south east United States that would be great I can start there. As far as any pushback from local government I plan on just doing it and suffering the consequences afterwards. I'll post pictures once it's complete. Thanks again to everyone for any help you can provide.



I suspect there are some in the SE, but I don't know for sure unfortunately.  I'm familiar with yards in TX, KS, and MN (central to me in KS).  I know there is an outfit in FL that deals mostly in Beech stuff and aircraft transport... I've seen their ads on Barnstormers.  You might call them and see what they have, and they might be able to point you in a good direction as well as keep their eyes open for salvage planes in the SE.  


I've seen (online) some salvage planes being stored in Griffin GA at Atlanta Air and Recovery.  I don't know if they're a salvage yard or just a retrieval/transport company.


If you're up for a road trip, check out Air Salvage of Dallas (actually south of Dallas in Lancaster) as they had a few Mooneys when I was there a couple years ago.  Some had been there a long, long time and might be ripe for picking up a shell for little cash.  They're very nice folks too.


I hate to say this, but with a tree house, are you looking for a prop on the front or a pointy nose?  The reason I ask is a Cessna 310 has a larger cabin for the interior space of the tree house.  There's even a guy who mounted one on a minivan and races it:  Obviously the Mooney will use less fuel!!


Search "Spirit of LeMons"








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