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So I know that this discussion has taken place in the past, but I need some help. I own a M20K - 252 and my flap position indicator has malfunctioned. Initially, I thought maybe the "end" had come off the cable, but I'm not even sure anymore. I have attempted to remove the center "console", but I must be doing something worn. I've drilled out all the rivots, removed all screws, and backed off all retaining nuts, but the console doesn't want to move. I'm afraid to put too much pressure on the console as it is pretty thin plastic. Can someone give me any ideas? I'm desperate! Thanks, Mike


Mike, your indicators probably have become misaligned from their guides. If you removed the screws they're misaligned for sure!

It's pretty big job. You have to go up from the belly to align them back up again. I'm not sure removing the plastic console would help you that much, frankly. Have to open the belly.


Ok PTK...so I think I get what you are saying. I should say that I've been careful not to "remove" the screws that are holding the indicator window...I guess I wasn't brave enough...actually, I was afraid that it would fall behind and I wouldn't be able to retrieve it.  I've been underneath in the belly, and I see where the cable passes through the floor, but I am unable to reach behind the console to see how this should come into the indicator window.


Welcome aboard, Mike...

If you are able to post a picture of what you are seeing, you may get some additional responses.

If you had difficulty posting pictures, there is an APP called Tapatalk that helps post pictures to this site.

There is another thread currently discussing a similar challenge.

I'm just trying to help...

Best regards,



Great idea carusoam...I'll try to get a pic tomorrow and I truly do appreciate the help. Yes, I did finally see that other thread, but the recommended process seems way easier than what I am encountering. I'd liek to think I'm at least average, but this is kicking my backside. Furthermore, I have searched the internet for a picture or drawing of how the console is assembled and/or how the flap position indicator comes together, but no joy. Any other help will be GREATLY appreciated.

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Mike, what exactly are you seeing?

The flap cable is a very thin cable with the clear plastic indicator glued on top of the cable. The plastic part falls off of the cable and drops to the floor (or gets hung up on the way to the floor) behind the console. Often you can take the rivets out on the right side of the console and pull it back enough to get you hand in and fish around to find the plastic piece.

If you find the plastic piece, the hard part begins, which is getting it back on the rod...



To expand on Lee's advice, please add more detail to your problem.  Can you see the black mark of the indicator inside the window, and is it not moving with the flaps?  If so, there are two likely scenarios...


First is that the indicator stick (a clear plastic thing that is quite fragile with a black mark on the end) has become un-stuck from the push-pull cable that is connected to the flap drive and moves with the flaps.  If that is the case, you'll need to get into the assembly (a royal PITA) and reconnect the stick.


Second possibility is that the indicator cable has broken at the flap drive end.  You'll need to go back to the back of the belly and inspect the connection of the cable to the aluminum block that drives it.  If the cable is broken, you might have enough slack to reconnect it with the remaining length and re-rig the indicator, but if not, you'll need to replace the cable.  Also a PITA since you'll have to do work inside the console.


I had same issue rebuilt with 2 zip ties, black permanent marker and epoxy. Can not tell they are not original, light shows through them same as factory units. Calibration was easy as I had the old broken parts and inserted the new ones with paper jig to same height. Had to cut out and remove a small piece of console. In order to remove the indicator housing. Used owner produced cover, but could have used the piece I cut out if I'd had a backing plate, took about 5 hours total. Let me know if you like I'll try and take some picture.

Good luck.


So just to bring everyone up to where I am...the clear plastic indicator is not visible, not do I see it laying at the bottom or hung up anywhere on the inside (of course, I'm having a real time of it seeing behind the console). However, the cable doesn't appear to be broken anywhere along the path. So assuming that I either find the plastic indicator or am forced to "make" my own, does anyone have any ideas on how to get behind the console? I'd like to avoid the repair that RocketAviator made, which required a cut to the console, if at all possible. Is there a trick to gettin gbehind there that someone could share? Please advise.


The front of the console is constrained by pop rivets on the side, and IIRC some screws at the top, as well as the nuts on the push-pull cables for the heat/vent/etc. and the engine controls.  There should be some duct tape at the bottom along the floor, too.  It is a big task.


I had to do some trimming on the window opening in the console to get the clear plastic cover out. Even though this is a PITA it is not as bad as removing the console ( which I have never figured out how to do.). Lee


This happened to me. The clear plastic tubing broke off. I removed the clear front panel by just removing the four front screws that hold it. Got the exact clear tubing from a local RC model hobby store. Trimmed the tubing, painted in black the index tip and glued to the actuating cable. Reinstalled the panel back and problem solved. You can not tell the difference between the trim and the flap indicator.



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