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I'm' considering the jump to O3. I already have the correct prop,  And as I understand it, putting in the Tach rpm change is just a matter of settings selection on a G1000 reboot - Which I'm sure I'll need anyway when I acquiesce to the FAA ADS-B mandate and will combine the work at that time.

I'm in No. Cal..

I think all I'll need is a new governor and pay for the STC.

(I think there are 2 STC's - 1 for the prop which I shouldn't need and 1 for the governor)

Am I missing something??

Lasar doesn't do it and Top Gun is looking into it but they don't have prices for conversion w/o the prop or new tach.

Does anyone have an idea what it should cost; or pitfalls to avoid, or A&P to consider for the work


Thanks in advance








My recollection from earlier discussions here is that the STC itself is around $6-8k. Suggest you call MidWest Mooney which is the holder of the STC and will do it for sure. http://www.midwestmooney.com/mods.html


In 2013 someone posted:


Present cost of STC from Midwest is $6,750


Govenor, about $750


3 blade Hartzell  $12,275


plus Tach and fuel.


Good luck :)




Roger, Robert's prices are good. Have TopGun call Maxwell who did mine in Dec. Our set ups should be the same. Not a new governor but it does get a new spring. G-1000 gets set to O3 to indicate 2700 rpm. Test flying to set RPM and fuel flows. It is a pretty big difference on take off run and climb to altitude.



I had mine done in December 2014.

It was $6750 to Bob Minnis for the STC.

I took my prop governor along with $912 to Navajo accessories to rebuild it and replace with the upgraded spring.

I have a JPI-EDM930 which needed to be reprogrammed instead of buying a new tach.

There was a few hundred dollars to my A&P/IA to do this. I already had the prop also.

I think it was a shade over $8000 total for the upgrade.


Thanks for the replies.

I have called Midwest twice in the last 2 months, each time received voicemail instructing to contact thru Web site / email and have thus far not had a return call or reply.

I thought I saw in a previous post that #2 STC's were needed - 1 for prop and 1 for  Gov changes and so I thought I would only need one. But I guess it costs the same either way.


Does it land any differently

and would you do it again , was it worth it?






STC SA02193CH I believe verify POH and govern the engine mod and prop requirements overall and SE02930AT are particular to the engine mod for IO-550 including instructions.

It lands the same except on final GUMPS I don't do full prop until at final MP. I had trouple with slowing and full prop at higher than final MP. Yes it is worth it for performance and resale.


  • Like 1


The way to measure if it is worth it or not...

Go for a ride in one.

There is a risk that you take...

Make sure the price is set before you go.

High HP has an addictive property. It can cloud your decision making capabilities...

The significantly reduced T/O distance influenced my decision in a big way. You can measure the difference with a WAAS GPS and CloudAhoy or other aviation app. I used a SkyRadar device.

The difference is 'seat of the pants' noticeable, but harder to describe...

Fair warning...


I was told by a fellow who had an O2 and got the stc done said there was very noticable difference in the drag between the 2 blade McC and the 3 blade Hartz when landing. He said after the 3 blade was installed it didnt go into glider mode when the power is pulled back.


The OP already has the new prop, adding some confusion to the title of the thread...

The full change to O3 power includes, prop, gov. And tach update, and STCs.

Would have to see if the factory has gone to the latest n version of the IO550.

The (n) has changed the fins of the cylinders for enhanced cooling. This change also requires some sheet metal pieces for controlling air flow.

Best regards,



I had this mod done to my Acclaim. As Anthony said, it is "seat of the pants" noticeable on takeoff, and the difference in climb performance is astounding. 2,700 rpm is pretty noisy though, so it's nice to hit cruising altitude quicker so you can dial it back down.


I've noticed no difference in the pattern or landing. I land with the prop full forward.


The only bummer is I lost the nice Mooney startup graphic on the MFD when they reprogrammed the G1000. Now I get a cheesy image of the Earth with stupid looking satellites buzzing around it.

  • Like 2

If you want this done, you will need to contact Bob Minnis: Bob Minnis <bobminnis@comcast.net>


Apparently, Midwest Mooney is either out of business or no longer doing this work.  Here is a recent correspondence with Mr Minnis:


The 310 up-grade is an easy one to do.


Your engine, the TSIO-550-G is rated at 2700 RPM,S & 310 BHP, unlike the Ovation engine, the IO-550-G is 280 / 2500, that is why we had to have an STC on that engine.


All you need is the Airframe STC to allow you to use the rated BHP of your engine.  Your prop governor will have to be removed and sent to a repair station for conversion, depending on how much time you have on it, it may be best to just have it overhaul and set for the “T-20” setting.  This will let the prop go to the 2700 RPM’s.


The Hartzell propeller high stop’s will need to be adjusted, this requires the spinner to be removed to gain access to the adjustment, any A/P should be able to do this. The prop is not removed from the aircraft for this adjustment.  There is a section in the Hartzell Manual that tell how this is done.


The G1000 is the only issue, Garmin will not up-date the software.  There two ways you can accomplish this:


Install a small TSO tachometer.


Install the Ovation III software in you G1000. What will happen with the Ovation III, you will not have a “Red Line “ for your MAP. The FAR requires that, so to stay legal you would need a MAP gage installed or you may can get an exception from

your local Flight standards to allow for a one field approval to have a placard for the MAP. This is a CAR 3 aircraft and most all turbocharged installation certificated under CAR 3 has restriction applied by placards.



The price of the STC is $6,750.00.  If I can answer any question, please feel free to call or e-mail me.



  • 2 months later...



I have a 2000 Ovation 2 on which I'd like to perform the 310 HP upgrade. I have the three blade prop. So it sounds like I need the STC, the prop governor overhaul, the fuel settings adjustment and a new tach.


Not having a G1000, My question is: does Mooney make a 2,700 rpm replacement tach for my plane?


Thank you. 


On the G-1000 models, there is an EI digital tach added to the lowest-left portion of the panel. Supposedly this is the primary tach and the G-1000 tach is "informational" but I seldom pay attention to the EI tach except that it captures flight time, so I use that for logging flights.


The O1 gets the existing tach updated with new red line...

Do you have THE three blade (TopProp) or A three blade prop?

So many details, so little time...

STCs, governor, tach, thick blade, thin blade or composite TopProp, and/or IO550(N)

Have you been in contact with Mooney regarding the STC? It has recently changed hands...

Best regards and welcome aboard,


  • 2 years later...

Mooney took over the STC for the 310hp a few years back...

The big differences...

  • power, 310hp
  • prop, TopProp, thick, thin, or composite
  • G1000
  • Waas
  • adsb


  • fiki
  • AC
  • built in O2

Having the whole set makes a powerful XCmachine.

PP thoughts only...

Best regards,


6 hours ago, Fly Boomer said:

I know this is an ancient thread, but I found it while looking for differences between Ovations (1, 2, 3).  The URL for the Midwest Mooney that is a Mooney dealer is:


I didn't go further to determine who has the STC, or any other details.  Their website is pretty minimal.

Your best bet is to go directly to Mooney, as they (as Anthony stated above) own the STC for this conversion.  They charge ~$4995 for the STC.  Were you looking for anything particular re: this conversion?



I has a 280hp STC on my Eagle and upgraded it to 310 HP through Mooney two years ago.   This is a great value for the money specially for departing short runway at KPAO and high density altitude take offs at KTRK.   My mechanic at KPAO had to adjust the governor for 2700 RPM and tweaked the fuel flow.  We also had to change the Horizon Tach to red-line at 2700 (no G1000 on my plane).  


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