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1965 M20E is fitted with a standard, push-pull throttle cable.

I've gotten used to the vernier throttle cable setup in my Bonanza, would prefer to have a vernier throttle cable fitted to the Mooney as well.

Can this be done legally?

How hard would it be to find a correct length cable?

Thx in advance for any advice,



Can not be done legally in any reliable or cost effective way.  The 65 E has a microswitch behind the panel for gear warning.  It is fitted into a cut-out in the cable assembly and is something that can not be done easily or legally with the vernier cable.  It you but the switch in the engine compartment, that would still be a modification requiring approval and you would be putting the switch in a harsh environment and is a set=up for failure of the switch.  But a new Vernier cable for the E from Mooney (about $450) if it needs changing - it is a bargain given other obstacles.


John Breda


Actually, the difficulty is not so much the length as it is the notch that is required for the gear warning horn microswitch.

The legality is iffy.

Talk to McFarlane with your mechanic. They have a wide variety of control cables, to include vernier, that will work well. You will have to provide your cable to them and they will custom fabricate what you need, which then becomes an owner produced part, as long as your mechanic agrees with the rationale.

The people at McFarlane Aviation will be glad to talk you and your mechanic through the process. They are also very reasonably priced.


There used to be an stc to install a vernier cable. I with the exception of landing I just push the throttle to the firewall and leave it and use the vernier on the mixture to control power.


Thx very much for the replies.

This isn't a "must have", so if too difficult will probably just give it a pass.

No shortage of other stuff to work on with an older airplane :)



Just to add to the MS brain trust,

what would that number be?

This would be a Mooney sourced & approved part. 


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