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  1. Aspen EFD 1000 PFD for sale. Installed per STC in Mooney M20J, April 2013. Removed November 2021 as part of panel upgrade. I had the unit interfaced to a GNS 430W GPS and SL30 NAV/COMM. The Aspen's GPS steering drove an STEC 30 autopilot. - Includes synthetic vision option. - Includes all hardware modules for installation. - Includes remnants of a wire harness that connected to NAV/COMM. Assume a new harness will be required. I went with Garmin for the panel upgrade, but this Aspen came with the plane when I bought it in 2017, and it really grew on me in the four years I flew it. (First photo: landing at Furnace Creek, CA in Death Valley demonstrated negative numbers worked on the Aspen altitude tape....)
  2. Just a PIREP... I thought I would share some pictures of the Aspen PFD MFD Max upgrades. I also have a G5 so a pretty good comparison of color and clarity side by side.
  3. Asking for a friend...... ’86 M20K, had a Aspen EFD1000 Pro installed; no additional battery besides the internal. This replaced vacuum-driven King KI-256 ADI and a KI-55 HSI. Since these were the only remaining vacuum-driven items on the plane, vacuum system was removed. Legacy airspeed, altitude, and turn coordinator were all retained. A G5 was installed as a backup attitude source. Now learning this may not be a legit installation because the STC for the G5 doesn’t allow its use as a backup attitude source (the G5 apparently isn’t TSO’d in this installation; only TSO’d as the backup to a TXi), and the STC for the Aspen installation requires a TSO’d backup attitude. My question—Has anyone gotten a field approval for this (or a similar) setup?
  4. I have fretted over updating my panel for years and now that it is sitting in the avionics shop I am being hit with a lot of valid and challenging self-induced questions. So I decided I would turn to my Mooney family for some opinions, pros and cons around what I am about to share. Besides, I am sure all of you are sitting around today wishing you had not had that second plate of food or sneaking back into the kitchen after your nap. But the real reason I decided to post is due to so many pictures of Aspen installs in Mooney's but no one removed any of their round gauges...hence, the questions as to whether I am making the right decision. Before I taxied up to the Avionics shop: My 1981 J model had the "out of the factory" round gauges with the only upgrades being; GNS530W, panel mounted 696 (AirGizmo) and EDM700 Original plan before taxiing up to the Avionics shop: Install GTX345, GMA345 and a DAC GDL31 GPSS...and I was also pondering installing the stratus USB charging ports As time progressed and Aspen came out with their reduced price to include synthetic vision, EA100 blah blah blah...the questions and options began to fly: So I decided to add another zero or two to my panel project and the Aspen is now on its way as well as the post purchase remorse. Well since the panel is torn out, why not include a Flight Stream 210...what the heck, let's do that too. What are your plans for backup AI, I honestly had not given that much thought because silly me, I "assumed" the Aspen would shed the need but WRONG, only with the MAX upgrade. Ugh!! What about installing an Aspen MFD, nope my budget is shot! What about relocating the KI256? I realize that is a possibility but I really wanted to shed my vacuum system (I expect a lot of "opinions" from you guys on this topic) What about installing a G5 as your AI backup? Hmmm, I really like that idea So if you're installing the Aspen PFD with a Garmin G5 you know you can eliminate all the round gauges. YIKES !!!!! Did you just say remove all the round gauges???? We would suggest installing the Aspen, G5, retaining your #2 VOR, EDM and install a new pilot side panel...no plugs no holes, fresh, clean and only $1k more. And we will back mount everything. Just for the record, my overall plan is to build for future panel expansion and including the MFD in about two years. Summary and my ask for you guys: At the time of this post I have decided to follow the shops suggestions of installing the Aspen, G5, relocating my EDM, VOR #2, reposition my AP annunciator panel and basically reducing my instruments to about 50% of the panel with the other half clean. And so I can say I said it, I completely get the transition training involved with moving away from round gauges so let's allow that to be a given for the moment. Now it's your turn to fire away and I would like to say " thank you", in advance Rick PS, the attached panel was just me inserting equipment to get a picture of the final product before the idea of removing all round gauges entered the equation.
  5. HELP- I am doing a mini upgrade to my Cessna 340: having professionals add engine monitors, an aspen, a G5 on the FO side, and fixing the autopilot. While they are doing that, the wife and I have been keeping ourselves busy with the upgrades we can do: new carpet (kit from SCS) new fuel cap paint, O-rings new placards and circuit breaker panel lettering new leather like interior (we actually did this ourselves) all new seats (we skinned the 30 year leather off the old ones and had an upholstery shop do these) new paint (and some new pieces) of the plastic trim window covers and now we are replacing all the external screws around the windows (under mechanic supervision) because they are rusty (this is actually kind of a pain to do) What suggestions do you guys have that an owner with limited mechanical skills but good energy and enthusiasm can do while his plane is being upgraded. I probably have a few more weeks of working time. FREE STUFF (and some that will be posted on Ebay) I have the old (one year old) carpet. I bought the "lightweight" kit from SCS last year because it sounded like a good idea. It was too light weight for me. If anyone wants it, it is free for the taking- just come get it. It is actually a fine product- just not robust enough for my application. Plastic window covers. I have four of these- not sure which windows they cover. I know know how to fix these but when I first bought the plane I went to Osh Kosh and bought new ones during a buying spree. They do need repaired but it can be done easily. Free- come get them. And they I will list on Ebay the myriad analog instruments I removed. Tach generators, what I call Mercedes type twin cessna instrumentation, airspeed indicator, altimeter, turn co-ordinator, etc. If anyone knows of something they want just email or call me. They are all located at KLOU. I'm going to post on the twin cessna and POA as well.
  6. I was foolishly boasting on another thread on how fast my lowly C model is based on the TAS displayed on my new Aspen PFD, and then it occurred to me why I might be wrong. Rather than continue to divert that thread, I decided to start a new one. So the Aspen seems to calculate TAS in real time based on IAS, pressure altitude, and OAT data- I would think this would be pretty accurate. However, now that I think about it, I wonder if it has the CAS correction for the aircraft model programmed in? Does anyone know the answer to this? I could not find anything in the Aspen's manual. If not, this would be a significant source of error for the C model. At cruise speeds, power on, no flaps, the IAS is 4mph greater than CAS per the POH. This error should increasingly overestimate TAS with increasing altitude, and any such error would roughly approximate the amounts that I see above book value TAS. It should also get that very nice wind vector it calculates for you using TAS, GS, MH, and TC completely wrong in some situations. Another way to look at this might be that the Aspen PFD is a speed mod of sorts for the C model that flatters you with a high TAS and then explains the lack of commensurate GS increase by falsifying the wind data Does anyone know if I'm right or wrong on this? I think the large CAS error goes away in the newer planes, but i was wondering if anyone else who flys an Aspen in the vintage Mooneys has any thoughts, or if there are any Aspen reps lurking here who can weigh in. I'd be happy to learn that I'm wrong, but then you have to go back to hearing me go on and on about how fast my C is...
  7. My NSD-1000's internal gyro has given up. Repair costs don't make sense when there are affordable solid-state options available. I am looking for an Aspen display (only the display, not the kit), I already have the other components necessary for the install. If anyone knows of a display for sale, please let me know. This includes demo units as I believe they are all the same part.
  8. Being the sucker for new technology, I took advantage of the Aspen SVT promotion. I noticed the SVT on the PFD has a database cycle window that now comes up. I have an MFD with the Jepp nav database. Does anyone know if the Jepp database option for the MFD also satisfies the SVT database requirement for the PFD? And is it like loading the MFD? (i.e. using the JDM software to load it).
  9. Aspen EFD1000 Cutout Diagram View File Page 108 of Document 900-00003-001 Submitter "Chocks" Submitted 04/01/2017 Category Avionics
  10. Today, I travelled 1.5 hours with my Mooney to the avionics shop to get the Aspen software unlock to display weather and traffic on the PFD. The software unlock was released by Aspen in December. The shop checked the wiring and finally found out that they have to disconnect the GTX345 connection to the Flightstream 210 to get the weather and traffic on the Aspen. Doing this, I would get rid of the traffic and weather on the Ipad and the Aera 660 and keep the Flightplan transfer function between Ipad and GTN750. The weather and traffic on the Ipad and Aera 660 may be restored by using the Bluetooth connection from the GTX345. But then I would lose the Flightplan transfer function. So I decided to fly again 1.5 hrs home without installing anything. I like the Flightsream data transfer functions very much and want to keep them. But I would also be able to see weather and traffic on the Aspen. One solution may be an upgrade to a Flightstream 510. But this is an expensive solution. Maybe somebody has the same issue and found a better solution. Stefan
  11. Well, the time has come to sell my most recent project. This 231 has everything anyone could ever desire in a 231. I run a FAA repair station and we are a Mooney service center. All work was completed by us. I will most certainly forget something but here it goes. Airframe: 3400TTSN NDH Brand new grey leather interior, all new solar grey UV glass, 2008 paint (8/10), fresh annual (all brakes, disks, shock disks, tires, tubes, gear stripped and repainted, etc.) factory O2, new masks, speed brakes, etc... Engine: TSIO-360-LB, about 25 hours TSMOH New turbo, new exhaust system, O/H'ed fuel system, new GAMI's, new Meryln waste gate, new intercooler, new mags, new harness, new baffles seals, new mounts, new hoses, sitting on a freshly powder coated mount. If it's not listed here, it's probably new.... Avionics: Aspen 1000 Pro PFD w/ EA100 autopilot adapter and APS4A altitude preselect coupled to the KFC200, driven by a Garmin GTN750 and a GTN650, remote Garmin GTX33ES transponder and remote Garmin GMA35 audio panel, both controlled on the touchscreens. Weather and traffic from the Garmin GDL88, as well as a freshly overhauled Weatherscout Radar just for kicks. Bluetooth comes from a Garmin Flightstream 210 to run all your portable devices. JPI EDM700 engine monitor with fuel flow is hooked to both GTN's giving fuel range rings. This plane flies as good as it sounds and is dripping with technology. There is a listing on TAP here with photos: http://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?category_level1=Single+Engine+Piston&make=MOONEY&model=M20K+231+MODIFIED&listing_id=2168971&s-type=aircraft Also there is a thread on here detailing some of the project as it progressed: Anyone interested can contact me directly on here, or jclemens@daytonaaircraft.com, or call 386-255-2049 M-F 9-5 and ask for Jake. You can also contact my broker listed in the TAP listing.
  12. Hi All, In case you didn't catch this news. The RTX-345 will now talk with the Aspen products for traffic and weather. Looks like $795 unlocked code required (even for the MFD). http://aspenavionics.com/news/aspen-avionics-evolution-displays-integration-with-garmins-gtx-345-ads-b/
  13. I see many keep their AI, is this required? if replacing AI and HSI you eliminate the vacuum pump entirely, yes? How does the GPSS work for you if you have an STEC 30/50? I already have STEC GPSS box which works quite well. Was it an extra charge? Since the HSI will accept 2 VORs, is it possible to parallel the connections, so i can have a separate instrument as backup? Currently my HSI is tied to my Garmin and my 2nd radio drives a standard VOR indicator, which I like to keep but have the radio tied to the Aspen as well. Are there any required subscriptions? Cost? Does it provide audio alerts? TIA,
  14. About time... Aspen unlocks Garmin ADS-B information Aspen Avionics has unveiled unlock software that makes Garmin's new line of ADS-B receivers compatible with the Evolution-series PFD and MFD retrofit display systems.
  15. I have the Aspen PFD1000 and wondered if it's worthwhile having the aural altitude alerter. Can you hear it with noise-cancelling headsets? What type of Sonalert do you have? Can you wire it through the audio panel so you hear it directly in the headset? Thank you for your input.
  16. Selling our little 1963 Mooney that was used to back up our 351 Rocket. She is a fast and economical plane, cruises at 165kts on 12.5gph at FL 150 and does 170kts at FL 180. Down low without the manual Rajay turbo it will cruise at 150kts all day long. Has 12 gallon auxiliary tank in the rear and the standard 48 gallons in the wings. Since we purchased it we: re-sealed both tanks got a new paint job And added: Aspen EFIS Garmin GTX330 Mode "S" transponder with traffic (ready for ADS- (Traffic displayed on Aspen and Garmin) PS Engineering top of the line Audio Sytem with recall and bluetooth Garmin 400Waas GPS coupled to the Stec-50 AP with GPSS (Flyes approaches to minimums) Dual King Radios Garmin 496 in the dash for weather JPI 730 With: Progressive maintenance at MSC (Weber) The plane has pretty much every speed modification available for a Ranger including: 201 windshield Gap seals Rear vertical stabilizer fairings Leading edge wing fairings Cowl closure 231 dash Additionally, 92AV has a great manual Rajay turbo. It has the battery relocated to the rear, dual oil filter systems, Mena Aircraft engine (785h), Plane Power alternator, plus one oxygen bottle with 4 cannulas included for the winning buyer! We have all records and paperwork for the aircraft (one thick folder of pure STC stuff alone). Main wing spar was replaced by previous owner (Maintenance Director for Southwest Airlines). No corrosion at all anywhere (pics are all available). We have flown >900nm non-stop (take it FL170 with the turbo and then decrease power to 50% and continue at 150kts burning 7.4gph) without having to install Monroe tanks (would make this a 1300nm+ airplane if you can handle it) PRICE $55,000. Aircraft is located at KMPO. We can help with transporting it for reasonable distances and coverage of out of pocket costs. Private message me or call Otto at (570) 807-7513.
  17. I didn't put this down in the Avionics Forum, since it's (probably) not really a serious question, but I was wondering how many units Aspen would have to sell to recoup the R&D, and probably recertifying, the production of a landscape oriented Aspen Evolution. I think it would slide right into the space currently occupied by my DG and Nav 122. I like the nostalgia of a shotgun panel, but I also like utility and am (try to be) a CB. I mean, there's a whole lot of vintage panels out there and upgrading them to a standard six configuration is expensive, time consuming, and (especially if you do it yourself) a real pain. I think it's a no-brainer... so, what say the masses?
  18. I have a KAP-150 autopilot with a GNS 430W and Aspen Evolution. My autopilot tracks the GPS course with about a 1/8 mile offset to the right. When I select the Heading Bug steering source (non-GPSS), the autopilot tracks a couple of degrees right of the commanded heading. Is there a way to adjust or fine tune the KAP-150 autopilot to track course centerline and the heading bug? Thanks Dan
  19. Here is my first video taken in my 1984 Mooney M20J. I had the Aspen Evolution installed earlier this year. I really enjoy flying this airplane and my dog always loves to come along. wish i could figure out how to embed my youtube video instead of link it... Hope y'all enjoy it. -Dan
  20. Well, as some of you may know, I'm trying to finalize my decision on some panel modernization. One thing that I have to come to realize so far in my instrument training: No DME, an Inop ADF and a marginally functional GS is not comforting for me to be hitting the conditions I plan to fly in. The comfort level goes even further down when I think about having my wife and daughter flying with me in those same conditions. For what it's worth, I think I have settled in on the Garmin 650 for my GPS, keeping one of my Mac1700s and the CDI it feeds. I initially planned on putting in a EI MVP50, but after looking at my expenditures a little closer, I'm entertaining a Aspen PFD 1000 Pro now and then coming back for the 1000 MFD and the MVP 50 next year. (Giving me a Evolution 2000 system and being able to remove the original gauges and when all is said and done.) The question I have for you ladies and gentleman is whether I would still need a GI106A/ MD200-306 if I have the aspen, or if it can act as the CDI for my 650. I'm new to this, so I apologize if this is a simple question. Any other advice you may have is also greatly appreciated, and definitely will be considered. Warmest Regards, Abe L. Harper, Jr.
  21. Just bought a Royal Turbine Duke and need to sell my 1996 Mooney Ovation. Airframe: 1724.7 total time since new Engine: 1724.7 total time since new - upgraded in March 2008 to IO-550-G-AP 310 Horsepower by AvPower LLC STC No. SE02930AT. 2000 hour recommended TBO Prop: 671 total time since new. Hartzell 3 blade scimitar prop Avionics: ASPEN EFD1000 PRO Primary Flight Display System (with AHRS and air data computer) installed in February 2009 King KMA-24 Audio Panel with 3 light MB Dual King KX-165 Nav/Comms with Glide Slope King KFC-150 Autopilot with Altitude Pre-select and Flight Director King KT-76A Transponder King KLN-89B GPS Yoke mounted Garmin 696 with NEXRAD Radar, METARs, TAFs, Winds Aloft, and geo-referenced charts Additional equipment: Emergency Standby Alternator (20 amp) Second ship's battery Standby Vacuum System Speed Brakes Shadin Fuel Computer 4 place Stereo Intercom with Music input and Clearance Playback feature Electric Rudder Trim Wing Recognition Lights Artic Air Portable Air Conditioner Unit Grey over Blue Paint with Post Red and Gold Metallic stripes (original) Grey Perforated Leather seats and grey carpet. Black leather covered yokes (anniversary edition) (original) Complete Log Books. No Damage History Fresh annual with sale. FAR checks due May 2015 Contact owner for more information Asking $168,500 Troy Welch twelch413@aol.com phone 817 233-2397
  22. Has anyone in Canada removed their vacuum driven system from a 201 with the install of a pro pfd/mfd combo with battery back-up ? I currently have the 1000 pfd pro installed coupled to 430waas..and will be installing another 430waas and mfd with battery back-up... Should this not enable me to have the vac driven equipment removed or am i being misled, any of you folks have some experience with this ? Lets disregard that the autopilot is driven by the attitude gyro for now as it will be replaced in the near future and rarely is used now..
  23. Yesterday was a perfect day for flying! So I went out there and flew down to the beach. Some nice shots of my Panel in action and some volcanos (including one smoking...) Enjoy.... Oscar
  24. From the album: #mooniac58's album

    Got the X-grip iPad mount. New mini is talking to the panel and syncing flight plans with Connected Panel perfectly.
  25. Little vid of my 2 hour trip to work from just west of Calgary, Alberta (Springbank) to Fort McMurray, Alberta...and some of the, uhhh, sights? along the way... later, M.
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